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“A fast-paced debut… A candid, modern take on polyamory for fans of memoirs and graphic novels, and anyone interested in stories of dating, love, and romance.” —Library Journal After trying for years to emulate her boomer parents’ forty-year and still-going-strong marriage, Sophie realized that maybe the love she was looking for was down a road less traveled. In this bold, graphic memoir, she explores her sexuality, her values, and the versions of love our society accepts and practices. Along the way, she shares what it’s like to play on Tinder side-by-side with your boyfriend, encounter—and surmount—many types of jealousy, learn the power of female friendship, and other amazing things that happened when she stopped looking for “the one.” In a lot of ways, Many Love is Sophie’s love letter to everyone she has ever cared for. Witty, insightful, and complete with illustrations, this debut provides a memorable glimpse into an unconventional life.
Desperate to avoid being trapped into marriage by the lovely but scheming Lady Charlotte Denington, the handsome young Duke of Ingleby is relieved to be sent on a special secret mission for the Viceroy of India, Lord Curzon. He is to find and if he is in time to save an ancient Buddhist Temple on the island of Java from desecration and looting by the Dutch who are the Rulers of the country at the time. Travelling incognito and posing as an English tourist keen to photograph the delightful scenery of Java, the Duke unexpectedly meets a beautiful and ethereal young woman called ‘Sarida’ at the Temple’s portal. Although clearly English, Sarida bears this Javanese name and is attuned to Javanese culture. Indeed she believes fervently in the Buddha. The Duke is entranced and then enthralled when he discovers that he and she bear an uncanny resemblance to the sculpted portrayals of a Javanese King and Princess in the depths of the Temple. It is as if they have been together and loved each other in another life. Even without speaking they both understand that this is what the Buddhists have always called The Wheel of Rebirth. And, as together they face terrible danger, it is immediately obvious that the attraction between them is too powerful to resist. It is all an essential part of the Divine power of the Temple of Love.
Have you been hurt or rejected by someone you love? Are you afraid to love again? Do you believe that you have lost the love you had for your spouse? p>Do you want to rekindle the love that you once had? Do you desire to enhance what you have? Do you feel as though your love for God has gone away? Are you contemplating divorce? Are you committing adultery? If you need help to get out of the situation that you are in, this could be the book for you. My prayer is that as you read this book you will receive healing in the area that you need it most, or deliverance from the situation that you are in. I pray that the flame of fire that you once had will be rekindled in your heart and evidenced in your life. God Bless you!
Are you ready to GROW into becoming the best version of yourself that God created you to be? If so, get ready for the next chapter of your story! Do you ever get the feeling that you're not quite living up to your full potential? When we try to do things in our own strength, we usually end up falling short of the greatness that lies within us. When it comes to personal development, learning how to grow in faith is key. And the first step is to accept the grace of God into your heart. Grace in Love: Experiencing the Transformational Change of God's Grace is a step-by-step guide for people of all walks of life to learn how to tap into their God-given potential. In this twelve-step guidebook, you will learn how to follow key biblical principles in order to experience the transformational change of God's grace. The ultimate goal is to reach the state of living in "grace in love": walking in GRACE, with our hearts IN LOVE--loving God, ourselves, and others while we fulfill our God-given potential. Whatever season you find yourself in right now, this book is meant to serve as a wake-up call for how to turn your dreams into reality. Author, Amy Lisek, followed these biblical truths and experienced a surreal transformational change from the inside out. Amy went from feeling broken to feeling beautiful, from being lost to being found, from feeling "less than" to feeling more than enough, from struggling to living her best life. Amy now feels called to share the secrets to her own success with others in order to help them do the same. She wants you to start agreeing with God and the truth of His promises for you. An amazing life is in store for you. You won't want to miss it.
Grow closer to God through six weeks of prayer focused on a specific spiritual topic. Since their original release in the late 1980s, the Take and Receive prayer-book series has sold more than 150,000 copies, and its five themed books are hailed as classics in the Ignatian prayer tradition. The first two books in the series are being repackaged and reprinted by Loyola Press. Love: A Guide for Prayer and Forgiveness: A Guide for Prayer provide topic-based opportunities for people to grow deeper in their relationship with God through prayer. The theme of each volume directly correlates with a segment of the Spiritual Exercises, though no previous experience with the Exercises is needed to benefit from these books. Covering 36 days over a six-week period, each day offers scriptural passages with commentary, followed by a suggested approach to prayer for that day. Especially helpful is a section at the beginning of the book that explains the different types of solitary prayer that readers will be asked to engage in throughout the six weeks, such as meditation, contemplation, and centering prayer. Ideal for all who desire a closer relationship with God, these books help us reimagine what it means to pray and help us see with new eyes God’s presence and activity in our daily lives.
There is a cry of desperation and an urgency to know the pure, unconditional love of Christ. Covenant Love takes you on a voyage with the one who is love. Robyn shares her personal and wild testimony of healing and the journey she endeavored to discover the promises of hope, health, life, and freedom found in the infallible love and pursuit of the Father through His Son, Jesus Christ. Covenant Love will help you: awaken to and grasp the love of Christ and His longing for His Bride; receive Gods perfect love and lay down offenses that hinder His love in your life; understand what covenant love is and the promises of God that it contains; prepare for the day of Christs return through the work of the cross and the power of the Holy Spirit; and grow in prayer and discernment as you deepen your relationship and intimacy with Christ.
"This is not for the faint of heart, nor for Christians who want to be entertained. This is for hungry Bible students seeking vast, deep answers to a vast, deep subject""the all-important subject of Love. This book could and should be the standalone text for an 8 credit hour college course, mandatory for every accredited Bible student. And, it is a must for every layman who wants to understand the most important teachings of the Bible on a serious level." - Jesse Steele, Moody Bible Institute Alum This book is offered to help you love the Lord with your whole heart and to better know your Creator. It is intended to help clarify some lingering misunderstandings that trace back far into biblical history. The book deals with the righteousness and holiness of God as seen in His laws, but from a New Covenant perspective: love. Showing the distinction between the dispensational Law of Moses and the eternal and unchanging Law of God, the book focuses on love, as love is the focus of both the Law of God and the Law of Moses (Rom. 13:8). It's all about loving God with all your heart and loving your neighbor as yourself, even loving your enemy. With man this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible. These matters have the greatest bearing on our future reward in the heavenly kingdom and upon the power of our ministry today. With a clearer view of this line in the Bible, it is our prayer that we will all stand more confidently as we await and hasten the return of our Lord. Seek first his kingdom and its righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you. The book also covers emerging research regarding the 364-day calendar of the books of 1st Enoch and Jubilees, and how to manage it in a 365-day context. I think you will enjoy studying this with us. Think about it, your Creator wants to have dates with you, on the dates that his feasts have been observed in the heavens since creation. As we journeyed through these things I was humbled to receive seven dreams from the Lord to help shepherd us through, which I document in the appendix. Several in our extended family have also been warned and encouraged in dreams. The arm of Yahweh is not short to also give you dreams and other works of the coming kingdom. But it all begins with desperate searching in his Word. Keep asking, and you will receive. Keep seeking, and you will find. Keep knocking, and it will be opened to you!
When her chaise is damaged in an accident far from her home, the beautiful young Lady Athina Ling has no choice but to stay at a nearby Posting inn while awaiting its repair. There she is appalled to hear the pitiful screams of a young boy who is being savagely beaten by the ‘gentleman’ who appears to be his Guardian. After bravely going to the child’s rescue, Athina discovers that he is Peter, the nephew of the handsome Marquis of Rockingdale whose estate neighbours her own and that he, Peter, is the heir to a very considerable fortune. Seeing the child’s horrific wounds, the Marquis agrees to help Athina protect and look after him – but he also needs her help with a great problem of his own. Namely that he must become engaged to be married before Queen Victoria will allow him to take up the important position of State he craves of the Master of the Horse. Which the Marquis is superbly qualified to excel at as he has been closely involved with the breeding and training of horses all his life. So to help protect the boy, Athina agrees to a pretend engagement to the Marquis to satisfy the demands of the Queen. But the threat is far worse than either of them could ever have imagined. As they strive together to save the boy from his murderous stepfather, they begin to realise that their engagement is no longer a pretence and that, in fact, this is love!
After her mother Lottie’s death in Paris, the penniless but beautiful Clova McBlane has no one to turn to, so she decides to head for Scotland to the Clan Lottie abandoned when Clova was just seven. Then Fate intervenes and a vast inheritance from her dead mother’s former South African lover makes her a rich woman. Nevertheless she is afraid that her kith and kin will despise her as they did her mother, who ran away from Clova’s father with a Sassenach to a life of sin and gaiety in Paris and Monte Carlo. But to her amazement she is told that she has inherited on her father’s death the title of Marchioness of Strathblane and is now the Chieftain of the highly respected McBlane Clan, as titles and Chieftainships can be inherited by females in Scotland. But her new wealth and power turn out to be double-edged swords. Not only is her Clan embroiled in a bitter feud with the neighbouring McGowans but her Cousin Euan is also plotting to seize her title and her fortune from her by the foulest of tricks and dishonesty and then proclaim herself the Chieftain. Winning the hearts of her Clan with her brave leadership and inspired oratory, she loses her own to the so-called enemy Laird of the McGowans and, if wicked and cynical Cousin Euan has his way, she will lose her life as well.