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Cet ouvrage analyse les rôles, les modes et perspectives d'intervention alternatives de l'Économie Sociale et Solidaire (ESS) dans le basculement planétaire de la civilisation économique, en particulier en Europe et en Afrique. Il s'inscrit de manière affirmée dans la visée d'un développement local, décentralisé, démocratique et participatif. Conduite dans une optique multidimensionnelle et transdisciplinaire, l'analyse décapite les préjugés les plus tenaces aux apports et limites de cette socio-économie plurielle.
While we tend to divide the world into Us and Them, a number of grey nuances exist beyond this white and black distinction. The purpose of this book is to address the fuzzy areas between Us and Them through the study of European belonging as it is represented in the French elite daily, Le Monde. Corpora collected from 2014 to 2017 are used for case studies in the framework of Discourse Analysis to look at the use of “Europe” in headlines, and the representation of the United Kingdom, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Ukraine, Belarus, and Turkey. The combination of these case studies allows to present a conceptual framework for the representation of Europe by Le Monde. However, beyond the study of what belonging to Europe means for Le Monde, this book is about the legitimacy of being “in-between”, i.e. belonging neither totally to Us nor to Them.
Anthropological inquiry developed around the study of the exotic. Now that we live in a world that seems increasingly familiar, putatively marked by a spreading sameness, anthropology must re-envision itself. The emergence of diverse national traditions in the discipline offers one intriguing path. This volume, the product of a novel encounter of American anthropologists of France and French anthropologists of the United States, explores the possibilities of that path through an experiment in the reciprocal production of knowledge. Simultaneously native subjects, foreign experts, and colleagues, these scholars offer novel insights into each other’s societies, juxtaposing glimpses of ourselves and a familiar “others” to productively unsettle and enrich our understanding of both.
This text challenges mainstream thinking on welfare states, citizenship, family, work and social policy. It analyses the corresponding shifts in political discourse, and the changes in socio-political configurations that mirror changing gender relations.
Few systematic economic evaluations have been carried out on patent system to better inform policy choices. This report, which covers a range of areas, and highlights some issues that policy makers should address in the near future, including ...
Care Ethics and Political Theory brings together new chapters on the nature of care ethics and its implications for politics from some of the most important philosophers working in the field today. Chapters take up long-standing questions about the relationship between care and justice and develop guidelines for the development of a care-based justice theory. Care ethics is further applied to issues such as security, privacy, law, and health care where little work has been previously done. By bringing care ethics into conversation with non-Western and subaltern cultures, the contributing authors further show how care ethics can guide and learn from other traditions. A final set of chapters uses care ethics to challenge dominant moral and political paradigms and offer an alternative foundation for future moral and political theory. The book as a whole makes the case for care ethics as an equal or superior approach to morality and politics compared with liberalism, luck egalitarianism, libertarianism, the capabilities approach, communitarianism, and other political theories. The volume includes many of the leading care scholars in the world today engaging in both theoretical and applied discussions of this burgeoning field of study. Ultimately, Care Ethics and Political Theory endeavors to find realistic methods and ways of thinking to create a more caring world.
The second edition of this classic text substantially revises and extends the original, so as to take account of theoretical and policy developments and to enhance its international scope. Drawing on a range of disciplines and literatures, the book provides an unusually broad account of citizenship. It recasts traditional thinking about the concept so as to pinpoint important theoretical issues and their political and policy implications for women in their diversity. Themes of inclusion and exclusion (at national and international level), rights and participation, inequality and difference are thus all brought to the fore in the development of a woman-friendly, gender-inclusive theory and praxis of citizenship.
Our consumption of raw materials and energy has reached unprecedented levels which are continuing to increase at a steady rate due to the economic emergence of many countries and the development of new technologies. Metal and cement usage has doubled since the beginning of the 21st Century and this production, between now and 2050, will be equivalent to that produced since the beginning of humanity. It is in this context that the transition to low-carbon and renewable energies is taking place, which involves profound changes to the existing global energy system. This book addresses these different aspects and attempts to estimate first-order requirements for cement, steel, copper, aluminum and energy for different power generation technologies, and for three types of energy scenarios. Some dynamic modeling approaches are proposed to assess the needs and likely evolution of primary production and recycling. The link between production and primary reserves, recycling and stocks of end-of-life products, production costs, incomes and prices using a prey–predator dynamic is discussed. Approaches the issues of commodities and energy in terms of needs, technological innovation and economic and social issues Emphasizes the couplings between these different aspects Helps readers understand and integrate these couplings through global modeling
Over the 20th century, Morocco has become one of the world’s major emigration countries. But since 2000, growing immigration and settlement of migrants from sub-Saharan Africa, the Middle East, and Europe confronts Morocco with an entirely new set of social, cultural, political and legal issues. This book explores how continued emigration and increasing immigration is transforming contemporary Moroccan society, with a particular emphasis on the way the Moroccan state is dealing with shifting migratory realities. The authors of this collective volume embark on a dialogue between theory and empirical research, showcasing how contemporary migration theories help understanding recent trends in Moroccan migration, and, vice-versa, how the specific Moroccan case enriches migration theory. This perspective helps to overcome the still predominant Western-centric research view that artificially divide the world into ‘receiving’ and ‘sending’ countries and largely disregards the dynamics of and experiences with migration in countries in the Global South. This book was previously published as a special issue of The Journal of North African Studies.