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Dans ce livre, compos de deux volets, mon intention est de confronter l'humanisme ancien l'humanisme moderne. En opposition avec les modernes, les Anciens s'efforcent d'couter la nature. Respecter l'harmonie naturelle devient la rgle d'or de l'homme ancien qui s'vertue l'appliquer dans toutes les manifestations de sa vie individuelle et sociale. L'humanisme ancien est fond sur l'altrit dissemblable. Pour cet humanisme, l'autre est celui qui ne possde pas la culture du juste (athmistos), le barbare, donc celui qui, au lieu de pratiquer la vertu, s'applique l'exercice de la violence. Cette culture, comprenant la fois une dimension thique et juridique, transforme une vie d'anarchie et de laideur, symptmes de l'injustice, en une vie d'quilibre et de beaut piliers de la justice et du droit. Contrairement l'humanisme d'aujourd'hui fond sur la ressemblance des visages et sur l'galit des existences, l'humanisme hellnique est fond sur la dissemblance. Dans l'humanisme moderne et postmoderne, toutes les vies humaines possdent la mme valeur ontologique, c'est--dire une valeur inhrente l'homme en tant qu'homme.
The Academy is an institution for the study and teaching of public and private international law and related subjects. Its purpose is to encourage a thorough and impartial examination of the problems arsing from international relations in the field of law. The courses deal with the theoretical and practical aspects of the subject, including legislation and case law. All courses at the Academy are, in principle, published in the "Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law" in the language in which they were delivered. This volume contains: - L'evolution du droit international. Cours general de droit international public, par H. THIERRY, professeur a l'Universite de Paris X-Nanterre. - Development of Diplomatic Law. Selected Problems by S.E. NAHLIK, Professor at the University Jagellone, Cracow. - Soviet Joint Enterprises with Capitalist Firms and Other Joint Ventures between East and West: the Western Point of View by R.H. CARPENTER, Jr., Covington & Burling, Washington, D.C.
This collection of essays gathers contributions from leading international lawyers from different countries, generations and angles with the aim of highlighting the multifaceted history of international law. This volume questions and analyses the origins and foundations of the international legal system. A particular attention is devoted to Hugo Grotius as one of the founding fathers of the law of nations. Several contributions further question the positivist tradition initiated by Vattel and endorsed by scholars of the 19th Century. This immersion in the intellectual origins of international law is enriched by an inquiry into the practice of the law of nations, including its main patterns and changing evolution as well as the role of non-western traditions and the impact of colonization. Le présent ouvrage réunit les contributions de juristes internationaux reconnus en vue d’éclairer les multiples facettes de l’histoire du droit international public. L’ouvrage analyse et questionne les origines et les fondements de l’ordre juridique international. Une attention toute particulière est dédiée à Hugo Grotius l’un des pères fondateurs du droit international. D’autres contributions questionnent également la tradition positiviste initiée par Vattel et confortée par la doctrine du 19ème siècle. Cette immersion dans les origines doctrinales du système juridique international est enrichie par l’étude de la pratique du droit international public, son évolution ainsi que le rôle des traditions non-occidentales et l’impact de la colonisation.
The first volume of the Vienna Lectures on Legal Philosophy illustrates the remarkable scope of contemporary legal philosophy. It introduces methodological questions rooted in national academic discourses, discusses the origin of legal systems, and contrasts constitutionalist and monist approaches to the rule of law with the institutionalist approach most prominently and vigorously defended by Carl Schmitt. The issue at the core of these topics is which of these perspectives is more plausible in an age defined both by a 'postnational constellation' and the re-emergence of nationalist tendencies; an age in which the law increasingly cancels out borders only to see new frontiers erected.
Preliminary Material /Henri Clavier -- Introduction Générale /Henri Clavier -- Introduction /Henri Clavier -- Quelques survivances archaïques dans les courants de la pensée biblique /Henri Clavier -- Le courant mystique et la pensée mystique. /Henri Clavier -- Le eourant prophétique dans la pensée biblique /Henri Clavier -- Le courant cultuel et la pensée biblique /Henri Clavier -- Introduction /Henri Clavier -- y A-t-il unité de pensée dans la Bible juive? /Henri Clavier -- Y A-t-il unité de pensée dsns le Nouveau Testament? /Henri Clavier -- Comment y aurait-il unité de pensée d'un Testament A L'autre ? /Henri Clavier -- L'unité au but et l'unité au centre /Henri Clavier -- Conclusion /Henri Clavier -- Index des citations bibliques /Henri Clavier -- Index des noms de lieux /Henri Clavier -- Index des noms de personnes /Henri Clavier -- Index des noms d'auteurs /Henri Clavier -- Table analytique /Henri Clavier.
In Debating Medieval Natural Law: A Survey, Riccardo Saccenti examines and evaluates the major lines of interpretation of the medieval concepts of natural rights and natural law within the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries and explains how the major historiographical interpretations of ius naturale and lex naturalis have changed. His bibliographical survey analyzes not only the chronological evolution of various interpretations of natural law but also how they differ, in an effort to shed light on the historical debate and on the medieval roots of modern human rights theories. Saccenti critically examines the historical analyses of the major historians of medieval political and legal thought while addressing how to further research on the subject. His perspective interlaces different disciplinary points of view: history of philosophy, as well as history of canon and civil law and history of theology. By focusing on a variety of disciplines, Saccenti creates an opportunity to evaluate each interpretation of medieval lex naturalis in terms of the area it enlightens and within specific cultural contexts. His survey is a basis for future studies concerning this topic and will be of interest to scholars of the history of law and, more generally, of the history of ideas in the twentieth century.
Six original essays that explore the deep significance of previously neglected religious themes in the Founding Era.