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This book addresses current changes of education policies in a context of globalisation. It does so by focusing on the implementation of performance-based accountability policies in France and in Quebec (Canada). It questions the trajectory of these policies, their mediations and their instrumentation in various territories and schools through a theoretical framework which combines a North American neo-institutionalist approach with the perspective of the French sociologie de l’action publique. The book extends the current international literature on English-speaking experiences of hard accountability to research on “soft” accountability policies and proposes a deep investigation in two highly contrasted education systems. This investigation is multilevel and has led to field research both in schools, in intermediate authorities, and in central administrations for three years. The research presented in the book addresses the international literature on accountability in public administration and in education, the current transformations of governance in education, as well as the forms taken by the globalisation of education policies in countries differently exposed to international influences. The comparison highlights a convergent neo-statist trajectory of the performance-based accountability policy in the two countries, various forms of governance by results enacted at the local and meso level, and more intense impacts of these policies on schools and teacher’s practices in Quebec than in France.
The result of half a century of research and experimentation in economics and management, this Treatise is intended for management practitioners. Socio-economic management (SEAM) makes the demands of humanism in professional life and sustainable economic prosperity compatible. It is illustrated with numerous cases from 2,150 companies and organizations from a wide variety of sectors and presents observed and measured results. Most of these chapters are written jointly by managers or executives of companies and organizations, and scholars or consultants involved in the pilot actions. This book is the work of 193 authors, from 16 countries and 4 continents, practitioners or academics in management sciences and management. This reflects the diversity of national and sectoral contexts of SEAM applications. Some chapters situate this concept in relation to the major currents of current thought. Each chapter is preceded by abstracts in French, English and Spanish. The prefaces, signed by Herman Aguinis and Rene Ricol, show the scope of socio-economic theory and management beyond the borders of the company. The book illustrates the international influence (48 countries) of the innovative and robust methods created and developed by the ISEOR team. Socio-economic theory constitutes a "breakthrough innovation", both in terms of its conceptual contribution and the practical methods and tools of its applications. This holistic approach touches on the different functions of the company and its multiple problems. It provides a structured change management method, focused on stimulating Human Potential and on self-financing the development of the company or organization, through the periodic recycling of hidden costs.
Ella Hermon, Avant-propos. Concepts et paradigmes ; Luigi Capogrossi Colognesi, Pr�face. Acque, terre e paesaggi umani nella storia di Roma; A. Trevor Hodge, Introduction. Reflections on Water; i. aspects de gestion int�gr�e de leau: I.1. Pratiques de la gestion int�gr�e de leau; Mich�le Brunet, La gestion de leau en milieu urbain et rural � D�los dans lAntiquit�; Monique Clavel-L�veque, Gestion de leau et d�veloppement de la colonie de B�ziers; dans la plaine littorale; Sophie Collin-Bouffier, Organisation des territoires grecs antiques et gestion de leau; H�le`ne Dessales, Le prix de leau dans lhabitat romain: une �tude des modes de gestion; � Pomp�i; Maurizio Gualtieri, The Water Supply System of a Senatorial Estate in Southern Italy; (Oppido Lucano, PZ); Alberto Prieto, Les guerres de leau dans lHispanie romaine; I.2. La gestion des risques environnementaux : C�cile Allinne, L�volution du climat � l�poque romaine en M�diterran�e occidentale:; aper�u historiographique et nouvelles approches; Robert Bedon, Les villes des Trois Gaules et leur recherche dune proximit� de leau:; gestion des atouts et des difficult�s cr��es par la pr�sence de rivi�res et de mar�cages; Jean-Fran�ois Berger, �tude g�oarch�ologique des r�seaux hydrauliques romains de; Gaule Narbonnaise (haute et moyenne vall�e du Rh�ne): apports � la gestion des; ressources en eau et � lhistoire agraire antique; Rita Compatangelo-Soussignan, La lagune-mar�cage de Salapia / Siponte (Pouilles,; Italie) � l�poque romaine: modifications environnementales et r�ponses anthropiques; Philippe Leveau, Les inondations du Tibre � Rome: politiques publiques et variations; climatiques � l�poque romaine; Marinella Pasquinucci, Water Management Practices and Risk Management in North; Etruria (Archaic Period to Late Antiquity): A Few Remarks; ii. savoirs traditionnels : ii.1. Usages �conomiques et conflits dusage : Pascal Arnaud, Conscience de limpact environnemental et choix dam�nagements ; concurrentiels des cours deau chez les auteurs anciens; Raffaella Biundo, La gestion publique de leau: finances municipales et centre du pouvoir; � l�poque imp�riale; Geoffrey Kron, Reconstructing the Techniques and Potential Productivity of Roman; Aquaculture in the Light of Recent Research and Practice; Philippe Leveau, Les aqueducs de la colonie romaine dArles et lexploitation des eaux souterraines (Ground Water): conflits dusage, changements dutilisation des eaux,; �volution des environnements dans un massif karstique; Elio Lo Cascio and Paolo Malanima, Mechanical Energy and Water Power in Europe:; A Long Stability ?; Almudena Orejas, Mar�a Ruiz del �rbol et F.-Javier Sanchez-Palencia, La gestion; int�gr�e de leau dans les zones mini�res du nord-ouest dHispania; Stefania Quilici Gigli, The Management of the Water Regime in Agrarian Contexts in; Central Italy; ii.2. Aspects juridiques : Pierre Jaillette et Francesca Reduzzi Merola, Leau � usage agricole dans la; l�gislation romaine de l�poque tardive: du Code Th�odosien au Code Justinien; Dennis Kehoe, Economics and the Law of Water Rights in the Roman Empire; Jean Peyras, La gestion int�gr�e de leau dans lAntiquit� tardive: la r�ception du droit; romain dans lAfrique Mineure; Robert H. Rodgers, Ex rei publicae utilitate: Legal Issues Concerning Maintenance of; the Aqueducts at Rome; Francesco Salerno, Opus manu factum, natura agri et lutilisation de leau de pluie; dans la jurisprudence romaine; conclusion : Luigi Labruna, Rome et le droit de lenvironnement; Ella Hermon, LEmpire romain: un paradigme interpr�tatif ?
This book brings together the findings of key sector- and media-specific analyses of the environment in the Eastern Europe, Caucasus, and Central Asia area and puts forth a set of indicators to provide a one-stop, concise and up-to-date assessment accessible also to a non-specialist audience.
La télémédecine ou la e-santé regroupent un ensemble d’applications des technologies de l’information et de la communication, lesquelles sont traitées dans cet ouvrage en partant d’idées simples. Cet ouvrage place le patient au cœur du système. La santé est vue sous cet angle à travers la multitude des technologies disponibles actuellement. L’acceptabilité de ces technologies par le patient, l’aidant et le professionnel de soin devient alors un élément clé. L’auteur liste les différentes applications ainsi que les briques matérielles et logicielles indispensables à leur réalisation. Quelques éléments de prospective complètent les évolutions récentes, comme le partage entre l’hôpital et les nouveaux lieux de soins tel le domicile du patient. L’ouvrage analyse les contraintes liées à la mise en place de ces dispositifs, en particulier les normes et certifications nécessaires, puis il aborde les différentes formations mises en œuvre au service du déploiement de ces solutions.