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As I stand here, waiting for the ship to sail to begin a second journey in my life, I find myself looking out over this beautiful city. I stand, remembering a time when there was once a beautiful wildflower who was with me on this journey of life. We both believed that we were each other's one true love who held the other half of our souls. Since we parted ways, I can only pray that my beautiful wildflower has found someone who she believes holds the key to her heart. I find myself, once again, standing all alone, only remembering the good times in which we travel down this ol' rugged road that our Heavenly Father placed before us. You are no longer with me to continue our journey in life. I can only wonder what our lives would be like today if you had opened the door of your heart and let your love find its way unto me.
Think of me as a big Chinese nation. Since Pangu's creation, it has been passed down by three emperors and five emperors. Up to now, it has a history of more than 4,000 years, just like the endless cold water of the Yangtze River, which lasts forever
Robert McKinley is a tough, intelligent, and short fused detective for the DA's office in Lexington, Kentucky. When his nephew is brutally stabbed while shopping with his fiancée, he hits the road running.The case starts with a string of untimely deaths of horses in the Lexington area. The insurance company is screaming fraud, and the owners are screaming for protection. Robert's nephew was poking around for some clue to the deaths when he was knifed from behind. "I warned you to stay out of it, and now you will, for good." was what he heard from the assailant as the knife was thrust completely through his chest.The case takes a turn for the worse when the suspects began to drop from the list of the living, to that of the dead. Murder, fraud, theft, and kidnapping head the list of crimes performed by a man that has already died once. How many lives does he have left?
Danny Patterson never promised that he was a good man, and despite the tough exterior he has often exhibited as a result of his experiences living in Leigh Park, he is actually quite vulnerable. But with Stacy Ryan at his side, he is finally beginning to find some closure. He has fought for what he believes in on many occasions, and when he finds himself the prey of Alistair Carter and a sinister group known as The Rogues, he is inadvertently pulled into a grotesque game of cat and mouse from which he may not survive. With Carter slowly striking at the heart of everything he holds dear, Danny knows that in order to stop the bloodshed, he must learn to fight fire with fire and draw a line in the sand in order to protect the girl he loves. What is the connection between The Rogues and a failed military operation in Iraq? Why is Carter trying to spark an underground street war between two deadly enemies? And why is Danny about to meet his fate in the hills and mountains of Cumbria? Today, the fall begins
Garbage Boy—a.k.a. Scarface, a.k.a. William—has had it rough his entire life. Facing off against a deadbeat dad and his mom’s abusive boyfriend, he’s had to fight every step of the way just to survive. Not only that, his family’s low social status makes him an object of ridicule and abuse among his peers and the community at large. That all begins to change when Garbage Boy meets up with Mister and Stone Pony, two mysterious men who enlist his aid in their growing sanitation enterprise. Who would have thought picking up garbage would be the road to redemption, never mind riches? But not even that comes easily for Garbage Boy. Although Garbage Boy’s situation improves remarkably at first, the deeper his involvement with Mister and Stone Pony, the more complicated his life becomes, to the point he risks losing everything he’s fought so hard to gain. The book implies an ethical question “Does a wrong become right if you have been wronged all along?”
Tinsley Faulkner loves art more than anything in the world. She’s a painter and owns an art gallery in the small town of Shadows Landing. But suddenly her life is changed when a man walks into the gallery looking to sell some art—art she knows is stolen. What she thinks is just a one-time thing quickly escalates into something so dangerous people have died for decades to protect it. Now Tinsley finds herself fighting for more than just her life, but to correct a historical wrong that’s affected generations of people. FBI Special Agent Paxton Kendry had just been transferred, against his will, to the Art Crimes division in Charleston from Atlanta’s violent gang task force. Something about his transfer never sat right with him, and he’s determined to get to the bottom of it. Only Tinsley Faulkner keeps sidetracking him. Instead of ignoring the feisty artist, he finds their verbal sparring matches invigorating. Until one day Tinsley stumbles onto something bigger than either of them could imagine. Now it’s up to Paxton to protect Tinsley as she finds herself in the middle of the most dangerous art heist of the century. But can he protect his heart along with her life, or will they disappear like the art Tinsley is willing to die to protect?