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Amitiés et ruptures situationnistes avant, pendant et après mai 1968 (1960-2014). Le CMDO. Ce qu'il en résulte pour l'organisation révolutionnaire à venir. Société et individu. Des mensonges de l'histoire et des religions. Quelques raisons à crise économique. Les détournements de fonds. Les mafias et les mafieux dans la mondialisation. La guerre saute-mouton. La fin des hiérarchies...
Complete catalogue and index of one of the largest collections of its kind of French Revolutionary and Napoleonic newspapers pamphlets and official publications covering the years 1789-1815. Over 20,000 listings are preceded by an introduction giving a history of the collection, a survey of other notable French Revolution collections, and a biographical essay on William S. Maclure. William S. Maclure (1763-1840) was a wealthy Philadelphia merchant, a radical social reformer, and our first scientific geologist. His huge collection of French Revolutionary publications is one of the greatest libraries of its kind to be formed during the period of the Revolution. Maclure bestowed the collection on the Philadelphia Academy of the Natural Sciences in 1821, and the Academy in turn gave the collection to the Historical Society of Philadelphia, In 1949 it was acquired by the University of Pennsylvania.
This innovative book is an interaction based on a series of interviews between the artist Ralph Rumney and the writer Alan Woods. Rumney's extraordinary life is chronicled here, as well as his works over the last 45 years. He is the only British founder-member of Situationist International, and the lone founder of the London Psychogeographical Society. Complementing the open elements of play and discovery inherent in Rumney's psychogeography is an almost Duchamp-esque interest in the applicability of games. This volume contains over 100 illustrations, many of which have not been previously reproduced.
TABLES DES MATIERES 1. Jovan Dordevie, Le concept de retat et le systeme constitutionnel de la Yougoslavie 9 2. Dugan Calle, Political economy of socialism as science 15 3. Dugan Nedeljkovic, L'acte revolutionnaire de Copernic dans revolution de notre conception moderne du monde 17 4. Andrija Lt. Stojkovie, Le liberalisme bourgeois d'Urog Milankovie et le marxisme de Svetozar Markovie 19 5. reupux Hucap3x, 1/1Me.TI J111 C. MapKOBWil B031V1ORCHOCTb 1103HOKONIHTE.C51 c mapxcn3mom erne B POCCHki 21 6. Ljubica S. jankovie, Le Role de la Formule dans l'Ethnochoreologie . . . 25 7. Branislav Kojie, Densite de l'habitat, degres de dispersion, indicateurs des distances et densite des agglomerations 27 8. Niko S. Martinovie, L'auteur de la missive au Serdar, Joie PiletiO 29 9. Obren Blagojevie, Traces des conceptions economiques dans des manuscrits medievaux serbes 31 10. Dus'an Nedeljkovie, Lenine, la science du socialisme et les previsions creatrices du XX-eme siecle 33 11. Eopuc 3uxepui, „artly)Kgemle" Jlemma or Mapxca 35 12. Radivoj Davidovie, Lenine, combattant pour l'engagement social de la science 37 13. Dugan Calie, La coexistence et la revolution proletarienne 39 14. Ljubisav Markovie, Scientific realism of the economy of socialism 41 15. Giusseppe Prestipino, Lenine, les sciences et la philosophie 43 16. Atigpun E. Cmofixoeutt, Iloffamaxue B. H. Jlexuxhim mapxcHcmcoil 4=10- COCD.HH Kai< HaytIH0 06OCHOBOHHOrO ,geRbHoro mvpoco3ep“arnin ' ' np one- TapHaTa 45 17. BAaguniup CmeriaKo8 , Ilemumm mrrepHagHoHanhHoe rleHae 47 18. Gligorije Zctjejaranovie, La science et rideologie chez Lenine 51 19. Jon& Josifovski, Das wissenschaftliche and das utopische bei W. I. Lenin 53 20. Veljko Vujijie, Les proprietes dynamiques de la matiere 55 21. Teituaguii Alexcattgpoeutt CeetatuKoe, Amu/mm-0 Iloj xoR x toun.ococbcRomy o6o6uieumo eCTeCTBO3Haillin • • 57 22. Calina Mare, La conception deterministe de Lenine 59 23. Tenpi( Ilucap3K Jlemix o Hemyrophix meTogoyformiecmu OCHOBaX Haym4 63 24. Iring Fetscher, Theorie de la Connaissance et Conscience de Classe d'apres Lenine 65 25. Robert S. Cohen, Philosophy of science for Lenin 67 26. Milog Macura, L'echo des idees de Lenine sur les changements structuraux cle la population 7t??, Tit•T, 77 69 7 1 ,7? 27. Svetozar Oulibrk, La sociologie d'apres Lenine 71 28. „Flamm° XC. Mapicoeuti, Bmag Jlemma B co3gaHlle coBpememoti comiononm TpyRa 73 29. Desanka Miljovska, La question nationale d'apres Lenine 75 30. Vladimir Ra§kovie, Lenin on the subject of classes and classe determinateness 77 31. Alica Wertheimer-Baletie, L'analyse statistique das l'oeuvre de Lenine „Le developpement du capitalisme en Russie" 79 32. Ante Les'aja, La determination de la periode transitoire d'apres l'oeuvre de Lenine 81 33. Obren Blagojevie, Les contributions principales de Lenine au developpement de la theorie economique 83 34. Milo! Bogdanovie, Lenine - createur et protagoniste du developpement socialiste de l'agriculture et de l'industrie 85 35. Mihailo Vuokovie, Lenine et la reconstruction socialiste de l'agriculture . . . 87 36. Petar Milosavljevie, L'histoire des peuples balkaniques dans les oeuvres de V. I. Lenine 89 37. Desanka Savioevie, La science du socialisme d'apres Lenine et Tucovie . . . 91 38. Smiljana Durovio, Le probleme historiographique de la relation entre Lenine et le leninisme d'un cote et Pokrovski et sa conception historiographique de l'autre 93 39. Mihailo Nikolie, La notion de la dialectique dans „Les cahiers philosophiques" 95 40. Niko S. Martinovie, Lenine et la protection de l'heritage culturel dans la revolution 97 41. Branko Kovddevie, Lenine, du rapport de la philosophie marxiste, le parti et la classe ouvriere 99 42. Milan Miladinovie, Les revisionismes d'apres Lenine 101 43. Obren Blagojevie, L'importance des manuscrits nouvellement decouverts du livre de Svetozar „Les principes de l'economie populaire" 103 44. Dulan Calle, Svetozar Markovie et les problemes du bureaucratisme et de l'evolution de la personnalite libre dans l'edification du socialisme de la societe d'autogestion 105 45. DuKan Nedeljkovie, L'evolution economique et sociale revolutionnaire de la Serbie et des Balkans d'apres Svetozar Markovie et le „programme evident" des premiers socialistes de la Serbie 107 46. Dukin Nedeljkovie, Kosta Racin et le probleme du noyau de la dialectique concrete 109 47. Obren Blagojevie, Politique economique en Serbie pendant la seconde moitie du XIXe siècle 111 48. Vladimir Stipetie, Population of Serbia proper during the nineteenth century and in the first serbian uprising 113 49. Br slav Koj,ie, Villages suburbains en Serbie - Quelques caracteristiques e1 leur
mai 1968-2014. Souvenirs personnels et amitiés. Les avatars de la société du spectacle, son intégration et sa désintégration : le monde mafieux. Découvertes archéologiques et religions. Terroristes et pirates. Fin d'une civilisation et destruction du monde, quelques projets incertains pour pallier les dérives.Quelques autres points particuliers...
The Academy is a prestigious international institution for the study and teaching of Public and Private International Law and related subjects. The work of the Hague Academy receives the support and recognition of the UN. Its purpose is to encourage a thorough and impartial examination of the problems arising from international relations in the field of law. The courses deal with the theoretical and practical aspects of the subject, including legislation and case law. All courses at the Academy are, in principle, published in the language in which they were delivered in the "Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law .
This set reissues 29 books on the English language, originally published between 1932 and 2003. Together, the volumes cover key topics within the larger subject of the English Language, including grammar, dialect and the history of English. Written and edited by an international set of scholars, particular volumes employ comparisons with other languages such as French and German, whilst other volumes are devoted to specific English dialects such as Cockney and Canadian English, or English in general. This collection provides insight and perspective on various elements of the English language over a period of 70 years and demonstrates its enduring importance as a field of research.
Internationally renowned as the greatest authority on the French Revolution, Georges Lefebvre combined impeccable scholarship with a lively writing style. His masterly overview of the history of the French Revolution has taken its rightful place as the definitive account. A vivid narrative of events in France and across Europe is combined with acute insights into the underlying forces that created the dynamics of the revolution, as well as the personalities responsible for day-to-day decisions during this momentous period.
During the Iranian Constitutional Revolution of 1906 to 1911 a variety of forces played key roles in overthrowing a repressive regime. Afary sheds new light on the role of ordinary citizens and peasantry, the status of Iranian women, and the multifaceted structure of Iranian society.