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This is an attempt to describe the lineage of a number of prophets together with their brief background information and their sons etc. Many books have been written on the history of Islam, history of the prophets, their biographies and the biography of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) etc. However, no attempt has ever been made that tells the reader as to where all the prophets came from, who was their father, grand father etc. Most importantly, no endeavour to depict their lineage by connecting the prophets to the first man on earth: prophet Adam (pbuh).
This is an attempt to describe the lineage of a number of prophets together with their brief background information and their sons etc. Many books have been written on the history of Islam, history of the prophets, their biographies and the biography of Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) etc. However, no attempt has ever been made that tells the reader as to where all the prophets came from, who was their father, grand father etc. Most importantly, no endeavour to depict their lineage by connecting the prophets to the first man on earth: prophet Adam (pbuh).
The Greatest of All Trees is a children's book and sing-along about the family tree of prophet Muhammad (pbuh). All Muslims agree that sayyidna Muhammad (pbuh) is the greatest created being in Allah's creation. This book teaches kids that our prophet's forefathers, the men who carried his light throughout the ages, were also very special human beings. Therefore, by remembering their names and importance, we are honoring them and honoring Sayyidna Muhammad (pbuh). The book is also a sing-along recited by Ali Elsayed. The sing-along is available to stream and download for free @
Ever wondered who is a prophet, and if there is a connection between the work of one prophet and another? This book explains the role of a prophet and the relationship between the work of one prophet and another while sharing with you the names and lives of some of the prophets of Islam. The prophets of Islam include: Adam, Idris (Enoch), Nuh (Noah), Hud (Heber), Saleh (Methusaleh), Lut (Lot), Ibrahim (Abraham), Ismail (Ishmael), Ishaq (Isaac), Yaqub (Jacob), Yusuf (Joseph), Shu'aib (Jethro), Ayyub (Job), Dhulkifl (Ezekiel), Musa (Moses), Harun (Aaron), Dawud (David), Sulayman (Solomon), Ilyas (Elias), Alyasa (Elisha), Yunus (Jonah), Zakariya (Zachariah), Yahya (John the Baptist), Isa (Jesus) and Muhammad. Peace be upon them all. In 25 Prophets of Islam you will learn: 1. That God is one. 2. About revelations mentioned in the Quran. 3. That the prophets were Muslims. 4. That Jesus was not the son of God. 5. Who committed the first murder. 6. About the similarity between Adam and Jesus. 7. What the Quran says about homosexuality. 8. Which prophet God spoke to direct. 9. That Jesus was not crucified and will come again. Find out about these and other issues by reading this book.
These case studies link genealogical knowledge to particular circumstances in which it was created, circulated and promoted. They stress the malleability of kinship and memory, and the interests this malleability serves. From the Prophet's family tree to the present, ideas about kinship and descent have shaped communal and national identities in Muslim societies. So an understanding of genealogy is vital to our understanding of Muslim societies, particularly with regard to the generation, preservation and manipulation of genealogical knowledge.
Prophets of the Past is the first book to examine in depth how modern Jewish historians have interpreted Jewish history. Michael Brenner reveals that perhaps no other national or religious group has used their shared history for so many different ideological and political purposes as the Jews. He deftly traces the master narratives of Jewish history from the beginnings of the scholarly study of Jews and Judaism in nineteenth-century Germany; to eastern European approaches by Simon Dubnow, the interwar school of Polish-Jewish historians, and the short-lived efforts of Soviet-Jewish historians; to the work of British and American scholars such as Cecil Roth and Salo Baron; and to Zionist and post-Zionist interpretations of Jewish history. He also unravels the distortions of Jewish history writing, including antisemitic Nazi research into the "Jewish question," the Soviet portrayal of Jewish history as class struggle, and Orthodox Jewish interpretations of history as divinely inspired. History proved to be a uniquely powerful weapon for modern Jewish scholars during a period when they had no nation or army to fight for their ideological and political objectives, whether the goal was Jewish emancipation, diasporic autonomy, or the creation of a Jewish state. As Brenner demonstrates in this illuminating and incisive book, these historians often found legitimacy for these struggles in the Jewish past.
Deals with the lives of the prophets as they are given in the Holy Qur'an. The chief object is to remove the prevailing misconception that the Holy Qur'an takes its narratives from the Bible or Jewish and Christian traditions. For this purpose narratives in the Holy Qur'an are contrasted with their versions in the Bible or Jewish and Christian traditions. It will be found that wherever previous record has cast a slur on the character of a prophet, the Holy Qur'an has invariably vindicated it. The Holy Book has further brought out facts which enhance the moral value of these narratives and removed defects and contradictions which have found way into sacred history due to manipulation of facts or carelessness in recording them. This affords the clearest evidence that Divine Inspiration and not any previous record or tradition was the source from which the Prophet obtained information. By doing away with the profanity of sacred history, the Holy Qur'an has rendered immense service to the Bible itself. This is in accordance with its claim.
A new work in four volumes presents the stories of the prophets as reported in the Quran, with details and interpretation provided by hadith and well-known commentators, classic and modern. The series contains substantial material about the teachings of Islam with special emphasis on Jesus[----[[ prophethood and the role of Muhammad () and the Quran. Amply footnoted and referenced.
Collected in this volume are Ismail al-Faruqi's articles written over a span of two decades, which deal directly with Islam and other faiths, and Christianity and Judaism in particular. The book provides a good cross-section ofal-Faruqi's contribution to the study of comparative religion and covers a wide spectrum of inter-religious issues including commonality and differences between Islam, Christianity and Judaism, Muslim-non-Muslim relations, and the issue of Mission and Da'wah. It is a fascinating study by an engaging and challenging scholar and activist of our time.
In this book Dr. Shabbir Ahmed takes us through the life story of every prophet from Noah to Prophet Muhummad (S). By extracting the details solely from the Qur'an we also get to see the heartof the Message that each Prophet brought with him - A single Message of hope for humanity.