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Terminar los conflictos armados es difícil; restaurar una paz duradera puede ser considerablemente más difícil aún. Recuperando la Paz Cotidiana aborda la efectividad y el impacto de las intervenciones a nivel local en las comunidades afectadas por la guerra. Utilizando una metodología innovadora para generar iniciativas participativas, Pamina Firchow encuentra que las comunidades saturadas por intervenciones externas después de la guerra no ostentan niveles sustancialmente mayores de paz de acuerdo con indicadores de paz definidos por las comunidades mismas, que aquellas con menores niveles de intervención. Estos hallazgos sugieren que las iniciativas de construcción de paz internacionales no son muy efectivas en alcanzar la paz según estándares locales porque se presta una atención desproporcionada a la reconstrucción, gobernanza, y asistencia para el desarrollo mientras se presta muy poca atención a los lazos comunitarios y a la sanación. Firchow sostiene que se requiere un abordaje más abajo-arriba para medir la efectividad de la construcción de paz. Encontrando formas de comunicar efectivamente las necesidades y prioridades de las comunidades locales a la comunidad internacional, las iniciativas destinadas a crear una atmósfera para una paz duradera se hacen posibles.
Es una realidad que en las últimas cuatro décadas se han presentado graves condiciones de injusticia y desigualdad económica y social en las sociedades latinoamericanas. Éstas son algunas de las razones por las cuales experimentaron permanentes situaciones de violencia y conflictos internos, ocasionando que las frágiles democracias latinoamericanas cedieran el poder a cúpulas militares con la infundada esperanza de la solución de sus problemas. Fue así como los débiles gobiernos constitucionales, que además no necesariamente provenían de procesos democráticos, fueron reemplazados, en el poder, por dictaduras militares o regímenes autoritarios. Desde el inicio de los años ochenta los países latinoamericanos experimentaron una oleada continua de transiciones de regímenes militares a ordenamientos constitucionales democráticos. Parte del legado que debieron enfrentar los nuevos gobiernos civiles fue la situación de impunidad para los responsables de graves violaciones contra los derechos humanos. Como consecuencia, en toda la región han surgido fuertes movimientos sociales que buscan el castigo de los culpables, el conocimiento de la verdad y reparaciones para las víctimas.
This volume is a collection of studies conducted by the Regional Coordination for Economic and Social Research (CRIES) into the problems of civil society and armed or violent conflicts in Latin America and the Caribbean. These studies, carried out within a program embracing research, consultation, networking, impact, and information dissemination, have been used by CRIES in the development of a Regional Action Plan for civil society, and in a presentation before the United Nations in the framework of the Global Conference promoted by the Global Partnership for the Prevention of Armed Conflict (GPPAC). They also informed a Global Action Plan and served as a basis for the Latin American and Caribbean Platform for Conflict Prevention and Peace Building, created in October 2004.
This book analyses the war against drugs, violence in streets, schools and families, and mining conflicts in Latin America. It examines the nonviolent negotiations, human rights, peacebuilding and education, explores security in cyberspace and proposes to overcome xenophobia, white supremacy, sexism, and homophobia, where social inequality increases injustice and violence. During the past 40 years of the Latin American Council for Peace Research (CLAIP) regional conditions have worsened. Environmental justice was crucial in the recent peace process in Colombia, but also in other countries, where indigenous people are losing their livelihood and identity. Since the end of the cold war, capitalism aggravated the life conditions of poor people. The neoliberal dismantling of the State reduced their rights and wellbeing in favour of enterprises. Youth are not only the most exposed to violence, but represent also the future for a different management of human relations and nature.
Global Security and International Political Economy is a component of Encyclopedia of Social Sciences and Humanities in the global Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), which is an integrated compendium of twenty one Encyclopedias. This 6-volume set contains several chapters, each of size 5000-30000 words, with perspectives, issues of great relevance to our world such as: Global Security; Global Security and the International System; The Regional Dimension of Global Security; The National Dimension Of Global Security; The Societal Dimension Of Global Security; The Human Security Agenda In World Politics; History Of Empires And Conflicts; The Myth Of The Clash Of Civilizations In Dialogical-Historical Context; Causes And Prevention Of Armed Conflict; International Development Policies And Global Security; Environment And Global Security; Political Economy Of International Security; Political Issues In Human Resource Development; Globalization And The Consumer Society. These volumes are aimed at the following five major target audiences: University and College students Educators, Professional practitioners, Research personnel and Policy analysts, managers, and decision makers and NGOs.
This book aims to initiate among students and other readers critical and interdisciplinary reflections on key problems concerning development, gender relations, peace and environment, with a special emphasis on North-South relations. This volume offers a selection of the author's research in different parts of the world during 50 years of contributing to an interdisciplinary scientific debate and addressing social answers to urgent global problems. After the author's biography and bibliography, the second part analyses the development processes of several countries in the South that resulted in a dynamic of underdevelopment. The deep-rooted gender discrimination is also reflected in the destructive exploitation of natural resources and the pollution of soils, water and air. Since the beginning of the Anthropocene in the mid-20th century, the management of human society and global resources has been unsustainable and has created global environmental change and multiple conflicts over scarce and polluted resources. Peace and development policies aiming at gender equity and sustainable environmental management, where water and food are crucial for the survival of humankind, focus on systemic alternatives embedded in a path of sustainability transition. • This book reviews multiple influences from Europe, Africa and Latin America on a leading social scientist and activist on gender, development and environment aiming at a world with equity, sustainability, peace and harmony between nature and humans.• This pioneer volume analyses social and environmental conflicts and peace processes in Latin America, with a special focus on Mexico, by addressing the development of under-development, global environmental change, poverty, nutrition and the North-South gap.• This volume focuses on environmental deterioration with a special emphasis on food and water and proposes systemic changes towards a sustainability transition with peace, regional development and gender equity.• This pioneering work offers alternative approaches to regional development, food sovereignty and holistic development processes from a gender perspective.
Beginning with volume 41 (1979), the University of Texas Press became the publisher of the Handbook of Latin American Stuides, the most comprehensive annual bibliography in the field. Compiled by the Hispanic Division of the Library of Congress and annotated by a corps of more than 130 specialists in various disciplines, the Handbook alternates from year to year between social sciences and humanities. The Handbook annotates works on Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean and the Guianas, Spanish South America, and Brazil, as well as materials covering Latin America as a whole. Most of the subsections are preceded by introductory essays that serve as biannual evaluations of the literature and research underway in specialized areas. The Handbook of Latin American Studies is the oldest continuing reference work in the field. Dolores Moyano Martin, of the Library of Congress Hispanic Division, has been the editor since 1977, and P. Sue Mundell has been assistant editor since 1994. The subject categories for Volume 55 are as follows: Anthropology (including Archaeology and Ethnology) Economics Electronic Resources for the Social Sciences Geography Government and Politics International Relations Sociology