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macroeconomics for managers This book by Michael Evans provides an excellent introduction to understanding the impact of the macroeconomy on a business. It is well written and makes the subject matter accessible to MBA and college students, managers, and interested laymen. This book belongs on every business bookshelf. Raj Aggarwal, Kent State University This text offers business managers and business school students an excellent practical explanation of the short-term linkages that impact the performance of the overall economy. While the underlying theoretical constructs are not ignored, emphasis is placed on the empirical underpinnings and managerial implications of macroeconomics. The text begins by introducing key concepts such as the GDP, National and Personal Income, and the various measures of inflation and unemployment. Building on this foundation it then analyzes the following aspects of macroeconomics: aggregate supply and demand, international financial markets, cyclical fluctuations, policy analysis, and forecasting. Engaging the reader through many features, the text includes detailed case studies and “Manager’s Briefcase” discussions, which provide practical applications of macroeconomic concepts to real-world situations. Additionally, each chapter ends with a list of key concepts, a chapter summary, and practice questions. Its short-term, empirically oriented approach makes this text a distinctive and practical resource for better understanding macroeconomics.
Applied Macroeconomics for Public Policy applies system and control theory approaches to macroeconomic problems. The book shows how to build simple and efficient macroeconomic models for policy analysis. By using these models, instead of complex multi-criteria models with uncertain parameters, readers will gain new certainty in macroeconomic decision-making. As high debt to GDP ratios cause problems in societies, this book provides insights on improving economies during and after economic downturns.
A concise but rigorous and thorough introduction to modern macroeconomic theory. This book offers an introduction to modern macroeconomic theory. It is concise but rigorous and broad, covering all major areas in mainstream macroeconomics today and showing how macroeconomic models build on and relate to each other. The self-contained text begins with models of individual decision makers, proceeds to models of general equilibrium without and with friction, and, finally, presents positive and normative theories of economic policy. After a review of the microeconomic foundations of macroeconomics, the book analyzes the household optimization problem, the representative household model, and the overlapping generations model. It examines risk and the implications for household choices and macroeconomic outcomes; equilibrium asset returns, prices, and bubbles; labor supply, growth, and business cycles; and open economy issues. It introduces frictions and analyzes their consequences in the labor market, financial markets, and for investment; studies money as a unit of account, store of value, and medium of exchange; and analyzes price setting in general equilibrium. Turning to government and economic policy, the book covers taxation, debt, social security, and monetary policy; optimal fiscal and monetary policies; and sequential policy choice, with applications in capital income taxation, sovereign debt and default, politically motivated redistribution, and monetary policy biases. Macroeconomic Analysis can be used by first-year graduate students in economics and students in master's programs, and as a supplemental text for advanced courses.
In the past fifteen years a new field of research has emerged in economics: the application of control theory methods to macroeconomics and to microeconomics. The papers and books which have resulted from this research are important to the development of theoretical and applied economics. However, they are inaccessible to many with interest in economics because of the technical nature of the discussion. This book attempts to make the macro economic portion of this literature more accessible by providing a discussion of the key issues using words and figures rather than mathematical symbols. I would like to thank my mentors and colleagues in control theory and economics for their help over the years: Masanao Aoki, Michael Athans, Yaakov Bar-Shalom, Jeremy Bray, Arthur Bryson, Gregory Chow, Ray Fair, Laurie Henrikson, David Livesey, Raman Mehra, Alfred Norman, Robert Pindyck, Franklin Shupp, John Taylor, Lance Taylor, Peter Tinsley, Edison Tse, and Stephen Turnovsky.
This is an applications-oriented text that demystifies the linkages between monetary and fiscal policies and key macroeconomic variables such as income, unemployment, inflation and interest rates. Specially written "newspaper" articles simulate current macroeconomic news on asset-price bubbles, exchange rates, hyperinflation and more. Exercises and diagrams, and a global perspective – incorporating both developed and emerging economies - make this a broadly useful, real-world oriented text on a complex and shifting subject.
After the transition to free economy, governments of the former Soviet republics realized that in spite of becoming a part of the shaky international economic order, their individual economic success can be assured by rational national economic policies that in addition to the fundamental law of supply and demand govern the economic mechanism sensitive to both external and internal phenomena. Originally published in Russian and now translated in English, this book by Dr. A. Ashimov and his colleagues offers a novel theory providing a numerically-justifiable approach to the solution of major economy control problems that are faced by virtually every government in the world. First, they developed and validated numerous mathematical models describing complex interactions between economic and social factors thus enabling the decision makers to foresee the outcomes of their decisions. Second, on the basis of these models the authors formulated the appropriate control problems that could be interpreted as achieving the transition to the desirable economic regimes and maintaining these regimes in spite of initial conditions and both external and internal perturbations. It should be noted that due to the inherent uncertainty introduced by the use of statistical models, the nonlinearity of the underlying phenomena and the intention to obtain the optimal solutions, the solution process becomes quite intricate and calls for the application of the most sophisticated techniques offered in advanced control theory. The authors utilized the most instrumental statistical model validation techniques; they established sufficient conditions for the existence of optimal solutions of the relevant control problems; and they skillfully combined the applications of the phase space formalism, system stability analysis, and the methods of functional analysis. Finally, they developed algorithms resulting in the optimal problem solutions, thus offering economic policy makers a dependable decision support tool. Macroeconomic Analysis and Economic Policy Based on Parametric Control offers a novel, highly mathematical approach to the solution of very realistic economy control problems. It presents a good example of the application of mathematical modeling, advanced control theory, and model-based decision making that could be adopted by researchers and graduate students specializing in economics, control, and relevant areas of research, addressing their own research problems.
This is an applications-oriented text that demystifies the linkages between monetary and fiscal policies and key macroeconomic variables such as income, unemployment, inflation and interest rates. Specially written "newspaper" articles simulate current macroeconomic news on asset-price bubbles, exchange rates, hyperinflation and more. Exercises and diagrams, and a global perspective – incorporating both developed and emerging economies - make this a broadly useful, real-world oriented text on a complex and shifting subject.
The recovery in GDP growth since the global financial crisis has been halting and weak. Concern is widespread that countercyclical policies have run out of space or lack the power to raise growth or deal with the next negative shock. This note argues that room exists for effective policies and that it should be used if appropriate. The most promising route involves a comprehensive, consistent, and coordinated approach to policy making. Comprehensive policy actions within a country exploit synergies, making the whole greater than the sum of parts. Consistent policy frameworks anchor long-term expectations while allowing decisive short- to medium-term accommodation whenever necessary. Coordinated policies across major economies amplify the helpful effects of individual policy actions through positive cross-border spillovers. The findings of this paper indicate that policy coordination adds particular value if the current approach falls short of reviving growth, or in the event of a further downward shock.
Paul Whiteley integrates two fields of study which have traditionally remained separate - public policy analysis and macroeconomic theory. He applies theoretical models from macroeconomics to key issues in public policy analysis. He measures the effects of technological change, the nature of economic growth, and the extent to which government can stimulate productivity and manipulate the economy for electoral purposes. Two dimensions, essential in understanding the political determinants of economic policy, are highlighted: the short- and long-term effects of policies; and the relationship between policy instruments, such as public expenditure, and policy targets, such as full employment. Using cross-sectional and time-series data, Paul Whiteley tests and develops models for assessing policies and their outcomes. His conclusions about government mechanisms for exerting influence on the economy have important implications for public policy and macroeconomic analyses.