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This second volume of the LaRouche Legacy Foundation's Lyndon LaRouche Collected Works, brings together seventeen articles chosen from the wealth of Lyndon LaRouche's writings focused on the question of culture. As the reader shall discover for him or herself in the pages that follow, LaRouche considered this subject as central to his life's work as his unique economic discoveries, which were the subject of Volume I of his Collected Works. In fact, the two are inextricably linked in his thinking.
Examines the ideology of Lyndon LaRouche, the followers who believe in him, and his political activities.
“Where do they get the money?” China and India are going to the Moon and Mars. Modern railroads are cutting across the empty expanses of Eurasia and Africa. “Poor countries” are doing amazing things while the “rich countries” of Europe and North America are in constant crisis or struggling. America used to have the world’s leading space program, a leading research program to develop the power source of the stars--thermonuclear fusion power. What happened to steel and auto? --family farms? What is different abroad? The difference abroad is not to be found in anything to do with money! More and more governments have decided that Lyndon LaRouche was right all along. Wealth does not derive from money but from the application of the human mind and body with the assistance of Hamiltonian credit to the physical building of a better future. In America where these concepts were developed, they have been suppressed in favor of “the magic of markets.” The concepts in the studies comprising this book, originally published around the turn of the 21st century, are now alive and growing among governing circles responsible for 80% of the world’s population. Isn’t it time that governing policy in America too should implement the ideas in this book and join hands with those nations who would love to work together with America to create a bright future for all? Read this book!
It is not necessary to let millions of babies die or to murder your own aunt in order to save the trees! Lyndon LaRouche refutes the Club of Rome's Limits to Growth hoax and shows that human creativity expressed as continuous scientific and technological progress is the single prerequisite to both secure the future of humanity and to spread the principle of life through more and more of the Universe.
Over the course of American history, the United States of America, and its sister republics in Ibero-America, have had their sovereignties and development constantly threatened and often undermined by imperial machinations: assassinations, drug running, cultural warfare, rigged scandals, senseless military engagements, coups, currency runs, etc. Every thinking patriot of whatever nation has long sought the overthrow of the British Empire in order to secure a sovereign, peaceful and prosperous future for his or her nation. Lyndon LaRouche has long identified the combination of the United States, Russia, China and India as the minimum array of power necessary to finally shut down the Anglo-Dutch Imperial System. Today, in 2018, the British Empire has been forced out into the open. It is no longer a secret known only to historians, diplomats, and intelligence agencies, that the hand of the British Empire has been directly intervening into, and often decisively, America’s (as well as nearly every other nation’s) political affairs for decades if not centuries. The possibility of the Four Powers finally coming together to overthrow the Empire, establish Mr. LaRouche’s New Bretton Woods fixed exchange rate credit system, and create what Mrs. Helga Zepp-LaRouche and the Schiller Institute call The New Paradigm of relations among nations based upon cooperative development of science, technology and infrastructure—from Earth into the galaxy—has thrown the Empire into self-exposure and self-destructive, fearful, aggressive fits. This book, by bringing the power of Truth to bear upon the Empire, and making easily accessible Mr. LaRouche’s clarity about the actions required of the Four Powers, will accelerate the final demise of the Empire and its replacement by a beautiful future for all (including the currently hysterical tentacles of Empire). In addition to Mr. LaRouche’s outlines of the actions required of the Four Powers, a series of appendices are include to facilitate better mutual understanding among the people and leaders of the Four Powers. The better the peoples of the Four Powers understand each other, the better they will be able to work together to take the measures immediately necessary, and in the long run jointly work on the great project of developing civilization as a whole.
Down with Adam Smith! Away with the foolish professors who claim economics is "the dismal science," chained to a calculus of "scarce resources"! The only economics worth knowing is the science of increasing mankind's power over nature at increasing rates, in accordance with natural law as expressed in the Book of Genesis. LaRouche puts economics back where it belongs, so that every citizen can master for himself the fundamental principles that made the United States an industrial and agricultural superpower--from the advanced standpoint required to run a 21st-century fusion-power economy. The present "Second Great Depression" is completely unnecessary. There is no need for the 1931-style financial collapse that faces the Trans-Atlantic region today. The rapidly developing nations of the world are using the ideas in this book to create, spread and share a prosperous future. Should the United States decide to join them in applying the ideas in this book, the future of civilization will be of unlimited potential.
EIR RELEASES ROAD-MAP TO THE NEW WORLD ECONOMIC ORDER: THE NEW SILK ROAD BECOMES THE WORLD LAND-BRIDGE EIR's comprehensive study of the progress of the Eurasian Land-Bridge project which Lyndon and Helga LaRouche have championed for over 20 years, has finally been completed. The official release date is Dec. 1. The 374-page report, entitled The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge, '' is nothing less than a conceptual, and often physical, road-map'' to a New World Economic Order. This path is currently being charted by the nations of the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa), who are leading a dynamic of global optimism toward real economic development, complete with new credit institutions and major high-technology projects for uplifting all mankind. After an introduction by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the report lays out the "Metrics of Progress," based on the economic scientific principles developed by renowned physical economist Lyndon LaRouche. It then proceeds region by region, beginning with China and Russia, to present the stunning progress, and plans, which have been made toward the Eurasian Land-Bridge design that the Chinese government laid out in 1996, and other nations have begun to rally behind in recent years. The report, complete with many full-color maps of its featured development corridors, is available in paperback for $50 and hard cover bound for $75.
This poor but precious civilization of ours could yet be rescued from what may appear to many, more and more often, the accelerating onrush of apocalyptic doom. This civilization could be saved--if we earn that. If we are not all to drown, your neighbor too, must learn now to swim. What therefore did you urgently need to know, which I had either neglected to tell you, or, perhaps, had not said clearly enough? What did you require most urgently, that you might rescue us from your neighbor’s folly? A grander strategic perspective, a more alluring set of programs of economic reconstruction? I thought that was not where my omission lay. What your neighbor required, most urgently, was not instruction on what to think, but remedial assistance in the matter of how to think. One must never make apology for saying even unpleasant things which are needed, most urgently, to be said. One need not apologize for saying that as well as possible--if no one else were saying it better. I wish devoutly it were better; but nonetheless, it had been better said than not. Now, my friends have elected, very kindly, to reissue these three published philosophical writings together, in a single volume. May it enrich you and so give you pleasure. I can do no better but share with you something slightly better than that which I have to give. --Lyndon Larouche