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Nous le sentons tous : une violence obscure, multiforme, hante cette fin de siècle. Elle est d’autant plus redoutable que les formes qu’elle prend sont radicalement nouvelles. Vingt-cinq pays, environ, connaissent la guerre civile et à peu près autant souffrent de graves crises internes. Au total, près d’un État sur quatre est en situation de désordre et d’anarchie. Quant aux autres, ils ne sont pas en reste. Dans nos sociétés industrialisées apparaissent des violences insidieuses, celles des mafias, des milices ou cartels privés, des terroristes et des trafiquants. Au total, c’est à une véritable métamorphose de la violence que nous sommes confrontés. La guerre de Bosnie ne fut à cet égard qu’un signe annonciateur. Face à ces menaces nouvelles, les outils militaires traditionnels se révèlent inefficaces. Et les États qui n’ont pas su adapter leurs systèmes de sécurité à cette nouvelle « donne » sont frappés d’impuissance. Quant à la réflexion stratégique ou polémologique, elle est dramatiquement en retard sur l’évolution des choses. Pour lutter efficacement contre la violence, il faut d’abord apprendre à la penser. Comme il nous faut repenser la guerre pour éviter de la subir. Écrit par un spécialiste, ce livre iconoclaste nous aide à regarder cette réalité en face.
Stories of violence — such as the account in Genesis of Cain’s jealousy and murder of Abel — have been with us since the time of the earliest recorded texts. Undeniably, the scourge of violence fascinates, confounds, and saddens. What are its uses in literature — its appeal, forms, and consequences? Anchored by Alice Kaplan’s substantial contribution, the thirteen articles in this volume cover diverse epochs, lands, and motives. One scholar ponders whether accounts of Huguenot martyrdom in the sixteenth-century might suggest more pride than piety. Another assesses the real versus the true with respect to a rape scene in The Heptameron. Female violence in fairy tales by Madame d’Aulnoy points to gender politics and the fragility of female solidarity, while another article examines similar issues in the context of Ananda Devi’s works in present-day Mauritius. Other studies address the question of sadism in Flaubert, the unstable point of view of Emmanuel Carrère’s L’Adversaire, the ambivalence toward violence in Chamoiseau’s Texaco, the notions of “terror” and “tabula rasa” in the writings of Blanchot, the undoing of traditions of narrative continuity and authority in the 1998 film, À vendre, and consequences of the power differential in a repressive Haiti as depicted in the film Vers le Sud (2005). Paradoxes emerge in several studies of works where victims may become perpetrators, or vice versa.
This book shows through criticism the richness, the complexity, and the far-reaching significance of the writings of Anne Hebert, the Quebequain novelsit and poet who first achieved recognition in he 1940s and '50s. The writings, by such notables as Gaetan, Brulotte, Neil Bishop, Annabelle Rea, Lori Saint-Martin, Roseanna Dufault, and many others, are variously in English and in French. Prefaced by renowned Hebertian scholar Janet Pallister, and introduced by Pallister's essay on the life and accomlishment of Anne Henert, the work is accompanied by a large bibliography of the works of Anne Hebert.
Violence and Messianism looks at how some of the figures of the so-called Renaissance of "Jewish" philosophy between the two world wars - Franz Rosenzweig, Walter Benjamin and Martin Buber - grappled with problems of violence, revolution and war. At once inheriting and breaking with the great historical figures of political philosophy such as Kant and Hegel, they also exerted considerable influence on the next generation of European philosophers, like Lévinas, Derrida and others. This book aims to think through the great conflicts in the past century in the context of the theory of catastrophe and the beginning of new messianic time. Firstly, it is a book about means and ends – that is, about whether good ends can be achieved through bad means. Second, it is a book about time: peace time, war time, time it takes to transfer from war to peace, etc. Is a period of peace simply a time that excludes all violence? How long does it take to establish peace (to remove all violence)? Building on this, it then discusses whether there is anything that can be called messianic acting. Can we – are we capable of, or allowed to – act violently in order to hasten the arrival of the Messiah and peace? And would we then be in messianic time? Finally, how does this notion of messianism – a name for a sudden and unpredictable event – fit in, for example, with our contemporary understanding of terrorist violence? The book attempts to understand such pressing questions by reconstructing the notions of violence and messianism as they were elaborated by 20th century Jewish political thought. Providing an important contribution to the discussion on terrorism and the relationship between religion and violence, this book will appeal to theorists of terrorism and ethics of war, as well as students and scholars of Philosophy, Jewish studies and religion studies.
Jacques Derrida's Aporetic Ethics offers a new approach to the study of Derrida's philosophy. Challenging many scholarly articles and books, Marko Zlomislic argues against the popular conception of Derrida as a philosophical relativist. By evaluating objective evidence and through logical arguments, Zlomislic argues that Derrida has been concerned with ethics since his first published works. Indeed, Derrida's arguments have presented a new understanding of ethics and the concept of decision. Zlomislic provides a substantive in-depth argument for reading Derrida's ethics and, due to the central ethical concerns, Derrida's entire philosophy.Jacques Derrida's Aporetic Ethics is essential reading for anyone with an interest in this essential thinker of the twentieth century.
Lo scopo del libro è quello di presentare i risultati di una survey che ha visto coinvolti i membri di alcune Law Enforcement Agency europee e un gruppo di esperti in materia di terrorismo e radicalizzazione che sono stati interrogati sul presente e il futuro della radicalizzazione violenta in Europa. Questa ricerca è stata condotta nell’ambito del progetto TRIVALENT. Dopo una descrizione del background teorico della ricerca e della metodologia utilizzata, saranno presentati i risultati delle interviste qualitative e del questionario Delphi. La principale conclusione di questo studio è l’idea che la radicalizzazione e il terrorismo siano processi complessi e articolati in più livelli che coinvolgono sia i singoli individui sia le macro-strutture.
One out of every two people will experience trauma, says psychiatrist Boris Cyrulnik, and one in ten will remain a prisoner of that suffering. Why are some children permanently damaged by difficult childhoods, while others grow up into secure, creative, loving adults? This book, based on Dr. Cyrulnik's broad experience with victims of childhood distress, offers a message of hope for everyone concerned about the impact of deprivation and such traumatic events as separation, emotional or sexual abuse, and violence in the environment. The ghosts of the past keep on whispering to the child within the adult. Through dozens of moving, vivid examples, Dr. Cyrulnik describes the ingredients of resilience, the ability to heal the wounded self and move on, to make sense of what happened back then and form new emotional and social ties. Affection is such a vital need, he writes, that those who were deprived of it will attach themselves intensely to anything that rekindles a spark of life, whatever the cost. From the earliest parent-child bonding to the sexual turbulence of the teenage years, this book shows what makes for success or failure in the struggle to gain freedom from early pain.