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Dr Mark Loretz has been a close friend and ministry colleague for over twenty years. I consider him to be a truly gifted and anointed Kingdom teacher and prophetic voice of our time. He has a passion for extending God’s Kingdom in every sphere of society and helping people and organisations to achieve their full potential in Christ. He is truly a man of God who is wholeheartedly committed to love and obey God, and to fulfil all that God has called him for. In this great new book, he brilliantly and practically reveals and unlocks so many precious gems of revelation regarding the Kingdom of God that I can highly recommend it to every believer in the body of Christ.
I have found sowing seed, thinking it was good ground and hoping for a return is not what the Kingdom is, but pressing in, waiting, listening and growing in my relationship with the Holy Spirit and being obedient to His prompting has revealed the reality of The Kingdom, which is within me. Within these pages, Mark has managed to coerce the reader to delve deeper into their relationship with the Father to find the lustrous pearl, and compel you, the purchaser to sell everything to possess it. The writings expose the gap between the child-like faith illustration Jesus used of the Kingdom of heaven belonging to children, to the reality in adulthood of what it entails and the availability as Jesus taught in His Prayer. The challenge has been to understand again that it is in seeking first His Kingdom and His Righteousness, which reveals the ultimate Pearl of Great Worth – Jesus Christ and His Kingdom.
This book lays out the five keys of the kingdom and weave them together with the promise Jesus made that whatever we would bind on earth would be bound in heaven and whatever is loosed on earth would be loosed in heaven. Matthew 16:19
The kingdom of heaven is not just a place to go when we die. It is not away out there in outer space. Every born again believer has been born spiritually into it at the moment of their spiritual birth. It is a spirit realm that God intents for us to begin living in now. We may not have realized it, but it is the truth none the less. When we were born physically in the physical realm (world) we weren't aware of it either but that never changed the fact that is what happened to us. We had to learn how to live successfully in the physical realm and the same principle holds true in the spirit realm. We need to learn how to live in the kingdom of heaven and to do that we need to understand the laws and principles that govern the spirit realm as surely as we had to learn the laws and principles that govern the physical realm. Jesus did not take the kingdom of heaven with Him in His ascension. It is a spiritual kingdom dwelling within the heart of every born again believer in Jesus Christ and we can begin living in the reality of it today. Jesus proclaimed the arrival of the kingdom of heaven on the earth at the beginning of His ministry and He demonstrated its presence and power throughout His ministry. He established it on the earth through His death, burial, resurrection and guaranteed its continuing presence through the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of His people. As recipients of the Holy Spirit we have the privilege of the kingdom of heaven dwelling in us and us dwelling in it. We also have the responsibility of expanding its influence and culture in the earth by doing the Will of our Heavenly Father. Jesus command His disciples to go forth proclaiming that the kingdom of heaven is at hand and demonstrating its power by casting out devils, speaking in new tongues, laying hands on the sick and seeing them recover, baptising new converts and making disciples of all men. As citizens of His kingdom we are to rule and reign with Christ and be witnesses and examples of the abundant life He desires for all His people. Hopefully this book will inspire you to discover things about life in the kingdom of heaven that you can begin incorporating in your life now. As the Holy Spirit begins revealing to you the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven your life physically and spiritually will be transformed.
Mysteries of the Kingdom Revealed is an unfolding of truths that have been hidden deep within the Word of God. God in His infinite mercy and goodness has unveiled these truths to His people in these last days so they can know and apply them, thereby becoming the people of God that He ordained them to be. Understanding these truths will give the reader the knowledge and wisdom needed to take on the image of Christ. People spend their whole lives seeking riches and fortunes, but within these pages lie the greatest treasures ever uncovered, which will enrich the seeker for all eternity.
The Father is about to send the wind of the Spirit to ignite the fire of God in the heart of every believer, even those with smoldering wicks (Matt. 12:20). The fire will be so intense that believers will be radiant with the glory of God. Every born-again believer will shine with this light by the time Jesus comes for His bride, the church, if they will just let him. It will be like a flash of lightning (Luke 9:29). God has told many that there will be a few that will be clothed in this light first. They will then go forth and see multitudes clothed in this magnificent light of God’s glory. Prophets say that the world will be so amazed at the light that they will actually think we are wearing some technological device, like fiber optics, in our clothing! This book is designed to bring you to that place in the last great awakening where you will explode with His power. Are you ready for the supernatural like you’ve never seen before? Are you ready to see the millions coming to Christ? Everything that Lord has ever done before, He will do again in this last Kingdom revival!