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This open access book presents a nuanced and accessible synthesis of the relationship between land tenure security and sustainable development. Contributing authors have collectively worked for decades on land tenure as connected with conservation and development across all major regions of the globe. The first section of this volume is intended as a standalone primer on land tenure security and its connections with sustainable development. The book then explores key thematic challenges that interact directly with land tenure security, followed by a section on strategies for addressing tenure insecurity. The book concludes with a section on new frontiers in research, policy, and action. An invaluable reference for researchers in the field and for practitioners looking for a comprehensive overview of this important topic. This is an open access book.
Land Tenure Journal is a successor to Land Reform, Land Settlement and Cooperatives, which was published between 1964 and 2009. It is a medium for the dissemination of quality information and diversified views on land and natural resources tenure, and aims to be a leading publication in the areas of land tenure, land policy and land reform. The prime beneficiaries of the journal are land administrators and professionals though it also allows room for relevant academic contributions and theoretical analyses. The electronic form of the journal will be sustained through the Open Journal System (OJS) interface. La Revue des questions foncières succède à la revue Réforme agraire, colonisations et coopératives agricoles, publiée par la FAO de 1964 à 2009. La Revue des questions foncières se veut une publication de pointe sur les questions relatives aux régimes fonciers, aux politiques foncières et à la réforme agraire. Elle s'adresse en premier lieu aux administrateurs de terres et aux professionnels du foncier, mais elle est également ouverte aux contributions universitaires et aux analyses théoriques pertinentes. La forme électronique de la revue sera gérée par l'intermédiaire du système informatique OJS (Open Journal System), librement accessible à tous. La Revista sobre tenencia de la tierra es la sucesora de Reforma agraria, colonización de la tierra y cooperativas, que se publicó entre 1964 y 2009. Se trata de un foro global para la promoción de los últimos conocimientos sobre la tenencia de la tierra, analizados desde un punto de vista técnico, económico y social. La Revista sobre tenencia de la tierra aspira a ser una publicación fundamental en las áreas de le tenencia de la tierra, la política de la tierra y la reforma agraria. Los principales beneficiarios de la revista son administradores de le tierra y profesionales aunque también ofrece la posibilidad a contribuciones académicas relevantes y análisis teóricos. El formato electrónico de la revista será realizado a traves del sistema de interfaz Open Journal (OJS), y será a disposición de todos.
This issue of the Land Tenure Journal includes a geographically and technically diverse range of papers covering Europe, Africa, and Asia. They cover a variety of different situations where land tenure plays a key role in improving food security and reducing poverty: from land consolidation as an alternative to compulsory land acquisition in Germany; to rural land markets and land concentration in Romania; to the impact of secured land rights on crop productivity in Pakistan; to customary land associations and sustainability issues in Papua New Guinea; to addressing land conflicts in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) through a Green Negotiated Territorial Development approach.
The Land Tenure Journal is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal aiming to disseminate quality information and diversified views on land and natural resources tenure. This issue of the FAO Land Tenure Journal includes seven articles with information and experiences on small-scale fisheries around the globe.
This edition of the Land Tenure Journal features a selection of articles from Central and Eastern Europe to Francophone and Anglophone West Africa, through East Africa and back to Northern Europe. The focus of the topics spans land consolidation approaches in Europe, experiences of land colonization and an overview of tenure reforms in Burkina Faso, post-conflict land policy in Liberia, land reform in Malawi, and community commons in Norway. The topics reflect a wide variety of tenure governance issues that are at the core of the CFS-endorsed Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forestry in the Context of National Food Security.
Land Tenure Journal is a medium for the dissemination of quality information and diversified views on land and natural resources tenure, and aims to be a leading publication in the areas of land tenure, land policy and land reform. The prime beneficiaries of the journal are land administrators and professionals though it also allows room for relevant academic contributions and theoretical analyses. La Revue des questions foncières se veut une publication de pointe sur les questions relatives aux régimes fonciers, aux politiques foncières et à la réforme agraire. Elle s'adresse en premier lieu aux administrateurs de terres et aux professionnels du foncier, mais elle est également ouverte aux contributions universitaires et aux analyses théoriques pertinentes. La Revista sobre tenencia de la tierra se trata de un foro global para la promoción de los últimos conocimientos sobre la tenencia de la tierra, analizados desde un punto de vista técnico, económico y social. La Revista sobre tenencia de la tierra aspira a ser una publicación fundamental en las áreas de le tenencia de la tierra, la política de la tierra y la reforma agraria. Los principales beneficiarios de la revista son administradores de le tierra y profesionales aunque también ofrece la posibilidad a contribuciones académicas relevantes y análisis teóricos.
Serving both developed and developing countries, FAO provides a neutral forum where all nations meet as equals to negotiate agreements and debate policy. The Organization publishes authoritative publications on agriculture, fisheries, forestry and nutrition.
This thematic issue addresses valuation and taxation as key elements in the administration of tenure in the Europe and Central Asia regions. It emphasises the core role of these elements in promoting broader social, economic, environmental and sustainable development objectives. It also highlights their role in effective financing of decentralized government levels and local provision of services and infrastructure. It is a compendium of good practices and lessons learned with respect to the Voluntary Guidelines on the Responsible Governance of Tenure of Land, Fisheries and Forests in the Context of National Food Security.