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Given the boost in global immigration and migration, as well as the emphasis on creating inclusive classrooms, research is turning to the challenges that teachers face with the increasing need for bilingual and multilingual education. The benefits of bilingual education are widespread, allowing students to develop important cognitive skills such as critical thinking and problem solving as well as opening further career opportunities later in life. However, very few resources are available for the successful practice and implementation of this education into the curriculum, with an even greater lack of appropriate cultural representation in the classroom. Thus, it is essential for educators to remain knowledgeable on the emerging strategies and procedures available for making bilingual and multilingual education successful. The Research Anthology on Bilingual and Multilingual Education is a comprehensive reference source on bilingual and multilingual education that offers the latest insights on education strategy and considerations on the language learners themselves. This research anthology features a diverse collection of authors, offering valuable global perspectives on multilingual education. Covering topics such as gamification, learning processes, and teaching models, this anthology serves as an essential resource for professors, teachers, pre-service teachers, faculty of K-12 and higher education, government officials, policymakers, researchers, and academicians with an interest in key strategy and understanding of bilingual and multilingual education.
Around the world, school districts and institutions are exploring ways to provide quality education to their students. With this, there is a deeper need for multiculturalism in classrooms, as many students are from varying cultures and speak different languages. Early Childhood Education From an Intercultural and Bilingual Perspective provides emerging research on the use of play, toys, and games as tools for meaningful multicultural and bilingual education. By highlighting topics such as cross-cultural psychology, classroom management, and second language acquisition, this publication explores the importance of culture in games and play. This book is an important resource for educators, academicians, researchers, and students seeking current research on the role of intercultural education in society and modern approaches to early education.
Through different approaches like toys and play, children explore and know the rules and symbols of their communities and recreate roles and situations that reflect their sociocultural and 21st century plurilingual world. As a result, they learn how to subordinate desires to social rules, cooperate with others willingly, and engage in socially appropriate behavior. When they are evaluated together psychologically, there is a current need for action to increase the amount and quality of play provided to children. Since discrepancies are observed between urban and rural areas, as well as among different cultures, there is also a need for a research initiative where cultures can learn and take advantage of the experiences of each other. International Perspectives on Modern Developments in Early Childhood Education is an essential scholarly publication that identifies ways of intertwining key areas of early childhood education, including international approaches, intercultural education, bilingual/plurilingual education, and the role of play and toys as means for meaningful intercultural and multilingual learning. By incorporating a view of different cultures, societies, languages, and educational experiences in early childhood education, this volume provides data for international and intercultural exchange for the benefit of children. Highlighting a range of topics such as educational systems, play therapy, and games, this book is ideal for early childhood teachers, educators, academicians, researchers, professionals, psychologists, sociologists, and students.
Alumnos nacidos en el siglo XXI, teniendo clases con profesores formados en el siglo XX en una escuela que se parece mucho a las escuelas del siglo XIX. Ese cuadro inquietante es el gran desafío que todos los educadores brasileños enfrentamos hoy, ya sea al frente de un Ministerio de Educación, de una escuela o de un aula. Una de las preocupaciones centrales de este debate es el papel que tienen, tendrán o deberían tener las nuevas tecnologías en la educación. Es imposible negar que influirán cada vez más en la práctica de la enseñanza, así como influirán cada vez más en la práctica de los estudiantes. Negar la presencia de la tecnología en las escuelas -como hacen muchas leyes al prohibir, a priori, el uso de teléfonos móviles en las escuelas- es la forma de escapar, no la forma necesaria de abordar este importante tema. Cuando se usa indiscriminadamente, la tecnología ayuda poco e incluso puede dificultar, como lo muestra un estudio reciente de la OCDE[1] sobre el uso de computadoras y otros dispositivos en el aprendizaje. Situar a la computadora como una alternativa al docente es condenar al fracaso el uso de la tecnología en la educación, como ocurre con cualquier instrumento a favor del aprendizaje. La cantidad, en este caso, no conduce a la calidad; por el contrario, puede interponerse en el camino. Por otro lado, el mismo estudio y muchos otros presentes en la literatura brasileña e internacional muestran que, cuando se utiliza correctamente, la tecnología puede ser una gran aliada para el profesional de la educación. Permite al alumno y al profesor explorar mundos más allá de lo accesible a su alrededor; permite a ambos ir más allá de sus repositorios de conocimiento individuales, accediendo a la gran cantidad de información disponible en Internet; permite nuevas formas de interacción y colaboración, sin obstáculos geográficos; permite la publicación y el acceso a las obras en cualquier momento y lugar. Nuevamente, el gran problema que destaca el estudio de la OCDE es que todo depende de la preparación y disposición del docente. Al contrario de lo que muchos imaginaban cuando las tecnologías digitales comenzaron a "invadir" la educación, la presencia de estos nuevos instrumentos no disminuye el rol del docente, sino que lo amplía considerablemente, creando nuevas y complejas responsabilidades para este profesional. El docente del siglo XXI debe ser un mediador del aprendizaje, hábil en el arte de educar a sus alumnos para que sean aún más críticos con los contenidos que consumen de los diferentes medios, y sepa construir conocimiento real en medio de un volumen abrumador de información disponible. Es un gran desafío. Además, todo tiene que ser repensado; no sólo el papel de las tecnologías, sino todas las dimensiones del trabajo escolar: espacios, tiempos, programas, prácticas, relaciones, roles. El mundo ha cambiado y la escuela debe cambiar con él, de lo contrario ya no podrá producir ciudadanos conscientes capaces de enfrentar los desafíos que muy probablemente encontrarán en su vida adulta. ¡¡FELIZ LECTURA!!
As education becomes more globally accessible, the need increases for comprehensive education options with a special focus on bilingual and intercultural education. The normalization of diversity and the acclimation of the students to various cultures and types of people are essential for success in the current world. The Handbook of Research on Bilingual and Intercultural Education is an essential scholarly publication that provides comprehensive empirical research on bilingual and intercultural processes in an educational context. Featuring a range of topics such as education policy, language resources, and teacher education, this book is ideal for teachers, instructional designers, curriculum developers, language learning professionals, principals, administrators, academicians, policymakers, researchers, and students.
In the age of information, an essential priority in the context of international education is the development of language learning and its inconsistencies. The gap between language and education has intermittently grown through time, with mistaken assumptions about how linguistic shortcomings are being solved around the world. Research on comparative educational approaches to teaching verbiage and the foundation of future language development are instrumental in positively impacting the global narrative of dialectal education. International Approaches to Bridging the Language Gap is a collection of innovative research on the methods and applications of second language teaching as well as social developments regarding intercultural learning. While highlighting topics including curricular approaches, digital competence, and linguistic disparities, this book is ideally designed for language instructors, linguists, teachers, researchers, public administrators, cultural centers, policymakers, government officials, academicians, researchers, and students seeking current research on the latest advancements of multilingual education.
Vivimos en sociedades bastante convulsas donde se suceden a diario multitud de acontecimientos preocupantes y desagradables que los medios de comunicación se ocupan de magnificar. Cuando se trata de proponer soluciones, muchas personas se refieren a la función que podría tener la escuela contribuyendo a resolver algunos problemas sociales. En este libro se propone la introducción de un conjunto de cambios profundos en la escuela. Los autores consideran que hay que realizar dos tipos de adquisiciones fundamentales. Por un lado, aprender a desarrollarse como un ser social, relacionándose con los demás, aprendiendo a respetarlos, a cooperar, y también a competir dentro de las reglas del juego. Por otro lado, desarrollar la capacidad para comprender la realidad y desenvolverse en el entorno, tanto respecto a la realidad física y natural, como a la realidad social. Para ello se proponen tres cambios fundamentales en la escuela: a] respecto a la organización social, que tiene que implicar a los alumnos; b] respecto a la manera de aprender, que tiene que tratar al alumno como un investigador, y c],respecto a las relaciones de la escuela con la comunidad, que tiene que implicarse en ella. Se propugna una manera de trabajar en la escuela que proporcione la educación adecuada para la formación de ciudadanos que vivan en una sociedad democrática en el siglo XXI.
Military technology is highly advanced in terms of technology being used in the field, computer applications, artificial intelligence, and software applications. These high-performance technologies range from weapons to communications technology to automation in vehicles and weaponry. These technologies must be both secure and reliable in harsh environments. Research is being focused specifically on that, including how military and defense applications operate, what modern technologies are being used, and the ethics surrounding these applications. A holistic view of these applications is necessary for both understanding current military tactics and tools along with the future applications. The Research Anthology on Military and Defense Applications, Utilization, Education, and Ethics focuses specifically on military and defense operations, expenditure, technologies, and tools, and the ethics surrounding technologies like weaponry and artificial intelligence in the military. The chapters cover a wide and diverse range of military and defense applications while providing crucial information on the functions, security, and reliability of these technologies. Beyond an understanding of the applications themselves, this book also focuses on military education surrounding these technologies and the ethics of usage to provide a well-rounded understanding of research in the field. This book is ideal for military consultants, military personnel, defense agencies, national security agencies, government officials, defense personnel, policymakers, military educators and trainers, stakeholders, practitioners, researchers, academicians, and students interested in the latest research in military and defense applications.
¿Qué es educar? En una sociedad agitada por los cambios drásticos durante las dos últimas décadas, parece un auténtico desafío poder concretar qué vamos a enseñar a nuestros alumnos. No obstante, educar no es simplemente transmitir unos conocimientos predeterminados. Esta obra es una colección de reflexiones críticas sobre el procesos educativo y sus implicaciones en el siglo XXI.