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Le préparateur en pharmacie – Guide théorique et pratique, 2e édition, aborde avec clarté et simplicité les différents aspects du savoir polyvalent que l’on attend du préparateur, appelé à seconder les pharmaciens titulaires et adjoints dans maintes tâches de l’officine : dispensation, conseil et information du public, préparation et réalisation des PDA (préparations des doses à administrer), vigilance, accueil et vente, documentation, gestion des stocks, administration, hygiène, diététique et maintien à domicile… Le personnel de l’officine doit aujourd’hui exercer sa mission de conseil avec d’autant plus de clairvoyance que le public, exposé à un discours médiatique et publicitaire à forte consonance scientifique, dispose de produits cosmétiques et de thérapeutiques « alternatives » où le naturel et le végétal jouent un très grand rôle, mais où les risques de l’automédication imposent un effort de pharmacovigilance et de toxicovigilance accru. Cette nouvelle édition, entièrement réactualisée, constitue un guide de référence pour les futurs préparateurs en pharmacie en respectant le référentiel du brevet professionnel, ainsi qu’un outil indispensable à la formation continue des préparateurs en mettant à leur disposition une somme d’informations facilement accessibles. Elle est également fort utile aux étudiants en pharmacie, dont le cursus comprend de nombreux stages : d’initiation officinale, d’application des enseignements coordonnés et de pratique professionnelle.
The book is written in English and sets out the basics of French employment law. It includes recent reforms brought in by President Macron many of which were published in the Code du travail (French employment law Code) on 3 January 2018. There are comprehensive references throughout to the articles of the French Code du travail
Les boulangers sont des entrepreneurs qui évoluent dans un environnement très compétitif. Lorsqu'ils prennent en charge leur première affaire, même s'ils disposent d'une solide formation métier, il leur est difficile de repérer et de mettre en œuvre tous les leviers de la performance. Véritable guide pour le pilotage de leur entreprise, cet ouvrage vise à les accompagner dans la prise de décision dans tous les champs de la gestion. Le boulanger, comme tout chef d'entreprise, doit faire face à de très nombreuses situations. Il est nécessaire de compléter son savoir-faire par des compétences et des connaissances pour opérer les meilleurs choix face aux nombreuses questions pouvant se poser à lui, parmi lesquelles : quels sont les critères qui doivent retenir mon attention quand je choisis de créer ou de reprendre une boulangerie ? Comment évalue-t-on une boulangerie ? Quels choix juridiques dois-je opérer ? Comment manage-t-on une petite équipe ? Quelles sont les erreurs à éviter ? Quelles sont les obligations réglementaires auxquelles sont astreintes les boulangeries ? Les réponses apportées par l'auteur sont le fruit d'un travail de synthèse qui s'appuie sur des textes de loi mais aussi sur un inventaire des bonnes pratiques. Celles-ci sont issues à la fois d'entreprises de secteurs différents mais aussi d'une observation sur le terrain.
During the past few decades, industrialized countries have witnessed a progressive crisis of the regulatory framework sustaining the binary model of the employment relationship based on the subordinate employment/autonomous self-employment dichotomy. New atypical and hybrid working arrangements have emerged, challenging the traditional notions of, and divisions between, autonomy and subordination. This in turn has strained labour law systems across industrialized countries that were previously based on the notion of dependent and subordinate employment to cast their personal scope of application. Nicola Countouris advances ideas for a new dynamic equilibrium in employment law to accommodate this evolution, providing a comparative account of the development of the employment relationship in four key European countries - the UK, Germany, France and Italy.
This book examines the concept of the single employment contract, tracing it from its genesis and evaluating its pros and cons in the context of the current labour market problems in selected European countries. The book adopts a comparative approach to examining the single employment contract, highlighting its virtues and revealing its inherent contradictions. The authors set out the general framework within which the current debate has developed by outlining the origins that gave rise to the proposal of a single employment contract. They then review the debate on labour market segmentation and the flexicurity proposal, and examine the key characteristics of the single employment contract as well as the arguments put forward both for and against it. Case studies show how the idea has been taken up in France, Italy and Spain. The book concludes with a concise review of contractual arrangements in EU labour markets and of possible future projections and developments. The book is aimed at academics and practitioners interested in labour market and labour legislation reforms. The book is a co-publication between Hart Publishing and the International Labour Organization.
Praise and Reviews "An unusual and refreshing expatriate guide, written by a local. Beautifully illustrated and with many quotations, this will even appeal to the absent francophile."WOMAN ABROAD"An easy and enjoyable read, the book is a good introduction to living and working in France."FT ExpatIf you are interested in France, this book is for you. Informal and original, it welcomes you like a friend. Whether you are going to France for work, study or pleasure, Living and Working in France: Chez vous en France will be your companion. Geneviève Brame's book shines a practical, political and cultural spotlight on French values and customs. The author gives you the keys to unlock the mysteries of the country she knows best - her own. She introduces you to your new surroundings and helps you find your way through the labyrinth of administrative and immigration procedures. Sections on the socio-economic environment, the European Union, language, travel, health, home, education and the French lifestyle will provide answers to all your questions. Since 1993, Living and Working in France: Chez vous en France has been read by many people around the world. Their advice about France and the French will assist you, as will the opinions of private and public companies.Living & Working in France: Chez vous en France offers an attractive and realistic image of the country. It contains all the essential information you will need, plus the little details that reveal the diversity of the French experience and take you beyond the hackneyed clichés. This book is aimed first and foremost at welcoming newcomers, but it is also for those who have been there for a while, to help them prepare for their naturalization interviews. It will guide you but will not do the work for you. So browse at your leisure, then come and be chez vous en France!
The four volumes of the Encyclopaedia of International Aviation Law are intended for students, lawyers, judges, scholars and readers of all backgrounds with an interest in Aviation Law; and to provide the definitive corpus of relevant national and regional legislation, including global aviation treaties and legislation to enable all readers without exception, to develop the background, knowledge and tools to understand local, regional and international Aviation Law in contextual fashion.