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Todos los seres humanos tenemos la posibilidad de recuperarnos de manera efectiva frente a las adversidades y de sacar provecho de las mismas. En La otra cara de la tragedia, un libro basado en la ciencia y en la solidaridad de las personas, Paulo Daniel Acero, muestra a los lectores cómo frente a grandes dificultades y experiencias traumáticas siempre existe la posibilidad de recuperación, de sobrevivir psicológicamente y de crecer como seres humanos. El autor, psicólogo experto en trauma y resiliencia, concibe un interesante libro de psicología positiva, desde una perspectiva optimista que promueve el desarrollo humano basado en la ciencia y en las potencialidades de los individuos y de los grupos. De gran utilidad tanto para psicólogos, especialistas y acompañantes de procesos de duelo, como para aquellas personas que buscan superar la adversidad y experimentar, a partir de la misma, el crecimiento humano.
Following their consciences in defiance of their government, some 2,800 young Americans between 1936 and 1938 joined the cause of Spanish democracy under the banner of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade. Passing the Torch is an outspoken tribute to the heroism of the American volunteers of the 1930s and to their tradition of hope and resistance, which continues to inspire social activists to this day. A photoessay that captures the spirit of radicalism embodied in the brigadistas, this richly illustrated volume portrays Central American solidarity work in the 1980s, massive protests against the Gulf War in 1991, and the World Trade Organization "Battle in Seattle" in December 1999. It also profiles seven Seattle-area veterans, representative of the 120 surviving members of the Lincoln Brigade, and documents the dedication ceremony of the first public monument to the Brigade in the United States. All text is presented in Spanish and English.
This volume explores in depth femicide and feminicide, bringing together our current knowledge on this phenomenon and its prevention. No country is free from femicide/feminicide, which represents the tip of the iceberg in male violence against women and girls. Therefore, it is crucial and timely to better understand how states and their citizens are experiencing and responding to femicide/feminicide globally. Through the work of internationally recognised feminist and grassroots activists, researchers, and academics from around the world, this handbook offers the first in-depth, global examination of the growing social movement to address femicide and feminicide. It includes the current state of knowledge and the prevalence of femicide/feminicide and its characteristics across countries and world regions, as well as the social and legal responses to these killings. The contributions contained here look at the accomplishments of the past four decades, ongoing challenges, and current and future priorities to identify where we need to go from here to prevent femicide/feminicide specifically and male violence against women and girls overall. This transnational, multidisciplinary, cross-sectoral handbook will contribute to research, policy, and practice globally at a time when it is needed the most. It brings a visible, global focus to the growing concern about femicide/feminicide, underscoring the importance of adopting a human rights framework in working towards its prevention, in an increasingly unstable global world for women and girls.
How can we understand and contest the global wave of violence against women? In this book, Alison Brysk shows that gender violence across countries tends to change as countries develop and liberalize, but not in the ways that we might predict. She shows how liberalizing authoritarian countries and transitional democracies may experience more shifting patterns and greater levels of violence than less developed and democratic countries, due to changes and uncertainties in economic and political structures. Accordingly, Brysk analyzes the experience of semi-liberal, developing countries at the frontiers of globalization--Brazil, India, South Africa, Mexico, the Philippines, and Turkey--to map out patterns of gender violence and what can be done to change those patterns. As the book shows, gender violence is not static, nor can it be attributed to culture or individual pathology--rather it varies across a continuum that tracks economic, political, and social change. While a combination of international action, law, public policy, civil society mobilization, and changes in social values work to decrease gender violence, Brysk assesses the potential, limits, and balance of these measures. Brysk shows that a human rights approach is necessary but not sufficient to address gender violence, and that insights from feminist and development approaches are essential.
Este libro constituye una valiosa aportación para la investigación y la práctica sobre análisis y resolución de conflictos desde una perspectiva narrativa. Se basa en tres ideas fundamentales: la teoría narrativa crítica, la teoría de la transformación narrativa y la ética estética. El objetivo que la autora propone, en un proceso de la resolución de conflictos, es el paso desde una narrativa conflictiva (conflict story) hacia una historia mejor construida (better-formed story), a través de la consecución de momentos críticos (critical moments) y giros (turning points), tomando en cuenta la propia subjetividad y el testimonio de sufrimiento del Otro, así como dándoles voz y teniendo en cuenta el espacio donde se haga el proceso. Por lo tanto, el libro de Sara Cobb proporciona bases filosóficas sólidas para la resolución de conflictos a nivel local, nacional e internacional. Retoma autores como: Arendt, Levinas, Rancière, Foucault, Ricoeur, Lyotard y Derrida, entre otros.
Alicia Giménez Bartlett’s popular crime series, written in Spanish and organized around the exploits of Police Inspector Petra Delicado and Deputy Inspector Fermin Garzon, is arguably the most successful detective series published in Spain during the previous three decades. Nina L. Molinaro examines the tensions between the rhetoric of gender differences espoused by the woman detective and the orthodox ideology of the police procedural. She argues that even as the series incorporates gender differences into the crime series formula, it does so in order to correct women, naturalize men’s authority, sanction social hierarchies, and assuage collective anxieties. As Molinaro shows, with the exception of the protagonist, the women characters require constant surveillance and modification, often as a result of men’s supposedly intrinsic protectiveness or excessive sexuality. Men, by contrast, circulate more freely in the fictional world and are intrinsic to the political, psychological, and economic prosperity of their communities. Molinaro situates her discussion in Petra Delicado’s contemporary Spain of dog owners, ¡Hola!, Russian cults, and gated communities.
Over 3,300 total pages …. Introduction: The National Intelligence University is the Intelligence Community’s sole accredited, federal degree-granting institution. The main campus is located in Bethesda, MD and it also has Academic Centers located around the world. The faculty of NIU are subject matter experts from around the intelligence community who bring a wealth of knowledge and practical experience, as well as academic qualifications, to the classroom. Included titles: BRINGING INTELLIGENCE ABOUT Practitioners Reflect on Best Practices ANTICIPATING SURPRISE Analysis for Strategic Warning Learning With Professionals: Selected Works from the Joint Military Intelligence College THE CREATION OF THE NATIONAL IMAGERY AND MAPPING AGENCY: CONGRESS’S ROLE AS OVERSEER The Coast Guard Intelligence Program Enters the Intelligence Community A Case Study of Congressional Influence on Intelligence Community Evolution THE BLUE PLANET INFORMAL INTERNATIONAL POLICE NETWORKS AND NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE TEACHING INTELLIGENCE AT COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES SHAKESPEARE FOR ANALYSTS: LITERATURE AND INTELLIGENCE Out of Bounds: Innovation and Change in Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysis Managing the Private Spies Use of Commercial Augmentation for Intelligence Operations Intelligence Professionalism in the Americas Y: The Sources of Islamic Revolutionary Conduct GLOBAL WAR ON TERRORISM: ANALYZING THE STRATEGIC THREAT SENSEMAKING - A STRUCTURE FOR AN INTELLIGENCE REVOLUTION Finding Leaders Preparing the Intelligence Community for Succession Management EXPERIENCES TO GO: TEACHING WITH INTELLIGENCE CASE STUDIES Democratization of Intelligence Crime Scene Intelligence An Experiment in Forensic Entomology BENEATH THE SURFACE INTELLIGENCE PREPARATION OF THE BATTLESPACE for COUNTERTERRORISM A FLOURISHING CRAFT: TEACHING INTELLIGENCE STUDIES INTELLIGENCE ANALYSIS IN THEATER JOINT INTELLIGENCE CENTERS: AN EXPERIMENT IN APPLYING STRUCTURED METHODS The Common Competencies for State, Local, and Tribal Intelligence Analysts