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Le centre Semiotic and Cognitive Studies (semiotique et etudes cognitives) de l'universite de San Marino (dirige par Umberto Eco et Patrizia Violi) veut promouvoir la recherche et les echanges interdisciplinaires dans le domaine des sciences cognitives, de la semiotique, de la psychologie, de la psycholinguistique, de la philosophie de la pensee, de l'intelligence artificielle, dans le but de comparer les traditions philosophique, semiotique et linguistique europeennes aux derniers resultats des sciences cognitives americaines. Numero 2 de la serie Semiotic and Cognitive Studies: G. Manetti, Preface, Introduction: The Concept of the Sign from Ancient to Modern Semiotics, W. Leszl, I messagi degli dei e i segni della natura, D. Sedley, Aristotle's De interpretatione and ancient semantics, A.A. Long, Stoic Psychology and the Elucidation of Language, G. Verbeke, Meaning and Role of the Expressible in Stoic Logic, E. Asmis, Epicurean Semiotics, D. Glidden, Sextus and the Erotetic Fallacy, M. Bettetini, Agostino d'Ippona: i segni, il linguaggio, M. Bettini, A proposito di Argumentum, G. Pucci, Terminus. Per una semiotica dei confini nel mondo romano, D. Maggi, Il segno creatore. Aspetti dell'integrazione del segno nella mitologia vedica, U. Eco, Jerusalem and the Temple as Signs in Medieval Culture.
Is there such a thing as natural knowledge of God? C. Stephen Evans presents the case for understanding theistic arguments as expressions of natural signs in order to gain a new perspective both on their strengths and weaknesses. Three classical, much-discussed theistic arguments - cosmological, teleological, and moral - are examined for the natural signs they embody. At the heart of this book lie several relatively simple ideas. One is that if there is a God of the kind accepted by Christians, Jews, and Muslims, then it is likely that a 'natural' knowledge of God is possible. Another is that this knowledge will have two characteristics: it will be both widely available to humans and yet easy to resist. If these principles are right, a new perspective on many of the classical arguments for God's existence becomes possible. We understand why these arguments have for many people a continued appeal but also why they do not constitute conclusive 'proofs' that settle the debate once and for all. Touching on the interplay between these ideas and contemporary scientific theories about the origins of religious belief, particularly the role of natural selection in predisposing humans to form beliefs in God or gods, Evans concludes that these scientific accounts of religious belief are fully consistent, even supportive, of the truth of religious convictions.
In this monograph on Educational Semiotics, Francois Victor Tochon has produced a work that is truly groundbreaking on a number of fronts. First of all, in his concise but brilliant introductory comments, Tochon clearly debunks the notion that semiotics might provide yet another methodological tool in the toolkit of educational researchers. Drawing skillfully on the work of Peirce, Deely, Sebeok, Merrell, and others, Tochon shows us just how fundamentally different semiotic research can be when compared to the modes and techniques that have dominated educational research for many decades. He points out how semiotic methods can provide the capability for both students and researchers to look at this basic and fundamental human process in inescapably transformational ways, by acknowledging and accepting that the path to knowledge is, in his words "through the fixation of belief." In four brilliantly conceived studies, he shows us how semiotic concepts in general, and semiotic mapping in particular, can allow both student teachers and researchers alike insights in these students' development of insights and concepts into the very heart of the teaching and learning process. By tackling both theoretical and practical research considerations, Tochon has provided the rest of us the beginnings of a blueprint that, if adopted, can push educational research out of its entrenchment in the Age of Ideas into the new and exciting frontiers of the Age of Signs. This is a brilliant book and should be read not only by semioticians and educators, but also by anyone who wants to understand how we learn above and beyond the instinctual biological system with which we are endowed. Marcel Danesi, Professor of Linguistic Anthropology, University of Toronto What does semiotics, often seen as an abstract theorization of how symbols function, have to say to educators trying to do the difficult job of supporting student learning? Francois Victor Tochon offers us a sampling of practical teaching and research tools based in semiotic principles that help move education away from fixed methods, best practices, and rigid content standards toward understanding learning as coming at meaning sideways and creatively, always re-defining, re-imagining, and improvising for our own purposes here and now. Educators and education researchers sorely need to learn this lesson. Jay Lemke, Department of Communication, University of California-San Diego Educational Semiotics is a highly original work of scholarship. In four ingeniously designed studies, Francois Tochon demonstrates how semiotic analysis can be used to deconstruct the professional learning experiences of preservice teachers. These studies offer startling insights into the creative application of semiotic methods, the understanding of long standing issues in teacher education, and the nature of learning in situated contexts. Thus, this book is helpful to semioticians, teacher educators, and all those interested in how professionals learn through experience. The implications of his work are profound and their potential for further investigation is enormous. Tochon is pointing the way to a new field of endeavor that he has termed Educational Semiotics. John Henning, former President of Semiotics in Education at the American Educational Research Association, Ohio University Tochon's raises contemporary questions about the search for meaning and the processes through which we make meaning. His work demonstrates that meaning classifications are not products of a static system, but rather dynamic events which reshape their organizing as a continuous process of meaning creation. The four studies in this book are rich, flexible, and reflect critical knowledge transformation. Elvira Kati, Semiotic Society of America, Professor of Education, Ramapo College of New Jersey"
Crystal Downing brings the postmodern theory of semiotics within reach for today's evangelists. Following the idea of the sign through Scripture, church history and the academy, Downing shows you how signs work and how sensitivity to their dynamics can make or break an attempt to communicate truth.
Lavishly illustrated and extensively quoting ancient sources, Signs & Seasons teaches the traditional, Biblical basis for timekeeping and navigation. The reader will discover the phases of the Moon and the passage of the seasons. You will learn to find the traditional constellations and to identify the visible Planets. You will see how our calendar is based on the Sun and Moon, and how the times of Passover and Easter are derived from their cycles. Signs & Seasons also includes 40 pages of Field Activities that help the reader acquire practical experience with observing the sky. Read Signs & Seasons and rediscover your forgotten astronomical heritage!
The aim of this study is to present, as far as possible, a general description of the theory of the sign and signification in Augustine of Hippo (354-430 AD), with a view to its evaluation and implications for the study of semiotics. Accurate studies for subject, discipline, and significance have not yet given an organic and systematic vision of Augustine’s theory of the sign. The underlying aspiration is that such an endeavour will prove to be beneficial to the scholars of Augustine’s thought as well as to those with a keen interest in the history of semiotics. The study uses Augustine’s own accounts to investigate and interpret the philosophical problem of the sign. The focus lies on the first decade of Augustine’s literary production. The De dialectica, is taken as the terminus ad quo of the study, and the De doctrina christiana is the terminus ad quem. The selected texts show an explicit engagement with poignant discussion on the nature and structure of the sign, the variety of signs and their uses. Although Augustine’s intention never was to establish a theory of meaning as an independent field of study, he largely employed a theory of signs. Thus, Augustine’s approach to signs is intrinsically meaningful.
There are many reasons to be curious about the way people learn, and the past several decades have seen an explosion of research that has important implications for individual learning, schooling, workforce training, and policy. In 2000, How People Learn: Brain, Mind, Experience, and School: Expanded Edition was published and its influence has been wide and deep. The report summarized insights on the nature of learning in school-aged children; described principles for the design of effective learning environments; and provided examples of how that could be implemented in the classroom. Since then, researchers have continued to investigate the nature of learning and have generated new findings related to the neurological processes involved in learning, individual and cultural variability related to learning, and educational technologies. In addition to expanding scientific understanding of the mechanisms of learning and how the brain adapts throughout the lifespan, there have been important discoveries about influences on learning, particularly sociocultural factors and the structure of learning environments. How People Learn II: Learners, Contexts, and Cultures provides a much-needed update incorporating insights gained from this research over the past decade. The book expands on the foundation laid out in the 2000 report and takes an in-depth look at the constellation of influences that affect individual learning. How People Learn II will become an indispensable resource to understand learning throughout the lifespan for educators of students and adults.
This book proposes a relational turn in higher education by conceptualizing knowledge and pedagogy as relational and multimodal, analyzed through three dimensions of relationality: social, technological, and environmental. The volume draws on interdisciplinary approaches that make a case for integrating these interconnected and distinct dimensions in higher education theory and practice. Its novelty lies in combining such a variety of perspectives with Peircean semiotics to explore what it means to learn and live relationally. It emphasizes the importance of critical reflection, rooted in an environmental understanding of knowledge and digital media. This approach integrates materiality, place, and space in higher education, positioning caring, critically reflective and imaginative interactions and interpretations as central for knowledge growth. The volume features practical case studies of relational pedagogy through dialogues with diverse higher education practitioners, which embrace expression and creation through more than one dominant modality of communication and being. The book envisions students and educators as relational agents, with relational awareness and responsibility, aware of their multimodal identities. It highlights how a relational multimodal paradigm can serve as a way forward for universities to address global challenges concerning social, (post)digital, and environmental futures. This innovative book will be of interest to scholars, students, teachers, and policymakers in higher education, semiotics and multimodality, as well as postdigital, sociomaterial and futures studies.