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Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems, Volume 9 is a collection of manuscripts presented at the Second International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Biological Systems, held in Wenner-Gren Center, Stockholm, Sweden on June 1966. The conference is sponsored by International Union of Biochemistry Swedish Medical Research Council Swedish Natural Science Research Council Wenner-Gren Center Foundation for Scientific Research. This book contains 51 chapters, and begins with reviews of NMR investigations of biological macromolecules, including proteins, amino acids, and glycylglycine copper (II). Considerable chapters are devoted to numerous biological studies using the electronic paramagnetic resonance (EPR), thus introducing the branch of science called submolecular biology. This book also explores other applications of NMR and EPR, with special emphasis on blood component analysis and protein-metal complexes. The final chapters survey the principles and applications of Mössbauer spectroscopy. This book will prove useful to analytical chemists and biologists.
During teaching NMR to students and researchers, we felt the need for a text-book which can cover modern trends in the application of NMR to biological systems. This book covers the entire area of NMR in Biological Sciences (Biomolecules, cells and tissues, animals, plants and drug design). As well as being useful to researchers, this is an excellent book for teaching a course on NMR in Biological Systems.
We are pleased to present this second volume of a series that has already received much interest. The application of magnetic resonance methods to the study of actual biological systems as contrasted to cell-free samples, although not entirely novel, as demonstrated by Civan and Shporer in Volume I, has taken on new dimensions with the use of phosphorus-31 and carbon-13 NMR in studying cells, tissues, and organelles. The applications of 31 P NMR to such systems is reviewed in this volume, while carbon-13 will be covered in a later one. The use of nitroxide spin labels has grown to the point where it now may be considered a common biological technique. The synthesis and applications of a new class of nitroxides is described in this volume. ESR spectroscopy of paramagnetic ions is a powerful approach to studying molecular and structural details, as the chapter by Boas, Pilbrow, and Smith on the ESR of copper in Volume 1 has shown. In this volume the ESR of molybdenum and iron is treated in a comparable fashion. In the first volume some aspects of 1 H NMR spectroscopy of certain classes of In this volume the high-resolu biological macromolecules were discussed.· tion multinuclear NMR spectra of peptides, including the physiologically significant peptide hormones, are reviewed.
Distance measurements in biological systems by EPR The foundation for understanding function and dynamics of biological systems is knowledge of their structure. Many experimental methodologies are used for determination of structure, each with special utility. Volumes in this series on Biological Magnetic Resonance emphasize the methods that involve magnetic resonance. This volume seeks to provide a critical evaluation of EPR methods for determining the distances between two unpaired electrons. The editors invited the authors to make this a very practical book, with specific numerical examples of how experimental data is worked up to produce a distance estimate, and realistic assessments of uncertainties and of the range of applicability, along with examples of the power of the technique to answer biological problems. The first chapter is an overview, by two of the editors, of EPR methods to determine distances, with a focus on the range of applicability. The next chapter, also by the Batons, reviews what is known about electron spin relaxation times that are needed in estimating distances between spins or in selecting appropriate temperatures for particular experiments. Albert Beth and Eric Hustedt describe the information about spin-spin interaction that one can obtain by simulating CW EPR line shapes of nitroxyl radicals. The information in fluid solution CW EPR spectra of dual-spin labeled proteins is illustrated by Hassane Mchaourab and Eduardo Perozo.
We are pleased to present Volume 9 of our highly successful series, which now celebrates 12 years of providing the magnetic resonance community with topical, authoritative chapters on new aspects of biological magnetic resonance. As always, we try to present a diversity of topic coverage in each volume, ranging from applications of in vivo magnetic resonance to more fundamental aspects of electron spin resonance and nuclear magnetic resonance. Philip Yeagle presents an eagerly awaited chapter on 31p NMR studies of membranes and membrane protein interactions. Alan Marshall has con tributed two chapters to the volume: one, with Jiejun Wu, describes magnetic resonance studies of 5S-RNA as probes of its structure and conformation; the secon