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The journey to financial freedom starts here! Kapoor/Dlabay/Hughes/Hart's market-leading Personal Finance provides practical guidance on how students can achieve peace of mind with regard to their financial situation. It provides many financial planning tools to help students identify and evaluate choices as well as understand the consequences of decisions in terms of opportunity costs. And now, McGraw-Hill Connect empowers students by continually adapting to deliver precisely what they need, when they need it, and how they need it, so your class time is more engaging and effective.
Personal Finance, 2nd Edition offers essential skills and knowledge that will set students on the road to lifelong financial wellness. By focusing on real-world decision making, Bajtlesmit engages a diverse student population by helping them make personal connections that can immediately impact their current financial situations. Using a conversational writing style, relatable examples and up-to-date coverage on important topics like student debt, students gain the knowledge they need to avoid early financial mistakes. By the end of the course, students have identified their goals and developed the problem-solving skills they need to build on as they progress to the next stages of life.
Every financial decision we make impacts our lives. Introduction to Personal Finance: Beginning Your Financial Journey is designed to help students avoid early financial mistakes and provide tools needed to secure a strong foundation for the future. Using engaging visuals and a modular approach, instructors can easily customize their course to topics that matter most to their students. This course empowers students to define their personal values and make smart financial decisions that help them achieve their goals.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Through the presentation of the Ten Fundamental Principles of Personal Finance, this text empowers students with the knowledge they need to successfully make and carry out a plan for their own financial future.
Personal Finance, 2e by Walker/Walker offers students an engaging treatment of personal finance, while incorporating unique themes, an application-driven pedagogy, and a definitive action plan. Unlike other texts on the market, it offers a frank and timely discussion of living within one’s means and incorporating personal values and priorities into a personal financial plan. The intent is to help readers set priorities that guide their finances, rather than the other way around. This book establishes a path toward financial freedom that is less about accumulating wealth and more about building a future tailored to individual goals. With Walker/Walker, your future looks bright!
Your journey to financial freedom starts here! Kapoor/Dlabay/Hughes’ market-leading Personal Finance provides practical guidance on how students can achieve peace of mind with regard to their financial situation. It provides many financial planning tools using a step-by-step approach to help students identify and evaluate choices as well as understand the consequences of decisions in terms of opportunity costs. Managing money in order to obtain freedom from financial worries – that’s what the 10th edition of Personal Finance is all about! This is the looseleaf version of the text.