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Over the past several years, there has been a steady increase in the number of resident taxpayers subject to the various taxes on income and net worth in Luxembourg. However, until now, no complete and up-to-date documentation has been available to guide taxpayers in the preparation of their tax returns. This book, which is both detailed and highly readable, is a practical response to that information gap. This first English edition is based on tax legislation which is effective in Luxembourg as at 31 December 2018 and provides guidance on how to complete the online corporate income tax, municipal business tax and net worth tax return for resident corporations and how to submit the mandatory electronic declaration. This book undertakes a page-by-page analysis of the tax return form for commercial companies and the annexes to that form and draws attention to the most important laws, regulations and administrative circulars currently in force. The book also incorporates many practical examples. These features make this book an ideal reference guide for resident corporations in Luxembourg.
Le préparateur en pharmacie – Guide théorique et pratique, 2e édition, aborde avec clarté et simplicité les différents aspects du savoir polyvalent que l’on attend du préparateur, appelé à seconder les pharmaciens titulaires et adjoints dans maintes tâches de l’officine : dispensation, conseil et information du public, préparation et réalisation des PDA (préparations des doses à administrer), vigilance, accueil et vente, documentation, gestion des stocks, administration, hygiène, diététique et maintien à domicile… Le personnel de l’officine doit aujourd’hui exercer sa mission de conseil avec d’autant plus de clairvoyance que le public, exposé à un discours médiatique et publicitaire à forte consonance scientifique, dispose de produits cosmétiques et de thérapeutiques « alternatives » où le naturel et le végétal jouent un très grand rôle, mais où les risques de l’automédication imposent un effort de pharmacovigilance et de toxicovigilance accru. Cette nouvelle édition, entièrement réactualisée, constitue un guide de référence pour les futurs préparateurs en pharmacie en respectant le référentiel du brevet professionnel, ainsi qu’un outil indispensable à la formation continue des préparateurs en mettant à leur disposition une somme d’informations facilement accessibles. Elle est également fort utile aux étudiants en pharmacie, dont le cursus comprend de nombreux stages : d’initiation officinale, d’application des enseignements coordonnés et de pratique professionnelle.
The contributions to the conference held in Geneva in 2003, focus on the very latest approaches to 'e-Learning'. The power and enormous diversity of this medium, becomes apparent as experts from all over the world compare notes and raise a whole new range of issues. The reader can examine the presentations of the various practitioners, or go straight to the discussions at the end, for insights into what the future holds for teachers and students alike.
Pour tout responsable de la formation en entreprise, les évolutions qui ont marqué l'année 2009, depuis l'Accord National Interprofessionnel du 7 janvier jusqu'à la loi du 24 novembre, nécessitent une nouvelle mise à jour des connaissances et rendent la fonction encore plus exigeante. Mais la complexité de notre cadre législatif est aussi source d'opportunités et structure l'action du Responsable Formation. Les outils et dispositifs dont il dispose lui permettent de poursuivre les grands objectifs qui sont au coeur de sa mission professionnalisation et employabilité des salariés, individualisation et sécurisation des parcours professionnels. Cet ouvrage s'adresse tout particulièrement aux Responsables Formation qui souhaitent mettre à jour leurs connaissances, prendre du recul et réfléchir à leur fonction. Il intéressera aussi les acteurs des Ressources Humaines concernés par la formation : professionnels, étudiants, enseignants. Il parcourt, en 6 grandes parties et 21 chapitres, l'ensemble du champ d'action du Responsable Formation : les enjeux et les acteurs ; les obligations légales et le cadre législatif actuels ; la politique de formation et la définition des besoins ; la mise en oeuvre, le suivi et l'évaluation du plan de formation ; le panorama des dispositifs de la formation ; les aides financières et subventions. L'auteur intègre les dernières évolutions législatives relatives à la formation professionnelle et propose des conseils et pistes de réflexion. Entre un optimisme résolu et le réalisme nécessaire, elle nous fait partager son expérience de Responsable Formation, un métier passionnant et porteur de sens, qui continue à évoluer et doit régulièrement se repenser. Un métier dont les difficultés et les frustrations sont loin d'être absentes et qui exige nécessairement un engagement fort au service de l'entreprise et de ses salariés. Au carrefour des enjeux sociaux, économiques et financiers de l'entreprise, le Responsable Formation assure une fonction centrale essentielle. A lui de prendre sa place pour devenir un expert reconnu au sein de l'entreprise, un véritable manager et un partenaire stratégique.
This edition of over 60 000 entries, including significantly more than 20% new or revised material, not only updates its predecessor but also continues the policy of extending coverage to areas dealt with only sparsely in previous editions. Special attention has been paid to the Far East, Australasia and Latin America in general, and to the People's Republic of China in particular. The cross-referencing between a defunct organization and its successor (indicated by ex and now) introduced into the last edition, has been extended. Otherwise the policies adopted in previous editions have been retained. All kinds of organizations are included - international, national, governmental, individual, large or small - but strictly local organizations have been omitted. The subject scope includes activities of all kinds, in the fields of commerce and industry, education, law, politics, public administration, religion, recreation, medicine, science and technology. The country of origin of a national organization is given in brackets, unless it is the home country of the title language or can be deduced readily from the title itself. Acronyms of parent bodies of subsidiary organizations are also added in brackets. Equivalences are used to link acronyms in different languages for the same organization. A select bibliography guides the reader to specialist works providing more detailed information.
This publication was produced by downloading files from the "interinstitutional style guide" website in 2011. As the website is updated continuously it is recommended that, when using this paper edition, you check online for any modifications, notably by consulting the "News" page:
The previous edition of this directory extended its coverage of the Far East, Australasia and Latin America, areas previously under-represented. For this new edition emphasis has been given to increasing the number of entries for organizations from Britain, the United States and Australia, and particular attention has been paid to new political organizations in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. The number of entries included has gone up to over 68,000 of which over 9,000 are new or amended. Cross-references from defunct organizations in the previous edition have been deleted, and references (indicated by ex and now) added for organizations which have changed their name since the previous edition. As before, the range of organizations included is broad and only purely local organizations have been excluded. This directory therefore lists official and unofficial organizations, national and international, on all SUbjects: political, economic and social. Acronyms of parent bodies of subsidiary organizations are given where appropriate and equivalencies are used to link acronyms in different languages for the same organization. Further information about the organizations listed can be found in the sources listed in the bibliography. I would like to thank Henry Heaney and Graeme Mackintosh for their advice, and David Grinyer for his technical support. L. M. Pitman Bibliography Adams, R. (ed.) (1993) Centres & Bureaux: A Directory of UK Concentrations of Effort. Information and Expertise, 2nd edn, CBD Research, Beckenham. Barrett, lK. (1993) Encyclopedia of Women's Associations Worldwide, Gale, London.