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The Bilingual Revolution is a collection of inspirational vignettes and practical advice that tells the story of the parents and educators who founded dual language programs in New York City public schools. The book doubles as a "how to" manual for setting up your own bilingual school and, in so doing, launching your own revolution.
The “shot heard ‘round the world” not only set the 13 colonies on the road to becoming the United States, but echoes throughout American history. Secondary- and primary-source images, a map, an illustrated timeline, and a fact-packed text in standard Latin American Spanish and English help bring the story of the American Revolution to life. An excellent way to introduce young readers to the inspiring story of our country’s birth!
Diccionario Bilingüe de Metáforas y Metonimias Científico-Técnicas presents the extensive range of metaphoric and metonymic terms and expressions that are commonly used within the fields of science, engineering, architecture and sports science. Compiled by a team of linguists working across a range of technical schools within the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, this practical dictionary fills a gap in the field of technical language and will be an indispensable reference for students within the fields of science, engineering or sports science seeking to work internationally and for translators and interpreters working in these specialist fields.
The emergence of newer international standards and the focus on STEM education are transforming entire educational sectors. Yet, as schools focus more attention to developing global competencies and 21st century skills in their pedagogy, it has become critical to re-engage educators and school communities with the goals of language education, multilingualism, and multiliteracy while promoting interconnectedness, empathy, and mutual comprehension among our youth. With this in mind, it is important to understand the potential of multilingual education as it can serve our societies’ new expectations, and provide the right tools for success to our younger generations. The Gift of Languages: Paradigm Shift In U.S. Foreign Language Education explores the many advantages of multilingual education and sets the stage for a new paradigm in our approach to teaching and learning languages. The book touches on the issue of foreign language deficit in the United States and the changes that need to occur in our schools to better serve our children and our linguistic communities. The book also explores the growth of dual-language education in recent years and explores the connection between both multilingual programming and solving the United States’ foreign language problem. The discussion on language education in the United States has never been neutral; moreover, it has traditionally provided substantive direction and exerted significant authority over educational policy. Yet, this debate needs to move towards viewing multilingual education as an essential approach for our society, and as something that should be prevalent among educational policymakers. The audience for this book includes educators, language teachers, school leaders, school boards, program directors, scholars, and policy makers particularly if they want to join forces in building the future of education and investing in the multilingual capital of our nation. This book is part of The Bilingual Revolution Series. Praises We are at a critical point in our nation in which we can continue to hold on to our monolingual past, or embrace a multilingual and more inclusive future. The Gift of Languages helps us prepare and understand the necessary paradigm shift to adopt and implement a multilingual curriculum and mindset in our schools and communities. Co-authored by two pioneers and experienced experts in the bi- and multilingual education space, the book is a must read for educators, policy makers, community leaders, students, and interested parents who want to make meaningful changes now. – Andrew H. Clark, Ph.D. Chair, Dept. of Modern Languages & Literatures, Fordham University The Gift of Languages should awaken all Americans, especially the policy makers, for the need to raise future generations of multilingual citizens to compete and thrive in our global community. One of our founding fathers and presidents, Thomas Jefferson, spoke to and acted upon the need for teaching languages when he founded the University of Virginia; as a nation, we have not lived up to his words and actions. Let us remind ourselves that we started out a linguistically and culturally diverse group of peoples that came together to build a strong nation over the years. Linguistic diversity is the gift that our nation needs to give itself! – Francesco L. Fratto President, The Foreign Language Association of Chairpersons and Supervisors “Mastering languages is essential for communicating with and understanding others, respecting each other, and appreciating our heritages and our roots. The Gift of Languages offers an invaluable toolbox for policy makers, educators, families and students who are already working in the field of language and those who hope to create the kind of paradigm shift that the authors advocate. The book provides cogent arguments in favor of expanded language learning at all levels, and especially argues in favor of expanding the breadth and variety of multilingual educational opportunities already spreading in public school systems from Utah to Louisiana to New York and beyond. The authors cite examples of the “Bilingual Revolution” already underway and provide the kinds of arguments and examples that resonate for educators and drive policy towards furthering the way we value language education in the United States. The book is indispensable for anyone interested in the future of foreign language education.” – Jane F. Ross, Ph.D. President and Founder, French Heritage Language Program Over 60% of people on the planet are bilingual or multilingual — which suggests that this is the norm for human beings — and multiple studies demonstrate the cognitive, social, political, and financial benefits of bilingualism. Yet in the United States, we regularly hear news stories about people being shamed, bullied, and sometimes violently harmed for speaking other languages, even when they also speak English. Accessibly written, this book offers detailed arguments for both why and how the nation should embrace and promote linguistic diversity. Options for adults are expertly addressed, yet the authors invest even greater passion and detail in promoting early educational programs in which no child is left monolingual. I can think of no better way to shift our nation’s view of itself from “English Only” to “English Plus” and create a more inclusive society. We need a roadmap, and this book clearly lays out the territory and possible trajectories as it motivates us to make the journey. – Kimberly J. Potowski, Ph.D. Professor in the Department of Hispanic and Italian Studies, University of Illinois at Chicago About the Authors Fabrice Jaumont is the author of The Bilingual Revolution: The Future of Education is in Two Languages (TBR Books, 2017), which provides inspirational vignettes and practical advice for parents and educators who want to create a dual-language program in their own school. He has also published several books and articles on philanthropy, higher education, heritage languages, cinema, and the arts. Fabrice Jaumont is Education Attaché for the Embassy of France to the United States, a Program Director for FACE Foundation in New York, and the founder of New York in French. He is also a Senior Fellow at Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme in Paris. Fabrice Jaumont holds a Ph.D. in Comparative and International Education from New York University. For more information, visit the author’s blog: Kathleen Stein-Smith is the author of The U.S. Foreign Language Deficit: Strategies for Maintaining a Competitive Edge in a Globalized World (Palgrave-MacMillan, 2016), The U.S. Foreign Language Deficit and How It Can Be Effectively Addressed in the Globalized World: A Bibliographic Essay (Edwin Mellen Press, 2013), and The U.S. Foreign Language Deficit and Our Economic and National Security: A Bibliographic Essay on the U.S. Language Paradox. (Edwin Mellen Press, 2013). Kathleen Stein-Smith is Associate University Librarian at Fairleigh Dickinson University, Chair of the American Association of Teachers of French Commission on Advocacy, and member of the American Translators Association Education & Pedagogy Committee. She has taught foreign languages at high school and college level, taught adult learners, delivered TEDx talk on the U.S. foreign language deficit. She holds a Ph.D. in Interdisciplinary Studies from Union Institute & University. For more information, visit the author’s blog:
Esta amplia introducción al bilingüismo en español abarca los contextos sociales, políticos y culturales del español en EEUU, España y Hispanoamérica. Escrito para estudiantes no nativos de español, es el primer libro de texto de estas características para los estudiantes de lingüística hispánica. Este libro de texto en español presenta los temas fundamentales en el estudio del bilingüismo a estudiantes y profesionales Explora comunidades bilingües en Estados Unidos, Hispanoamérica y España Crea conciencia crítica sobre la complejidad del bilingüismo como un fenómeno sociopolítico y cultural Se organiza en tres secciones principales centradas en la sociedad y el individuo: el bilingüismo y la sociedad; el bilingüismo y el individuo; y la política y la educación Incluye mapas, recuadros de resumen del capítulo, vocabulario y conceptos clave y preguntas de comprensión, así como preguntas para reflexionar, investigar y comentar al final de cada capítulo This wide-ranging introduction to Spanish bilingualism covers the social, political, and cultural contexts of Spanish in the US, Spain, and Hispanoamérica. Written for non-native Spanish learners, it offers the first textbook of its kind for students of Hispanic linguistics. This Spanish-language textbook introduces students and professionals to the fundamental issues in the study of bilingualism Explores bilingual communities in the United States, Hispanoamérica, and Spain Raises critical awareness of the complexity of bilingualism as a sociopolitical and cultural phenomenon Organized in three main sections which focus on both society and the individual: bilingualism and society; bilingualism and the individual; and politics and education Includes maps, chapter summary boxes, key terms and concepts, and comprehension questions, as well as questions for reflection, research and discussion at the end of each chapter
Desde 1996, los programas de enseñanza bilingüe con lenguas extranjeras están presentes en el panorama educativo español. En los últimos cinco años se ha producido una notable expansión de estos proyectos. Como toda novedad, esta situación platea nuevos retos al profesorado y los centros: ¿Cómo plantear la transmisión de conocimientos en otras lenguas? ¿Cómo conseguir mantener los niveles de rendimiento con el aumento del esfuerzo requerido por parte del alumnado y profesorado? ¿Cómo encontrar materiales didácticos apropiados? ¿Cómo hacer frente a las necesidades lingüísticas y de contenido en cada área? ¿Cómo evaluar los contenidos a través de una segunda lengua? Esta publicación surge con la intención de ofrecer respuestas prácticas a estos cuestionamientos del profesorado. Se presentan propuestas generales de trabajo en el aula, propuestas más específicas de trabajo en distintas áreas curriculares, propuestas de evaluación y vías de trabajo para alumnado con dificultades de aprendizaje de naturaleza lingüística.
Bilingual readers will encounter the waves of immigrants who made this land their home. The book explores the history of immigration from Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America. The final chapters focus on recent and present-day immigration. A great way to explain America’s immigrant heritage to kids.
The Yaqui warrior is a persistent trope of the Mexican nation. But using fresh eyes to examine Yoeme indigeneity constructs, appropriations, and efforts at reclamation in twentieth- and twenty-first-century Mexican and Chicana/o literature provides important and vivid new opportunities for understanding. In Yaqui Indigeneity, Ariel Zatarain Tumbaga offers an interdisciplinary approach to examining representations of the transborder Yaqui nation as interpreted through the Mexican and Chicana/o imaginary. Tumbaga examines colonial documents and nineteenth-century political literature that produce a Yaqui warrior mystique and reexamines the Mexican Revolution through indigenous culture. He delves into literary depictions of Yaqui battalions by writers like Martín Luis Guzmán and Carlos Fuentes and concludes that they conceal Yaqui politics and stigmatize Yaqui warriorhood, as well as misrepresent frequently performed deer dances as isolated exotic events. Yaqui Indigeneity draws attention to a community of Chicana/o writers of Yaqui descent: Chicano-Yaqui authors such as Luis Valdez, Alma Luz Villanueva, Miguel Méndez, Alfredo Véa Jr., and Michael Nava, who possess a diaspora-based indigenous identity. Their writings rebut prior colonial and Mexican depictions of Yaquis—in particular, Véa’s La Maravilla exemplifies the new literary tradition that looks to indigenous oral tradition, religion, and history to address questions of cultural memory and immigration. Using indigenous forms of knowledge, Tumbaga shows the important and growing body of literary work on Yaqui culture and history that demonstrates the historical and contemporary importance of the Yaqui nation in Mexican and Chicana/o history, politics, and culture.
After more than 200 years, the US Constitution remains the supreme law of the land. This bilingual text delves into why the Constitution was written and discusses how amendments have enabled it to evolve over time. The book explains each of the Constitution’s seven articles, as well as the ten amendments that make up the Bill of Rights. The book concludes with a discussion of the Constitution’s central place throughout American history, going up to the present day.