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Imagine reading a book written millions of years ago from within great, walled Lemurian monasteries where narrators look back and forward at the same time, chronicling mankind's journey to Earth from the Pleaides and other planets in the pursuit of unfolding into the ultimate attainment, realization of the timeless, formless, spaceless Self within.Lemurian Scrolls is just that book. This ancient manuscript was not found etched on a cave wall or buried in forgotten ruins, but rather discovered through the practice of an inner archeology, the use of the third eye to read the akashic records. Many books exist in the inner akashic, library, and Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami chose to share the chapters that comprise these Scrolls as a further effort to help us all realize where we came from, where we are going, and how to connect with our innate Divinity.
Imagine reading a book written millions of years ago from within great, walled Lemurian monasteries where narrators look back and forward at the same time, chronicling mankind's journey to Earth from the Pleaides and other planets in the pursuit of unfolding into the ultimate attainment, realization of the timeless, formless, spaceless Self within. Lemurian Scrolls is just that book. This ancient manuscript was not found etched on a cave wall or buried in forgotten ruins, but rather discovered through the practice of an inner archeology, the use of the third eye to read the akashic records. Many books exist in the inner akashic, library, and Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami chose to share the chapters that comprise these Scrolls as a further effort to help us all realize where we came from, where we are going, and how to connect with our innate Divinity.
"Ancient secrets from the yoga tradition for building good character and self-discipline, the seldom-taught but essential first steps for knowing God within."--Cover.
"It is a savage age of sorcery and bloodshed, where strong men and beautiful women, warlords, priests, magicians and gladiators battle to carve a bloody path leading to the Throne of Lemuria. It is an age of heroic legends and valiant sagas too. And this is one of them..." Barbarians of Lemuria; swords & sorcery roleplaying, inspired by Thongor, Conan, Brak and Elric. Barbarians of Lemuria has been acclaimed by many as one of the best roleplaying games of this genre. This 'Legendary' version features updates and extra goodies to give you much more swords & sorcery role playing goodness.
In the vast realm of Indigenous wisdom, there exists a profound understanding of the sacred rhythms that permeate the natural world. It is within these rhythms that we find not only solace and serenity but also the keys to unlock our true potential. But in our modern world, where chaos often reigns supreme, it is easy to become disconnected from these sacred rhythms. We find ourselves caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, oblivious to the subtle whispers of nature calling out to us. Yet, deep within our souls, there remains an innate longing for connection - a yearning to rediscover our place within this grand tapestry. In this book, we delve into the timeless teachings that connect us to the very essence of our being and offer guidance on how to navigate the complexities of modern life. As you turn each page of this book, allow yourself to be drawn into the timeless wisdom shared by Indigenous cultures worldwide. Let their words ignite a flame within you - a flame that illuminates your path towards harmony and resilience. Embrace their teachings as guiding lights on your journey and let them remind you of the sacred bond we share with all living beings. Remember: Wisdom is not simply about knowledge; it is about embodying ancient truths in our daily lives. Let the wisdom contained within these pages serve as stepping stones on your path towards embracing the sacred rhythms of nature - an invitation to dance with creation itself. Open your heart, open your mind, and let your journey into Indigenous wisdom continue... “The Holy Land is everywhere.” - Heȟáka Sápa (Black Elk)
Written 1904-1908 (CW 11) "Rudolf Steiner shows that the insoluble link between humanity and cosmos is the fundamental basis of evolution. As human beings have participated in the development of the world we know today, so their achievements are directly connected with the ultimate destiny of the universe. In human hands rests the freedom to shape the future course of creation. Knowledge of our exalted origins and of the path we have followed is indispensable if we are to evolve a future worthy of responsible human beings.... Through a study of Steiner's writings, one can come to a clear, reasonable, comprehensive understanding of human beings and their place in the universe." --Paul Marshall Allen In the best tradition of ancient wisdom literature, Cosmic Memory reconstructs, from the akashic record, events that span the time between the origin of the Earth and the beginning of recorded history. This spiritual research includes a profound investigation of the origins, achievements, and fate of the Atlanteans and Lemurians --the remarkable "lost" root races that developed the first concepts of "good" and "evil," manipulated natural forces, laid the foundation for human legal and ethical systems, and defined and nurtured the distinctive yet complementary powers of men and women that brought humankind, many centuries ago, to its highest artistic, intellectual, and spiritual attainments. Through this discussion of our true origins, Cosmic Memory offers a genuine foundation for our lives, allowing us to realize our real value, dignity, and essence. The reader is shown our human connection with the world around us as well as our highest goals and true destiny. This is a key volume for understanding Rudolf Steiner's early development as a Theosophist and how his ideas, terminology, and formulations during that time fit into the development of his anthroposophic epistemology and Christology. This volume is a translation of Aus der Akasha-Chronik (Rudolf Steiner Gesamtausgabe 11), Rudolf Steiner Verlag, 1986.
In this highly controversial and explosive book, archaeologist, historian, mythologist and linguist Acharya S. marshals an enormous amount of startling evidence to demonstrate that Christianity and the story of Jesus Christ were created by members of various secret societies, mystery schools and religions in order to unify the Roman Empire under one state religion. In developing such a fabrication, this multinational cabal drew upon a multitude of myths and rituals that existed long before the Christian era, and reworked them for centuries into the religion passed down to us today. Contrary to popular belief, there was no single man who was at the genesis of Christianity; Jesus was many characters rolled into one. These characters personified the ubiquitous solar myth, and their exploits were well known, as reflected by such popular deities as Mithras, Heracles/Hercules, Dionysos and many others throughout the Roman Empire and beyond. The story of Jesus as portrayed in the Gospels is revealed to be nearly identical in detail to that of the earlier savior-gods Krishna and Horus, who for millennia preceding Christianity held great favor with the people. The Christ Conspiracy shows the Jesus character as not unique or original, not “divine revelation.” Christianity reinterprets the same extremely ancient body of knowledge that revolved around the celestial bodies and natural forces. The result of this myth making has been “The Greatest Conspiracy Ever Sold.” .
Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, a living legend, yoga master and author of Merging with Siva, recognized the immense value of the Tirukural in 1949 as a young seeker in Sri Lanka. Decades later, he instructed two of his swamis to translate it from classical Tamil into American English, and had an renowned artist in South India illustrate the 108 chapters. Here is the fruit of those efforts, the gentle, profound world of Asian ethics and simple humanness. Yet, Weaver's Wisdom's universality makes it a book you can share with anyone. It contains fortune cookies you can snack on before sleep or at anytime. Its charming wit and common sense will uplift and inspire you and your whole family.
Seas and oceans cover most of the Earth's surface, yet we know less about what lies beneath them than we do about stars and planets millions of miles away. The seas are filled with intriguing mysteries: How were they formed? What gave rise to stories of sirens, mermaids, and mermen? Where did the old pirates and buccaneers hide their treasure? The answers to these questions and more can be found in Unsolved Mysteries of the Sea.
Whether you call them gods, angels, ETs, or aliens, sufficient proof now exists that beings more advanced than humans have influenced our history. Evidence suggests that these outsiders shaped our religions, genes, technology, and cultures. In fact, they may have provided the impetus for modern civilization. Paul Von Ward investigates why modern science and religion refuse to address the possibility that humans interact with Advanced Beings (ABs). He reviews sacred texts, myths and legends--from the Old Testament, Hebrew texts, and the Vedas, to the Greek myths, Sumerian tablets, and other historical sources to make the link between religions, their gods, and alien intervention. He shows how this history of AB intervention has been suppressed and challenges readers to reexamine the origins of notions like “divine revelation” to find common ground among the world’s cultures and religions. Previously published as God, Genes, and Consciousness.