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Por lo que nosotros conocemos, podemos decir que corresponde a México, el mérito de haber sido el primer país latinoamericano en donde se expusiera, por primera vez, la Filosofía Fenomenológica. Fue allá, en el año de 1927, cuando hice la exposición de la Fenomenología así como el Neokantismo, el Existencialismo de Heidegger y sus antecedentes y la Teoría de los Valores, especialmente de Max Scheler, en mis cátedras de Epistemología analítica y de Metafísica en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, dependiente de la Universidad Nacional de México. - Dr. Adalberto Garcia de Mendoza
Thorough and lucid survey of Western philosophy from pre-Socratics to mid 20th century — major figures, currents, trends. Valuable section on contemporary philosophy — Brentano, Ortega, Heidegger, others. "Brevity and clarity of exposition..." — Ethics.
FILOSOFÍA PARA POLICÍAS Todos los y las policías del mundo, deben tener un mínimo de conocimiento no sólo jurídico, político y criminal. La filosofía es una oportunidad para conocer desde una perspectiva más humanista el trabajo policial. En este contexto, encontramos la ética policial, la filosofía de la mente y las mentes criminales, entre otras ramas del conocimiento filosófico. Conforme nos conozcamos a nosotros mismos, nos volvemos más conscientes de nuestros objetivos en nuestra vida, más responsables y comprometidos con nuestro trabajo como defensores de los Derechos Humanos y Estados de Derecho Democráticos. En este libro, encontrarás algunas de las premisas más importantes de la filosofía y su aplicación en el trabajo policial, como podría ser: El darnos cuenta de nuestras potencialidades como seres humanos, el uso eficiente de nuestra inteligencia, racionalidad, voluntad, intuición y tendencias a la superación personal. Conforme te introduces en el mundo de la filosofía, te irás sintiendo más humano, más inquieto por el conocimiento, más seguro de ti mismo, de tus objetivos de vida y lo más importante, te irás convirtiendo, cada vez más, en un oficial de la policía responsable, profesional y con alta calidad humana.
This comprehensive collection of original essays written by an international group of scholars addresses the central themes in Latin American philosophy. Represents the most comprehensive survey of historical and contemporary Latin American philosophy available today Comprises a specially commissioned collection of essays, many of them written by Latin American authors Examines the history of Latin American philosophy and its current issues, traces the development of the discipline, and offers biographical sketches of key Latin American thinkers Showcases the diversity of approaches, issues, and styles that characterize the field
Richard Rorty is considered one of the most original philosophers of the last decades, and he has generated warm enthusiasm on the part of many intellectuals and students, within and outside the field of philosophy. The collection opens with an essay by Robert Brandom, in which he continues the discussion of Rorty’s “vocabulary vocabulary” that he began in Rorty and his Critics, and ends with an interview in which Brandom talks about Rorty himself as a teacher and friend. The collection is then divided into three further sections, each addressing an aspect of Rorty’s thought. First, a political section contains several essays discussing Rorty’s notorious “prophecy” in Achieving our Country and the idea that he would have foreseen the rise of a political “strongman.” Also discussed are Rorty's view of the cultural left, his view of the relation between truth and democracy, and Rorty on the concept of fraternity. In a second, epistemological section, several essays address Rorty’s historicism, anti-representationalism, and his views on truth and on religion, often through the lenses of his critics (Putnam, Habermas, Dews). A final section addresses the relations between Rorty and other philosophers such as Hume, Heidegger, and Ortega y Gasset. This works contains valuable essays in three languages — English, Portuguese, and Spanish — and is a small example of the reach of Rorty’s thought and its expansion beyond the Anglo-Saxon world in only ten years after his death. It will appeal to Rorty’s scholars and researchers as well as any student of pragmatism and anti-foundationalist thought.
This volume contains articles on topics within a variety of disciplines: political philosophy, ethics, history of philosophy, formal logic, philosophy of science and technology, as well as philosophical interpretation of literature. It is relevant to philosophers and researchers in these disciplines. It addresses the question of a genuine Latin American local, national and continental cultural identity being a challenge to philosophy.
The Britannica Enciclopedia Moderna covers all fields of knowledge, including arts, geography, philosophy, science, sports, and much more. Users will enjoy a quick reference of 24,000 entries and 2.5 million words. More then 4,800 images, graphs, and tables further enlighten students and clarify subject matter. The simple A-Z organization and clear descriptions will appeal to both Spanish speakers and students of Spanish.
The Liberating Philosophy of Ignacio Ellacuría: Historical Reality, Humanism, and Praxis is the first systematic work on the philosophy of Ignacio Ellacuría to be published in English so far. The Spaniard-Salvadorian philosopher—murdered in Salvador in 1989 by the military—maintains that philosophy is a permanent task grounded in metaphysics as first philosophy, as developed within a historical reality and a preferential option for the poor. As explored by this collection edited by Luis Arturo Martínez Vásquez, Randall Carrera Umaña, and Luis Rubén Díaz Cepeda, Ellacuría's theory is a critical and practical proposal immersed in the colonial history of Central America, but its explanatory and normative power extends to oppressed people all around the world. The contributors to this volume, coming from Spain, Mexico, Argentina, Salvador, and Costa Rica, analyze Ellacuría's philosophy of liberation in conjunction with radical realism and strength, describing it as "a philosophy created by people concerned with the problems and history of our land—such as our colonial past, systemic poverty and dependency—and… responding to these concerns can offer alternatives for a true liberation of all the dominated peoples of the world."
This issue of CIRPIT REVIEW features the Cirpit Proceedings of three Conferences promoted by Cirpit Association in the year 2012, in collaboration with public and private institutions, universities and Philosophical Departments (CISRECO – ROMA TRE Univ, SIENA Univ.), which saw the participation of several Italian and foreign scholars of intercultural philosophy and inter-religious dialogue (Giacomo Marramao, Giuliano Boccali, V.Pérez Prieto, S.Gasparetti Landolfi, Giangiorgio Pasqualotto, Franz Martin Wimmer, Joseph Prabhu, Piergiorgio Solinas, Young-chan Ro, Michiko Yusa, Ralph Weber, Marcello Ghilardi, Giorgio Taffon, Augusto Cavadi, Achille Rossi, Giuseppe Cognetti, Roberta Cappellini). The Review also features contributions by Pietro Barcellona, Jacob Parappally, Gabriele Piana, Gianni Vacchelli, Filippo Dellanoce. The topics discussed regard the actual problems and perspectives of interculturality, pluralism and dialogue, focusing on the many different visions of the world, cultures, philosophies , behaviors, values, and with the problem of peace: the real practical question of human coexistence on the planet .Questo numero della Cirpit Review 4/2013 accoglie gli Atti di tre Convegni promossi dall’Associazione Cirpit, in collaborazione con alcune istituzioni pubbliche e private, università e dipartimenti filosofici (CISRECO -. Università ROMA TRE, Università di SIENA), che hanno visto la partecipazione di diversi studiosi italiani e stranieri di filosofia interculturale e di dialogo interreligioso (Giacomo Marramao, Giuliano Boccali, V.Pérez Prieto, S.Gasparetti Landolfi, Giangiorgio Pasqualotto, Franz Martin Wimmer, Joseph Prabhu, Piergiorgio Solinas, Young-chan Ro, Michiko Yusa , Ralph Weber, Marcello Ghilardi, Giorgio Taffon, Augusto Cavadi, Achille Rossi, Giuseppe Cognetti, Roberta Cappellini). La rassegna ospita anche i contributi di Pietro Barcellona, Jacob Parappally, Gabriele Piana, Gianni Vacchelli, Filippo Dellanoce. Gli argomenti trattati riguardano gli attuali problemi e prospettive relative all’interculturalità, al pluralismo e al dialogo e sono incentrati sulle molteplici visioni del mondo, culture, filosofie, comportamenti, valori e sul problema della pace: la vera questione pratica della convivenza umana sul pianeta .