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LOS EXTRATERRESTRES NOS MODIFICAN EL ADN by Carlos Pineda [--------------------------------------------]
La investigadora Aline Terassier es honrada con el Nobel en Medicina y Fisiologia, y designada por los ETs para que divulgue el 'Mensaje Extraterrestre' destinado a gobernantes de la Tierra y en especial a los miembros del G7. Los EE. UU pone en alerta a la NSA, la CSS y el DHS, sus principales agencias de defensa. El embajador de los extraterrestres Sr. ED Cahil y el Grupo del Coronel Liam McArthur hacen un examen, detallado y riguroso sobre varios temas que se han convertido en intriga universal. Analizan 'el diseno inteligente imperfecto de los humanos' y la controvertida Teoria de Darwin. Disertan sobre la 'nanotecnologia' que coadyuvara a la aplicacion de la materia a nivel de atomos creando maquinas capaces de introducirse en el organismo humano para detectar y arreglar desperfectos. Predicen que el futuro del combustible para naves interestelares seran los 'protones energeticos'. Concretan como identificar a los seres humanos 'hibridos' o 'seres especiales' compuestos de ADN ET Y TERRICOLA y a su vez encontrar a los extraterrestres que conviven entre nosotros. Preven la modificacion en especial las neuronas del cerebro humano manipulando el ADN para cambiar la consciencia del ser humano, y para que el pensamiento pueda transmitirse mentalmente entre los humanos y los seres de otras galaxias. Pronostican el cambio del genotipo de los nuevos humanos que se pareceran mas a los 'Grises' que nos vigilan y visitan. Los nuevos humanos seran 'seres especiales' con poderes nunca conocidos y los sorprendentes 'Cyborgs' compuestos de materia organica y dispositivos ciberneticos. Viajan a la base alienigena en Fobos (Marte) para recibir mas conocimientos y preparar la visita ET a la Tierra. Abriran la mentalidad humana para iniciar un 'nuevo orden mundial'.
¡EXTRATERRESTRES ENTRE NOSOTROS! ¿FICCIÓN O REALIDAD? by Carlos Pineda [--------------------------------------------]
How did the modern world get to be the way it is? How did we come to live in a globalized, industrialized, capitalistic set of nation-states? Moving beyond Eurocentric explanations and histories that revolve around the rise of the West, distinguished historian Robert B. Marks explores the roles of Asia, Africa, and the New World in the global story. He defines the modern world as marked by industry, the nation state, interstate warfare, a large and growing gap between the wealthiest and poorest parts of the world, and an escape from environmental constraints. Bringing the saga to the present, Marks considers how and why the United States emerged as a world power in the 20th century and the sole superpower by the 21st century; the powerful resurgence of Asia; and the vastly changed relationship of humans to the environment.
This is the English edition of the first marketing book in Spanish to be adapted to the European Space for Higher Education, which has been written with the new requirements of the recent official degrees in mind. In addition to its theoretical presentation illustrated with many examples, each chapter starts with a business situation, and closes with a case study with practice topics, key terms and review questions, along with related Internet links and specific bibliography. In addition, teachers and students are provided with complementary on-line material on the book’s website: This textbook presents the fundamentals of marketing, the market, the consumer’s environment and behaviour, the marketing research, and the information systems. It later goes deeper into the marketing tools (product and services management, pricing, communication, sales, distribution and, lastly, the marketing plan), all supported by examples and case studies. Chapters dealing with relationship marketing, customer relations management, new communication technologies and emerging marketing techniques have also been included. Fundamentals of Marketing offers a modern approach, adapted to the new teaching methodologies which will make both the teaching and learning of the principles of marketing much easier.
Beast Boy tries to cast a spell to make himself smarter, but it backfires on the other Teen Titans.
In recent years, the study of formal semantics and formal pragmatics has grown tremendously, showing that core aspects of language meaning can be explained by a few principles. These principles are grounded in the logic that is behind - and tightly intertwined with - the grammar of human language. In this book, some of the most prominent figures in linguistics, including Noam Chomsky and Barbara H. Partee, offer new insights into the nature of linguistic meaning and pave the way for the further development of formal semantics and formal pragmatics. Each chapter investigates various dimensions in which the logical nature of human language manifests itself within a language and/or across languages. Phenomena like bare plurals, free choice items, scalar implicatures, intervention effects, and logical operators are investigated in depth and at times cross-linguistically and/or experimentally. This volume will be of interest to scholars working within the fields of semantics, pragmatics, language acquisition and psycholinguistics.