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Retained copy of GLC02437.00732, a response to GLC02437.00731. Refer to the draft of this document, GLC02437.00732, for complete scope and content. In Samuel Shaw's hand. Place of writing is inferred from copy at GLC02437.00732.
Knox's working draft. Is a response to GLC02437.00731 and draft of GLC02437.00733. Regarding the question of sending part of the army to Boston, writes [the topic] was so fully discussed at the time it was propos'd and the conclusion drawn that it would be unnecessary to say any thing further on the subject... Argues that during the winter the army should be held in as collected a state as possible. Notes that the only argument against gathering the army in one location will be the difficulty of obtaining supplies and provisions. Advises against dividing the army into cantonments. Addresses the procurement of forage and provisions for the army during winter. Docketed by Samuel Shaw.
General Washington writes to Knox, Chief of Artillery for the Continental Army. Informs Knox he will soon be called to a council of War, and will be asked his opinion on several issues: whether the Continental Army should engage in a general attack against the British; if not, what stance the army should take; where Continental troops should be stationed in reference to the British occupation of Philadelphia; how to prevent the British from drawing supplies from the city during the winter, etc.
Knox's handwritten copy of Washington's queries to his Council of War. Washington informs the Council that the British force consists of two divisions (one at New York and one at Rhode Island). A detachment from New York were recently employed in a Forage in New Jersey. Notes that the New York fleet was still in the harbor on 9 October, and was rumored to be planning to sail for Boston. A Continental officer, recently a prisoner of the enemy, reported that a large body of British troops embarked destin'd for the Southward. Notes that General John Sullivan has command of troops surrounding Providence, Rhode Island. Writes, From this State of Facts and under these Circumstances, the Commander in chief requests the Opinion of the Council, whether it will be prudent and advisable to make a detachment of the main Army towards Boston, & of what Force. Also asks the Council's advice on location and organization of troops in winter quarters.
In Shaw's hand, and signed for Knox by Shaw. Knox replies in detail to Washington's question, whether an eastward movement of the greater part of the Continental Army would be feasible. Knox writes, I cannot see the propriety of such a measure at present, or that it would be warranted from the state of information which your Excellency gave to the Council last evening. Discusses the factors involved, including the strength of the French and British fleets near Newport, Rhode Island, and the status of American General John Sullivan's operation in Rhode Island. Considers the likelihood of British movement toward Boston. Supposes the British may conduct operations against Providence, Rhode Island. Suggests that a relatively strong force be left in the Hudson River Highlands if the Continental Army should move east. Advises against an attack on New York City, noting that the British have sufficient strength to successfully defend themselves. Argues that obtaining bread will be the greatest difficulty in supplying provisions to the Continental Army during an eastward movement. Duplicate of GLC02437.00724.
Later copy. Knox considers whether or not the greater part of the Continental Army should move east to reinforce troops in Newport, Rhode Island and Boston, Massachusetts. Suggests lending assistance if American General John Sullivan's troops are captured. Suggests leaving a force in the Hudson River Highlands comparable to the size of the British force in New York. Advises against an attack on New York. Remarks that obtaining bread will be difficult for the troops moving east.
Document in Samuel Shaw's hand, and signed by Shaw for Knox, giving Knox's opinion on several questions posed by Washington. Writes, would be a most criminal degree of madness to hazard a general action at this time with the enemy, as by it we might lose every advantage which a three years war, combined with many fortunate circumstances, have given to America. Suggests the Continental Army remain at Valley Forge until the British completely evacuate Philadelphia. Does not advise a detachment to be sent to reinforce Continental troops in New Jersey. Gives advice for securing the sick and stores if the Continental Army should have to immediately evacuate their position at Valley Forge.
Reports receiving a letter from Knox, delivered by Captain Shaw (possibly Samuel Shaw, Knox's aide-de-camp). Informs Knox, commanding at West Point, he has been impatiently waiting for Congress to decide the number of troops to be stationed at West Point during the winter. Relates that some members of Congress seem reluctant to lessen the present force while the British remain in the United States. Intends to send orders to Colonel [Timothy] Pickering, Quarter Master General, to extend winter provisions for the supply of 2500-3000 men. Notes that Shaw has gone to Philadelphia. Docketed in Knox's hand.
Knox's original working draft. Knox responds to General Washington's questions regarding eastward movement of the Continental Army to reinforce troops in Rhode Island and Massachusetts.