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The Atlas of rural protocols in the American Midwest and the Argentine Pampas is structured along eight systems of organization: transport and infrastructure, land subdivision, agricultural production, water management, storage and maintenance, human habitation, animal management, land management. Each of these systems possesses a number of organizational types, material components, normative relationships, and spectra of performance, which become available through a manual of instructions for a Suprarural architectural environment. The research is based on a realistic-overriding ethics towards design that operates by abstracting and intensifying unexplored territorial phenomena.
La "fábrica urbana" plantea un marco conceptual y un utillaje teórico para comprender por qué una ciudad es como es en su estado final, en su resultado observable. A partir del producto final de la ciudad, del espacio, como la percibimos hoy, y de la visión del proceso histórico que nos ofrece la arqueología, podemos entender cómo fue la acción social que le otorgó una determinada identidad y configuración, el «texto» primigenio que otorga carta de nacimiento a ese espacio. Las aportaciones de Weber, Bourdieu, Elias o el geógrafo Di Méo ayudan al autor a construir una lectura de las sociedades en el espacio. El libro plantea un marco conceptual y un utillaje teórico para formular los interrogantes adecuados que permitan comprender por qué una ciudad es como es en su estado final, en su resultado observable.
The Age of Dissent argues that the defining feature of the Age of Revolutions in Latin America was the emergence of dissent as an inescapable component of political life. While contestation and seditious ideas had always been present in the region, never before had local regimes been forced to consider radical dissension as an unavoidable dimension of politics. Focusing on urban Chile between the first anticolonial conspiracy of 1780 and the consolidation of an authoritarian regime in 1833, the book argues that this revolution was caused by how people practiced communication and framed its power.
The last two decades have been marked by intense and accelerated economic, political, and cultural processes that have affected urban spaces. These changes have occurred in different parts of cities (traditional centers, edges, peripheries) and at different levels of the urban system (large and medium-sized cities and in their respective areas of influence). Possibly the clearest expression of the spatial effects on cities can be perceived in their morphological transformations, their territorial dimensions, or in their social problems. Until 2008, urban–territorial processes were a reflection of the logic and inconsistencies of an expansive economic context and of a structural context that favored the development of cities through concurrent processes and actors. As a result, the built land and amount of urbanized and built surfaces increased, together with processes of the expansion and modernization of cities. Since 2008, the expansive economic cycle has ended, and there have been diverse negative consequences. Notably, the construction sector has come to an abrupt halt. Access to credit has also been reduced, and unemployment has increased. The economic recession has caused sociodemographic and socioeconomic issues exemplified by housing vulnerability, with dispossession, evictions, a shortage of social housing, and energy poverty.
Cultural heritage is perceived as the glue that keeps individuals together and makes them feel a part of something larger. It is the past that allows individuals to understand their present and move towards the future. In networked society, it is impossible to think about cultural heritage and its preservation and maintenance without including the digital processes and ICT systems, as well as its impact on territorial innovation. The Handbook of Research on Cultural Heritage and Its Impact on Territory Innovation and Development is a critical and comprehensive reference book that analyzes how preservation and sustainability of cultural heritage occurs in countries, as well as how it contributes to territorial innovation. Moreover, the book examines how technological tools contribute to its preservation and sustainability, as well as its dissemination. Highlighting topics that include public policies, spatial development, and architectural heritage, this book is ideal for cultural heritage professionals, government officials, policymakers, academicians, researchers, and students.
Henri Lefebvre and the Spanish Urban Experience is the first book to thoroughly apply the French urban philosopher's thought on cities to the culture and literature of Spain. Fraser shows how Lefebvre's complex view of city as a mobile phenomenon is relevant to understanding a variety of Spanish cultural products—from urban plans and short writing on the urban expereince during the nineteenth century to urban theories, cultural practices and literary fiction of the twentieth century, pushing on to interrogate even te apperance of Mediterranean space and Barcelona in recent videogames.
Variedades de la lengua española ofrece un panorama general de la variación dialectal y sociolingüística en el espacio hispanohablante, presentado por uno de los más prestigiosos expertos en la materia. La lectura de este manual permitirá familiarizarse con los rasgos que distinguen las diferentes variedades geográficas del español, con una comprensión adicional de las causas históricas y políticas de sus diferencias y de sus implicaciones sociales. Cada capítulo incluye sugerencias de lecturas complementarias y propone temas de debate e investigación, así como un glosario que explica la terminología algo más especializada. Complementariamente, el texto remite a materiales audiovisuales disponibles en la red que permiten una aproximación más directa a las variedades del español. Estas páginas son de interés tanto para los hispanohablantes nativos como para los no nativos interesados por la diversidad dialectal. Asimismo, esta obra puede servir como texto primario, de apoyo o complementario para los estudiantes, el profesorado y los hispanistas interesados por el conocimiento de las variedades geográficas y sociales de la lengua española.
El grafiti, como intervención, es una propuesta de comunicación, es decir, de relaciones sociales semióticas, al establecerse en la interacción con los signos. Constituye una cultura, significaciones de ser y estar en algún espacio que nos presenta y representa. Si comprendemos este quehacer urbano de este modo, ¿por qué no pensar los grafitis como una forma de educación sobre cómo tomar y reconfigurar los espacios de ese entorno denominado ciudad? Ahora bien, este libro no se propone ser moralista, no se basa en juicios de valor. Se trata de todo lo contrario. El objetivo de Grafiti: trazos de imaginación y espacios de encuentros es formular cuestiones que den pie a otras formas de conocer. No está enfocado a diagnosticar enfermedades juveniles, ni tampoco sociales.