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Adeliza, now a little older and very much wiser, makes an alliance in the hope of keeping herself safe and promoting her future happiness. However, events both in Britain and abroad threaten not only her unexpected joy but also her very life and her adopted homeland. Can she fight to save herself, those she loves and Britain itself?
Photographer Jay Fleming turned his attention to Smith and Tangier Islands - the Chesapeake Bay's last inhabited 'water-locked' islands. Fleming has made countless trips to the islands to document the unique way of life and environment that have been shaped by isolation and the waters of the Chesapeake. This collection of photographs will fill the pages of Fleming's second book, Island Life. This body work comes at an important time for the islands, as their populations continue to decline and the unrelenting forces of the bay threaten the working working waterfronts that have sustained the communities for centuries. Fleming hopes that his photography will immerse readers in the Island Life and capture a crucial moment in time for the Chesapeake's most unique communities.
The very idea of life on a tropical island appeals to popular fantasy: the sea, the sky, the sand, the tranquillity, the escape-from-it-all...Mental images abound at the mere mention: white linen and straw hats; hibiscus and palm trees; languid cocktails taken on the verandah; the intensity of colours and the sound of the sea. This fantasy is reality to India Hicks, David Flint Wood and their two children. Over the past five years, India and David have impeccably restored, built or redecorated three houses and one hotel on the island. Each interior reflects India's keen sense of colour and style, inherited in part from her father, David Hicks, and influenced by her travels with David Flint Wood to India and Africa, and from the wealth of Caribbean style that surrounds them. 'Island Life' celebrates India's unique style, which mixes classic European and Caribbean influences, and their houses and the island are beautifully portrayed by leading photographer David Loftus. Following a unique design influenced by the authors' meticulously made sketchbooks and journals, a mix of tracing paper (used innovatively to recreate some of India's designs), gloss and uncoated papers are combined to give the book a novel approach. This is the first book to reveal the secrets of India's style which have long been championed by style gurus such as Ralph Lauren, who shot his catalogue at their home, and Martha Stewart.
A couple set out on a bold and vigorous quest for independence and a more essential way of life on a Maine island
In 1937, Adam Nicolson's father answered a newspaper ad—"Uninhabited islands for sale. Outer Hebrides, 600 acres. . . . Puffins and seals. Apply."—and thus found the Shiants. With a name meaning "holy or enchanted islands," the Shiants for millennia were a haven for those seeking solitude, but their rich, sometimes violent history of human habitation includes much more. When he was twenty-one, Nicolson inherited this almost indescribably beautiful property: a landscape, soaked in centuries-old tales of restless ghosts and Bronze Age gold, that cradles the heritage of a once-vibrant world of farmers and fishermen. In Sea Room, Nicolson describes and relives his love affair with the three tiny islands and their strange and colorful history in passionate, keenly precise prose—sharing with us the greatest gift an island bestows on its inhabitants: a deep engagement with the natural world.
Island Life is one of Alfred Russel Wallace's most important works, studying the influence of glacial epochs on the distribution of organisms and the biogeography of islands. Contents: The Dispersal of Organisms, Evolution as the Key to Distribution, The Causes of Glacial Epochs, cont.
In this addition to the Scientists in the Field series, readers join scientists as they tackle something unusual in the world of ecosystems: colonization. Not a colonization by people, but one of cells, seeds, spores, and other life forms that blow in, fly in, float in, and struggle to survive on the beautiful but harsh new island of Surtsey.
"Découvrez les merveilles de la vie insulaire à travers les yeux perspicaces d'Alfred Russel Wallace dans "Island Life". Wallace, le naturaliste visionnaire du XIXe siècle, nous guide à travers un voyage fascinant au cœur de la biodiversité insulaire. Avec une plume érudite, il explore les îles du monde entier, dévoilant des écosystèmes uniques, des espèces endémiques et des forces évolutives qui façonnent la vie sur ces havres isolés. "Island Life" est bien plus qu'un simple exposé scientifique ; c'est une odyssée captivante qui mêle la biologie, la géographie et l'évolution. Plongez dans l'exploration pionnière de Wallace, qui a jeté les bases de la compréhension moderne de la diversité biologique et de l'écologie insulaire. Une lecture incontournable pour les amoureux de la nature et les passionnés de science, où chaque page révèle les secrets fascinants de la vie sur les îles."