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Festkörperphysik niedrigdimensionaler Systeme mit anisotropen Eigenschaften: Nicht nur für Fachleute wurde dieses Spezialgebiet mit viel versprechenden Anwendungen in der Entwicklung organischer Leiter, Halbleiter und Supraleiter hier aufbereitet. In der durchgängig aktualisierten zweiten Auflage finden sich alle wichtigen Erkenntnisse aus dem vergangenen Jahrzehnt. Eine gut verständliche Einführung, die Chemiker, Polymer- und Materialwissenschaftler gleichermaßen ansprechen wird.
Advances in the physics and chemistry of low-dimensional systems have been really magnificent in the last few decades. Hundreds of quasi-one-dimensional and quasi-two-dimensional systems have been synthesized and studied. The most popular representatives of quasi-one-dimensional materials are polyacethylenes CH [1] and conducting donor-acceptor molecular crystals TIF z TCNQ. Examples of quasi-two-dimensional systems are high temperature su perconductors (HTSC) based on copper oxides LA2CU04, YBa2Cu306+y and organic superconductors based on BEDT -TIP molecules. The properties of such one- and two-dimensional materials are not yet fully understood. On the one hand, the equations of motion of one-dimensional sys tems are rather simple, which facilitates rigorous solutions of model problems. On the other hand, manifestations of various interactions in one-dimensional systems are rather peculiar. This refers, in particular, to electron--electron and electron-phonon interactions. Even within the limit of a weak coupling con stant electron--electron correlations produce an energy gap in the spectrum of one-dimensional metals implying a Mott transition from metal to semiconductor state. In all these cases perturbation theory is inapplicable. Which is one of the main difficulties on the way towards a comprehensive theory of quasi-one-dimensional systems. - This meeting held at the Institute for Theoretical Physics in Kiev May 15-18 1990 was devoted to related problems. The papers selected for this volume are grouped into three sections.
This volume deals with physical properties of electrically one-dimensional conductors. It includes both a description of basic concepts and a review of recent progress in research. One-dimensional conductors are those materials in which an electric current flows easily in one specific crystal direction while the resistivity is very high in transverse directions. It was about 1973 when much attention began to be focussed on them and investigations started in earnest. The research was stimulated by the successful growth of crystals of the organic conductor TTF-TCNQ and of the inorganic conductor KCP. New concepts, characteristic of one dimension, were established in the in vestigations of their properties. Many new one-dimensional conductors were also found and synthesized. This field of research is attractive because of the discovery of new ma terials, phenomena and concepts which have only recently found a place in the framework of traditional solid-state physics and materials science. The relation of this topic to the wider field of solid-state sciences is therefore still uncertain. This situation is clearly reflected in the wide distribution of the fields of specialization of researchers. Due to this, and also to the rapid progress of research, no introductory book has been available which covers most of the important fields of research on one-dimensional conductors.
An essential guide to solid state physics through the lens of dimensionality and symmetry Foundations of Solid State Physics introduces the essential topics of solid state physics as taught globally with a focus on understanding the properties of solids from the viewpoint of dimensionality and symmetry. Written in a conversational manner and designed to be accessible, the book contains a minimal amount of mathematics. The authors?noted experts on the topic?offer an insightful review of the basic topics, such as the static and dynamic lattice in real space, the reciprocal lattice, electrons in solids, and transport in materials and devices. The book also includes more advanced topics: the quasi-particle concept (phonons, solitons, polarons, excitons), strong electron-electron correlation, light-matter interactions, and spin systems. The authors' approach makes it possible to gain a clear understanding of conducting polymers, carbon nanotubes, nanowires, two-dimensional chalcogenides, perovskites and organic crystals in terms of their expressed dimension, topological connectedness, and quantum confinement. This important guide: -Offers an understanding of a variety of technology-relevant solid-state materials in terms of their dimension, topology and quantum confinement -Contains end-of-chapter problems with different degrees of difficulty to enhance understanding -Treats all classical topics of solid state physics courses - plus the physics of low-dimensional systems Written for students in physics, material sciences, and chemistry, lecturers, and other academics, Foundations of Solid State Physics explores the basic and advanced topics of solid state physics with a unique focus on dimensionality and symmetry.
As its name suggests, the 1988 workshop on "Interacting Electrons in Reduced Dimen the wide variety of physical effects that are associated with (possibly sions" focused on strongly) correlated electrons interacting in quasi-one- and quasi-two-dimensional mate rials. Among the phenomena discussed were superconductivity, magnetic ordering, the metal-insulator transition, localization, the fractional Quantum Hall effect (QHE), Peierls and spin-Peierls transitions, conductance fluctuations and sliding charge-density (CDW) and spin-density (SDW) waves. That these effects appear most pronounced in systems of reduced dimensionality was amply demonstrated at the meeting. Indeed, when concrete illustrations were presented, they typically involved chain-like materials such as conjugated polymers, inorganic CDW systems and organie conductors, or layered materials such as high-temperature copper-oxide superconductors, certain of the organic superconductors, and the QHE samples, or devices where the electrons are confined to a restricted region of sample, e. g. , the depletion layer of a MOSFET. To enable this broad subject to be covered in thirty-five lectures (and ab out half as many posters), the workshop was deliberately focused on theoretical models for these phenomena and on methods for describing as faithfully as possible the "true" behav ior of these models. This latter emphasis was especially important, since the inherently many-body nature of problems involving interacting electrons renders conventional effec tive single-particle/mean-field methods (e. g. , Hartree-Fock or the local-density approxi mation in density-functional theory) highly suspect. Again, this is particularly true in reduced dimensions, where strong quantum fluctuations can invalidate mean-field results.
Research activities in low dimensional conductors have shown a rapid growth since 1972 and have led to the discovery of new and remarkable phy sical properties unique to both molecular and inorganic conductors exhibi ting one-dimensional transport behaviour. This NATO Institute was a conti nuation of aseries of NATO Advanced Study Institutes of Worshops which took place at regular intervals till 1979. This is the first time, however, that charge density wave transport and electronic properties of low dimen sional organic conductors are treated on an equal footing. The program of the Institute was framed by tutorial lectures in the theories and experiments of low dimensional conductors. The bulk of the course covered two series of low-dimensional mate rials with their respective properties. 1) The I-D inorganic conductors exhibiting the phenomena of sliding charge density waves, narrow band noise, memory effects, etc ..• 2) Low-dimensional crystallized organic conductors giving rise to various possibilities of ground states, spin-Peierls, spin density wave, Peierls, superconductivity and magnetic-field induced spin density wave, etc ... Since it has been established from the beginning that this Institute was to be devoted essentially to the Physics of Low Dimensional Conductors, only one main course summarized the progress in chemistry and material preparation.
The close relationship between experimentalists and theorists – whether solid state chemists or physicists – has, in the last few years, inspired much research in the field of materials with quasi one-dimensional structures. This volume, Part I of a two-volume set, reviews the basic theories describing the physical properties of one-dimensional materials including their superconducting characteristics. This description is mainly based on the properties of transition metal trichalcogenides. The novel collective transport mechanism for electronic conduction, exhibited by some of the latter compounds – NbSe3 being considered as the prototype – is surveyed according to a classical theory and a theory including macroscopic quantum effects. In addition, the book contains a description of the properties of non-linear excitations, or solitons, in one-dimensional systems.
The field of low-dimensional conductors has been very active for more than twenty years. It has grown continuously and both the inorganic and organic materials have remark able properties, such as charge and spin density waves and superconductivity. The discovery of superconductivity at high temperature in copper-based quasi two-dimensional conducting oxides nearly ten years ago has further enlarged the field and stimulated new research on inorganic conductors. It was obviously impossible to cover such a broad field in a ten day Institute and it seemed pertinent to concentrate on inorganic conductors, excluding the high Tc superconducting oxides. In this context, it was highly desirable to include both physics and chemistry in the same Institute in order to tighten or in some cases to establish links between physicists and chemists. This Advanced Study Institute is the continuation of a series of similar ones which have taken place every few years since 1974. 73 participants coming from 13 countries have taken part in this School at the beautiful site of the Centre de Physique des Houches in the Mont-Blanc mountain range. The scientific programme included more than forty lectures and seminars, two poster sessions and ten short talks. Several discussion sessions were organized for the evenings, one on New Materials, one on New Topics and one on the special problem of the Fermi and Luttinger liquids. The scientific activity was kept high from the beginning to the end of the Institute.