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“El poeta de amor más recordado de la poesía amorosa en lengua española murió a los treinta y cuatro años sin saber que iba a ser uno de los más admirados, conmemorados, citados, amados y reconocidos sin interrupción por las generaciones que habían de sucederle. Muchos españoles que no conocen a Espronceda o a Galdós, al duque de Rivas o a Larra, saben de Bécquer porque el poeta sevillano llega a la gente, está en la memoria colectiva, entra en el habla común y se citan sus versos. Lo recordamos como emblema del sentimiento amoroso, como referente para los textos literarios delicados y penetrantes, como símbolo del enamorado sincero, como portador de una expresión excelsa que se aloja en las profundidades del hombre. Otros grandes poetas de amor como Garcilaso de la Vega, Francisco de Quevedo, Lope de Vega, Pedro Salinas o incluso Pablo Neruda son admirados, es verdad, pero no llegan a todo tipo de lectores, a todas las clases sociales, a todas las ideologías, a todos los gustos, a todas las sensibilidades.” Rafael del Moral
Translated by Jesse Lee Kercheval Eight years before Sylvia Plath published Ariel, the Uruguayan poet Idea Vilariño released Poemas de Amor, a collection of confessional, passionate poetry dedicated to the novelist Juan Carlos Onetti. Both of her own merit and as part of the Uruguayan writers group the Generation of ’45—which included Onetti, Mario Benedetti, Amanda Berenguer, and Ida Vitale—Vilariño is an essential South American poet, and part of a long tradition of Uruguayan women poets. Vilariño and Onetti’s love affair is one of the most famous in South American literature. Poemas de Amor is an intense book, full of poems about sexuality and what it means to be a woman, and stands as a testament to both the necessity and the impossibility of love. This translation brings these highly personal poems to English speaking audiences for the first time side-by-side with the original Spanish language versions.
Few writers of any age have described the pleasures and torments of erotic love with such unsentimental directness and sensual precision as Pablo Neruda. In this poetry, too, he is at his most accessible, the language of his odes and lyrics refined to the point at which it achieves what one critic has called 'the naturalness of song.' This short selection draws on work from throughout his writing career, from the famous early collection, Twenty Love Songs and a Song of Despair of 1924 to key works of his maturity like Elemental Odes from 1954 and the autobiographical Memorial de Isla Negra. These ten poems formed the subtext for the well-known film Il Postino which was based on an apocryphal episode in the life of the Chilean poet and Nobel Laureate. They reveal why many believe that Neruda was the finest love poet of the century.
A NEW YORKER BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR A WALL STREET JOURNAL TOP 10 BOOK OF THE YEAR ONE OF NPR’S “BOOKS WE LOVE” “A tender and funny story about love, family and the peculiar position of being a stepparent…[Chilean Poet] broadens the author’s scope and quite likely his international reputation.” —Los Angeles Times “Zambra [is] one of the most brilliant Latin American writers of his generation.” —The New York Review of Books “Zambra's books have long shown him to be a writer who, at the sentence level, is in a world all his own.” —Juan Vidal, A writer of “startling talent” (The New York Times Book Review), Alejandro Zambra returns with his most substantial work yet: a story of fathers and sons, ambition and failure, and what it means to make a family After a chance encounter at a Santiago nightclub, aspiring poet Gonzalo reunites with his first love, Carla. Though their desire for each other is still intact, much has changed: among other things, Carla now has a six-year-old son, Vicente. Soon the three form a happy sort-of family—a stepfamily, though no such word exists in their language. Eventually, their ambitions pull the lovers in different directions—in Gonzalo’s case, all the way to New York. Though Gonzalo takes his books when he goes, still, Vicente inherits his ex-stepfather’s love of poetry. When, at eighteen, Vicente meets Pru, an American journalist literally and figuratively lost in Santiago, he encourages her to write about Chilean poets—not the famous, dead kind, your Nerudas or Mistrals or Bolaños, but rather the living, striving, everyday ones. Pru’s research leads her into this eccentric community—another kind of family, dysfunctional but ultimately loving. Will it also lead Vicente and Gonzalo back to each other? In Chilean Poet, Alejandro Zambra chronicles with enormous tenderness and insight the small moments—sexy, absurd, painful, sweet, profound—that make up our personal histories. Exploring how we choose our families and how we betray them, and what it means to be a man in relationships—a partner, father, stepfather, teacher, lover, writer, and friend—it is a bold and brilliant new work by one of the most important writers of our time.
Estas poesías hacen parte de las vivencias desbordadas de juventud que no han impedido que esos sueños quedaran en el olvido. Son 57 poemas en medio en medio de los avatares que la vida nos legó, y como sombras todavía nos encandilan. No hay más que leerlas, para entender lo que reflejan. “Un Poema sin Poema” podría ser un anti poema que con las mismas palabras escritas de diferentes maneras, expresan un sentimiento u otro que el lector pueda imaginar. Así son estas poesías. El autor.
Una amplia antología de la mejor poesía amorosa de Pedro Salinas. De entre todos los grandes poetas de la generación del 27, Pedro Salinas ha pasado a la historia como el poeta del amor, especialmente por el ciclo amoroso compuesto por los títulos La voz a ti debida, Razón de amor y Largo lamento. La grácil y honda ligereza de su voz, la lucidez a la hora de describir el tiempo amoroso y la belleza y memorabilidad de sus imágenes le han convertido en uno de los poetas más leídos y queridos del siglo XX. El presente libro constituye una amplia antologíade sus mejores poemas amorosos, desde sus primeros hasta sus últimos libros, un verdadero monumento de la lengua.