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Wie Kriege dargestellt werden, hat Einfluss auf die Kriegsführung. Das gilt nicht erst für die elektronischen Waffengänge moderner Zeitrechnung. Mit dem Zweiten Golfkrieg aber, so eine gängige Lesweise, hat sich die Wahrnehmung von Kriegen selbst verändert. Was wird perzipiert, was bleibt außen vor, was geht unter in der Flut an Informationen? Nachrichten über Kriege sind immer ungleich auf Interessenlagen bezogen. In den Blick gerät, was Medien verbreiten. Andere Kriege existieren in der Realität, aber nicht im Bewusstsein von Zeitgenossen weltweit. Fiktionale Verarbeitungen von Kriegen können, anders und intensiver als die Nachricht, die Gewalt reflektieren, sie einordnen, ihr Sinn geben oder sie verwerfen. Sie sind Mittel oder Teil der kriegerischen Strategie und der Propaganda, können aber ebenso gut Gegenentwürfe anbieten zu den Gräueltaten, die sie repräsentieren. Weder Fiktionalität oder Information, noch die Art der medialen Umsetzung stellen, an sich betrachtet, eine Vorentscheidung dar, wie kritisch oder wie affirmativ Kriegshandlungen geschildert oder gedeutet werden. Der vorliegende Band zeigt diese grundsätzliche Ambivalenz in den großen, epochalen Umbrüchen der Mediendispositive und den inter- und transmedialen Wandlungen insgesamt. Er reflektiert sie anhand der Geschichte der Einzelmedien wie Fotografie und Malerei, Hörspiel, Tageszeitung, Essay, Internetforum oder Fernsehnachricht, an der Arbeit von PR-Agenturen oder in der fiktionalen Verarbeitung etwa im Comic. Krieg in den Medien bringt zudem Einzelanalysen und Autorenporträts in den Gattungen Roman, Poetikvorlesung, Spielfilm, Drama oder politisch-philosophische Theorie.
The Dayton Accords ended the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina in 1995. The 10th anniversary gives reason to investigate the post-war period, today's realities and future perspectives. Bosnian authors and international experts express their views on recent developments. Insiders and outsiders, working in the conflict and on its transformation, have been invited to tackle the questions: Which conflict lines mark the present society? Did peacebuilding activities address the underlying causes? What are obstacles for conflict transformation? What are the potentials and limits of international support? What does "civil society" mean in Bosnia and how is it related to statebuilding and democratisation? How can people constructively deal with the past in order to design the future in the region of former Yugoslavia? The book gives an overview on an important research focus of the Berghof Research Center, highlighting the work of its most important cooperation partners.
This overview of Empire is from an eminent German scholar working in the field of imperialism. It also discusses the critical debates surrounding Empire by scholars such as Negri, Mann and Ingatieff.
Empires rise and fall; they do not last. In the eyes of many, the US exerts the strongest destabilizing influence on world events, and thus presents the greatest threat to world peace. World power #1 hasn’t acquired this top position by chance. Since 1945, no other nation has bombed as many other countries or toppled as many governments as the US. It maintains the most military bases, exports the most weapons, and has the highest defense budget in the world. USA: The Ruthless Empire explains the background factors, motives, and resources of this world power.
War, migration, and refugeehood are inextricably linked and the complex nature of all three phenomena offers profound opportunities for representation and misrepresentation. This volume brings together international contributors and practitioners from a wide range of fields, practices, and backgrounds to explore and problematize textual and visual inscriptions of war and migration in the arts, the media, and in academic, public, and political discourses. The essays in this collection address the academic and political interest in representations of the migrant and the refugee, and examine the constructed nature of categories and concepts such as ‘war,’ ‘refuge(e),’ ‘victim,’ ‘border,’ ‘home,’ ‘non-place,’ and ‘dis/location.’ Contributing authors engage with some of the most pressing questions surrounding war, migration, and refugeehood as well as with the ways in which war and its multifarious effects and repercussions in society are being framed, propagated, glorified, or contested. This volume initiates an interdisciplinary debate which re-evaluates the relationship between war, migration, and refugeehood and their representations.
This is the seventh and final volume in this comprehensive guide to the history of world cultures throughout historical times.
The War in Our Backyard is a novel study of the German press' textual and visual coverage of the wars in Bosnia (1992–1995) and Kosovo (1998–1999). Key moments from both wars have been selected and analysed using a broad range of publications reaching from far-right to far-left and including broadsheets, a tabloid and a news magazine. Two sections with parallel chapters form the core of the book: the first part dealing with the war in Bosnia and the second with Kosovo. Each section contains one chapter on the initial phase of the conflict, one chapter on an important atrocity – namely the Srebrenica Massacre in Bosnia and the Račak incident in Kosovo – and, lastly, a chapter each on the international involvement which ended the immediate violence. The book examines how the various events were covered, what sources were used and what insights these examples of the German press conveyed. Special attention has been paid to four key themes, which emerged from the research. Firstly, the changing perceptions of the Serbian President Slobodan Miloševic and the issue of who was to blame for the conflicts; secondly, how various armed forces, including the Yugoslav Peoples' Army and the Kosovo Liberation Army were presented in the German press; thirdly, the persistent presence of the Second World War and the Holocaust in the coverage of the wars in Bosnia and Kosovo and how they shaped the press' interpretation of the violence; and lastly, how Germany's role in the Balkans – both in the realms of diplomacy and military intervention – was evaluated by the national press. Pictures and cartoons accompanying the textual coverage have been included to present a more rounded picture of press coverage.
This authoritative but concise guide describes the most significant cultural theories from the 19th to the 21st century and their originators, as well as the links between them and their mutual influences. This guide explores ideas around what culture is, when and why cultures change over time and whether there are any rules or principles behind culture-related phenomena and processes. For those seeking to answer questions on culture, familiarity with these topics is essential. From refugee movements caused by wars, to the ongoing demographical changes in regions of the world like sub-Saharan Africa or the Indian subcontinent, understanding the underlying mechanisms of culture-related processes has become an immediate and essential task. Covering everything from the processes of cultural change to counterculture and destabilisation, the book explains different ideas in a clear and objective fashion and includes approaches that have been unduly neglected but which have high explanatory value regarding culture and its phenomena. Providing readers with an up-to-date idea of what culture is, and how our understanding of it has been established over the past century, this text is the perfect companion for advanced undergraduates, postgraduates and researchers.
What do Germans mean when they say “never again”? Andrew Port examines German responses to the genocides in Cambodia, Bosnia, and Rwanda, showing how these events transformed the meaning of the Holocaust in Germany, inspired partial remilitarization, and changed the country’s relationship to refugees fleeing war-torn regions.