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Have you ever thought you had life under control—until you didn’t? Perhaps thinking “God is in control” but living as if you are. It’s like walking around with a full glass of water, afraid it will spill with one wrong move. And when it spills and makes a mess, you realize what little control you have and how dependent on God you truly are. In Lose Control, Shannon Hoffpauir takes you on a six-week journey through the Book of First Samuel, which is an epic story about a fight for control. Despite God’s warnings through the prophet Samuel, the nation of Israel was determined to take control by having their own king. As you dig into the saga of King Saul and David, who would become the next anointed king of Israel, you will discover that no plan or purpose of God can be thwarted by human beings. Even the worst of circumstances can be used by God to accomplish His purposes in your life. In her no-nonsense, authentic teaching style that endears her to women of all ages, Shannon encourages you to lose control so that you can find your soul through a trusting relationship with your faithful God. Available components for this six-week Bible study, each available separately, include a Participant Workbook, a Leader Guide, and a DVD with six 25-minute segments (with closed captioning). An in-depth six-week exploration of the entire Book of 1 Samuel. Study includes five days of homework for each week. Encourages women to exchange their desire for control for God’s gift of faith. Helps women gain a deeper love and grace for others. DVD features dynamic, engaging teaching in six 25-minute segments.
Have you ever thought you had life under control—until you didn’t? Perhaps thinking “God is in control” but living as if you are. It's like walking around with a hot cup of coffee, afraid that with one wrong move it will spill and be a burning hot mess. Then you realize what little control you have and how dependent on God you truly are. In Lose Control, Mary Shannon Hoffpauir takes you on a six-week journey through the Book of First Samuel, which is an epic story about a fight for control. Despite God’s warnings through the prophet Samuel, the nation of Israel was determined to take control by having their own king. As you dig into the saga of King Saul and David, who would become the next anointed king of Israel, you will discover that no plan or purpose of God can be thwarted by human beings. Even the worst of circumstances can be used by God to accomplish His purposes in your life. In her no-nonsense, authentic teaching style that endears her to women of all ages, Mary Shannon encourages you to lose control so that you can find your soul through a trusting relationship with your faithful God. Components for this six-week Bible study, each available separately, include a Participant Workbook, a Leader Guide, and a DVD with six 25-minute segments (with closed captioning). An in-depth six-week exploration of the entire Book of 1 Samuel. - Study includes five days of homework for each week. - Encourages women to exchange their desire for control for God’s gift of faith. - Helps women gain a deeper love and grace for others. - DVD features dynamic, engaging teaching in six 25-minute segments.
Lessons from Naomi in the Book of Ruth. Few things make us feel as helpless as living with a story we don’t like. Maybe one that involves the loss of a loved one, an unwanted transition, a difficult diagnosis, or a dream that fell through. At one time or another, we all deal with disappointments and feelings that life is unfair or that we are being punished. In Renewed, a four-week study of the Book of Ruth, women glean wisdom from Naomi’s perspective, a woman who lived a story she didn’t choose or like. Forced to chart a new path as she mourned the loss of her husband and two sons, Naomi learned that the journey from bitterness to renewed hope and joy was rooted in God’s promise of redemption. With insight from her own journey of living with a story that is not easy, Heather teaches women to flourish even as they live hard stories through a willingness to trust that God can transform them and trade their heartache for hope. They will learn to rely on God’s movement in the details of their story, even when it can’t be seen, gain confidence to act in the part of their stories that they can change, and watch expectantly for God to redeem the parts they can’t. Components for this four-week Bible study, available separately, include a Participant Workbook with Leader Helps and a DVD with four 20 to 25-minute segments (with closed captioning).
Embark on a six-week journey to letting go of the things you can’t control, finding the strength to hang on tighter to those you can—and finally learning how to tell the difference. If you’re like most women, you have been trying to hang on tight, so you can get life right. Jennifer Dukes Lee has written this Bible study workbook especially for you. Over the course of this study, you’ll Uncover surprising truths from the life of Jesus about busy-ness, obedience, and asking for help Discover five major reasons that keep us from trusting God—and how to overcome them Make healthier, wiser decisions about how to spend your time and energy Find practical exercises and Scriptural truths to guide you in living a life of surrender to God. This isn’t a journey to “doing less;” it’s about becoming more of who God has truly created you to be. This workbook, for small groups or individual study, is a companion resource to the book It’s All under Control (sold separately).
Carlos Whittaker equips you with practical steps to destroying the roots of your deep-seated habits so you can get rid of what's holding you back and embrace true freedom in Christ. Are you tired of trying to live for Christ--only to fail time and time again with the same old behaviors? Do you pray for guidance, ask for deliverance, and vow to do better, yet fail to progress? As an author, speaker, podcaster, and communicator for our time, Carlos has lived much of his spiritual life in the spotlight. But, like any Christian, his faith story has had its ups and downs. He spent decades trying to figure out how to be a "better person." Time and time again, he strived for holiness, only to get caught in a cycle of destructive habits, behaviors, and thought patterns. But the buck stops here. Or, rather, the spider is killed here. Throughout Kill the Spider, Carlos walks you through the key aspects of killing the spiders in your own life, including: Confessing the lies you've believed Renouncing the lies that have held you back Rejecting every lie that Jesus has exposed to you Replacing these lies with Jesus's truth In Kill the Spider, Carlos shares everything from hilarious, self-deprecating stories to passion-filled wisdom to teach us that we can't just clear away the pesky cobwebs. Instead, we need to find the spider--the source of the issue--and take it out entirely. Carlos offers a breath of fresh air to any believer looking to finally step into the freedom in Christ. Take a seat, open up your book, and grab a shoe. We're going on a spider hunt.
This is the participant's workbook for this study. For more information about this study go to the Leader's Guide #0687471211
Discover how God is pursuing you. We all want to be loved. We long to be desired, pursued—whether by a special someone, our friends, or others in our lives. This longing for love and acceptance is the underlying story of many of our lives, and it's the overarching story we see throughout the Scriptures. Although the Bible tells many stories, the main theme is God’s relentless love for us. In Pursued, a six-week Bible study by Jennifer Cowart, we will explore God’s great love for us from Genesis to Revelation. We will see that God passionately pursues people who do not deserve His love, and we are those people! Like Cain, Abraham, Sarah, Rebekah, David, the woman caught in adultery, Peter, and so many others, we are the ones who have broken relationship with God. But He runs after us anyway to bring us home. In this study, we will explore God’s love as evidenced in the stories of creation, the patriarchs, the judges and prophets, Jesus, and the early church. Together we will dive into a great love story and discover that it is our story! Through this study women will: - See the big picture of God’s love for them throughout the Scriptures - Discover that God wants a personal relationship with them - Experience God’s relentless love for them individually - Realize that God never stops pursuing them Components for this six-week Bible study, each available separately, include a Participant Workbook, a Leader Guide, and video sessions with six 25-minute segments (with closed captioning).
Do you ever feel like your emotions are working against you? Though we may find ourselves stuffing down emotions, exploding with emotions, or reacting somewhere in between, Lysa TerKeurst assures us it’s possible to make our emotions work for us. Lysa admits that she, like most women, has had experiences where others bump into her happy and she comes emotionally unglued. But the good news is, God gave us emotions to experience life, not destroy it. With gut-honest personal examples and biblical teaching, Lysa shows us how to use our emotions for good. Unglued will equip you to: Know with confidence how to resolve conflict in your important relationships. Find peace in your most difficult relationships as you learn to be honest but kind when offended. Identify what type of reactor you are and how to significantly improve your communication. Respond with no regrets by managing your tendencies to stuff, explode, or react somewhere in between. Gain a deep sense of calm by responding to situations out of your control without acting out of control.
Find help and hope for times when it's hard to wait on God Do you ever feel like God is taking too long to answer your prayers? Have you ever taken matters into your own hands, only to discover that you’ve made the situation worse? Waiting on God challenges our faith when the bills are stacking up, our families are falling apart, or our dreams feel like they won't come true. We know that God hears our prayers, but it’s hard when the clock is ticking yet He hasn’t shown us the answer. In this four-week Bible study, Barb Roose invites us to explore the stories of women in the Bible who had to wait on God— women such as Hannah, Ruth, Tamar, and the unnamed woman who suffered for over a decade with a painful medical condition. If you’ve felt anxious, angry, discouraged or depressed because God isn’t giving you what you want, their stories will breathe fresh hope and practical next steps in your life. As a reforming control lover, Barb mixes in her personal stories of learning how to wait for God during long seasons of unanswered prayers, family difficulties, and challenging times in ministry. Together we will discover that there is goodness and blessing to be found in times of waiting, including a closer relationship with God than we’ve ever dared to dream. Other components for the Bible study, available separately, include a DVD. "Barb Roose tackles the topic of patience in a way that really hit home for me personally. I have a lot of “why, how, and when” questions for God. Combining in-depth Scripture study with practical tools and personal stories, this study is one of the best I’ve ever read! —Melissa Spoelstra, Bible teacher, speaker, and author of Romans: Good News That Changes Everything and numerous other Bible studies and books When waiting is hard and long, the last thing you need is someone disregarding your pain, with platitudes like “just push through.” In I’m Waiting, God, Barb walks with us in our waiting. Warm, tender, and a help for moving forward, Barb’s study has left me stronger, knowing I can wait so His glory is seen. —Lynn Cowell, author of Make Your Move and member of the Proverbs 31 Ministries speaker and writer team Barb Roose is a wonderful role model of walking out biblical truth while in life’s waiting room. This study is a must read for anyone wondering what to do while waiting and wanting to stay close to God in the meantime. —Pam Farrel, best-selling author of over forty books, including Discovering Hope in the Psalms: A Creative Bible Study Experience Bible Study Features: A shorter four-week study is ideal for in-between or busy times. Accessible and friendly format. Each week concludes with a devotional lesson featuring prayer journaling, helping women create “memorial stones” during a waiting season. DVD features dynamic, engaging teaching in four 20-minute segments. Participant Workbook includes group session guides, discussion questions, prayers, video viewer guides, and leader helps.
Go the distance in the life of faith. Life is like a rollercoaster. One day it seems that everything in life is good, and the next day it can feel like everything is falling apart. Then there are those in between days when we’re coasting along without much thought to the highs or lows. The prophet Elijah experienced this rollercoaster ride as well. One moment he was hiding out in the wilderness during a famine, being fed by the ravens, and the next he was on the mountaintop where God showed up in a powerful way with fire and then rain. Even Elijah grew weary of all the ups and downs, telling God, “I have had enough” (1 Kings 19:4). He needed spiritual stamina in order to keep on going and fulfill all the plans God had for his life. We do too! In this six-week study grounded in 1 and 2 Kings, we will examine the life of the prophet Elijah, an ordinary man who did extraordinary things for God in the midst of the highs and lows of life. We’ll learn some of the spiritual stamina secrets that helped him to hold on and persevere in faith, including practical habits related to making decisions, caring for the soul, accepting his circumstances, mentoring, and finishing well—which was his ultimate legacy. Whether we’re currently in a mountaintop season where we’re experiencing God’s power and blessing, a valley season where we feel like running away, or somewhere in between, Elijah’s life will inspire us to go the distance in the life of faith. Best of all, his story will challenge us but not shame us, because we’ll discover that Elijah was just as human as we are. He doubted and struggled just as we do, but ultimately, he chose to believe God. As we study his life, we will grow in faith and develop spiritual stamina that will help us not only to survive but actually thrive in every season. Bible Study Features: Examine the life of the prophet Elijah. Learn practical disciplines that give us spiritual stamina for every season in life. Grow in faith and be inspired by an ordinary man who did extraordinary things for God. Be enabled to not just survive but thrive in the midst of the ups and downs of life. The participant workbook, to be used along with the study's DVD, includes five days of lessons for each week, combining study of Scripture with personal reflection, application, and prayer. Other components for the Bible study, available separately, include a Leader Guide, DVD with six sessions of about 25 minutes each, and boxed Leader Kit (an all-inclusive box containing one copy of each of the Bible study’s components). A companion Prayer Devotional is also available.