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Pure light beings from the 7th dimension have an interest in current human development. They have identified themselves as Simion, the Evolutionary Collective and have telepathically channeled Keys to Soul Evolution, through Jill Mara. Simion offers assistance to propel humankind forward to our next spiritual octave. They explain that the sentient Earth is making the transition to the next dimension, and we can join her by raising our vibration, thereby accelerating our soul evolution, individually and collectively. They educate us as to the inherent power of our collective intent to create a world of harmony and abundance. The light beings explain that our thoughts and emotions are energy forms that help create our universe, which is becoming increasingly super-conductive as we near a pivotal point when our solar system reaches the central plane of our galaxy around 2012. The level of energy available at this time will trigger a physical and spiritual shift that will transform our reality. They advise each of us on ways to consciously participate in creating a smooth transition, including how to: *Clear away the layers of your ego veil to reveal your soul's brilliance. *Develop sensitivity to frequency and raise your vibration. *Discover and create with your soul vision to live a purposeful life. *Regenerate and flow with the zero point field of source energy. *Use higher intentions to collectively encourage outcomes. Simion also reveals what humans can expect in the lighter dimension, such as: *Sensations of enlightenment and Ascension. *Inter-dimensional space and time travel. *Associations with the inter-galactic community. *The energetic balance and renewal of resources. *Giant strides in technology, healing methods, and psychic abilities. The purpose for delivering this message is to assist humanity in its ascension. Keys to Soul Evolution is full of enlightening and practical advice that will enhance your spiritual growth and contribution to universal evolution.
Everything Is Here to Help You offers an emotionally supportive way to shift out of the inner war of ego, and into the illuminated presence of your soul. In this book, spiritual teacher and intuitive Matt Kahn redefines the spiritual path for the modern-day seeker, and offers original, innovative ways to resolve fear, unravel judgments, and learn how to view life from a clear, expanded perspective. By redefining our understanding of the spiritual journey from the point of view of the soul, Matt breathes fresh life into all aspects of the healing journey to usher in a revolutionary and loving approach to personal growth. Each chapter highlights Matt’s most cutting-edge teachings and loving wisdom. From learning how to unravel blame by exploring the four stages of surrender, to providing step-by-step energy clearings and recited activations to amplify the power of your consciousness, this book offers a clear road map to explore the magic, mysteries, and miracles that reside in every heart. This book also includes engaging questions to contemplate, as well as energetically encoded mantras to offer readers a direct experience of our unlimited spiritual potential.
Our world is poised upon a significant threshold of evolutionary thinking and being. We are the generation on the brink of creating a new spiritual paradigm, not just for one small branch or community of the global family, but truly for all humankind. The Personal Universal is a guidebook in the truest sense of the phrase, a tour manual designed to be both reference tool and inspiration upon your own evolutionary journey, your personal exploration of the Universal. This book offers sign posts, way pointers, inspiration and sound advice for anyone seeking to launch their own voyage into the realm of spirit and become intimate with the infinite. The Personal Universal offers a ticket to your own consciousness, a must have itinerary for the road trip of life. It does not dictate a fixed agenda or define a specific map or methodology but it does enable and empower all who read it to discover their own unique pathways to enlightenment. The Personal Universal is the culmination of over 25 years of guide messages designed to inspire and promote a deeper investigation into the nature of the soul and a truer understanding of the role of the Personal in the Universal realm of being. The Personal Universal is much more than a book. It is a place of union, a place of fusion, a place where destinies are fine tuned and awareness is honed. It is a lighthouse of spirit where those who are seeking can find inspiration, where those with the wisdom to question can find answers, where those that are adrift can find safe harbor and a sure anchor. It is a torch designed to set alight aspects of soul and self; it warms, it brightens and it enlightens. The Personal Universal offers motivation, stimulation, inspiration and at times, revelation.
A story of time unknown of the way in which life as we know it today has evolved from the spark of energy that began a journey that has led us to be in an existence both in a spiritual and physical way. Never before has this story been told from the Master Souls and they see this as an awakening for man to put life back into a better perspective. Our Souls belong to a network that is vast and open and sees the best in all that there is on offer. This story describes the evolvement of the Soul and also the furthering of the Soul through different existences on different worlds. It also lets us know more about how we fit in with the world and what our role is in our lifetime. The Spirits of the web of Souls are a family of spirits who have the supreme job of looking after the Souls of our world. They are referred to as the Master Souls in this story and they have given us their full love and support over many lifetimes of each of us. They tell this story now to you, and it is a beautiful story of a wonderful world of many beings and Souls, and a long journey of evolution inspired by a mission. A mission to be better, to be brighter, to be pure and to be the best way possible for all times. Driven by an innate wisdom, this story starts out in the most simple form and develops into the world of our Souls, of love and joy and of being and doing for the greater good of all. There is no way of understanding this story if you do not believe that there is an afterlife. This is your decision on earth with your right to believe what is right for you and what works for you. In the Soul world, it is the afterlife, and your place is guaranteed there even if you cannot see it. You were given the knowledge of our Souls when your physical self was created by the Master Souls, but for most of us, this knowledge of our purpose has been forgotten. Here is a story not only of our Souls, but also of a physical world that was manifested for us to extend our experiences and enhance our beings.
Here is a book that pulls from life-experience, and the greatest contemporary and historical sages, to engage the reader in life's most challenging and fundamental questions. It gathers momentum as the reader is exposed to the ego, soul, and the Divine by understanding their role in the evolution of human consciousness. What is blocking us from embracing our greatness? As the human mind and brain developed over the millennia, humanity's true nature was obscured by a human intellect and belief system in its early stages of evolution. We have all witnessed what this has led to. There is a way out of this box we have built for ourselves. The breakout begins when we allow ourselves to take a fresh look at the core human condition that spiritual traditions have been dealing with for thousands of years. This book shows the reader how to look at their soul in a refreshing and new way. In this new century, the time is ripe for an exciting and innovative way of approaching spirituality and rediscovering our souls. Ego, Soul, & Beyond is a life-changing and provocative book that offers a clear, comprehensive, and practical way to usher in the next stage of human evolution. It doesn't replace psychology or spirituality - it takes them to a new level. The reader is challenged to wake up their soul and embrace reality below the symptom level. The intellect, heart, and belly soul-centers, which the world's spiritual traditions target in different ways, are explained and reconceived in a way that speaks to the fullness of what it means to be human. Fundamental change has never been more possible. The human mind has evolved to a place where many are perched for a dive into a new reality where contemporary and historical problems can finally be resolved. If you are one of those ready to take the dive, you are likely a "soulworker". This is a person who is ready to do whatever it takes to find the answers to their deepest questions, face their deepest fears, and align their life with their soul's mission. You will find this book to be a leading-edge handbook that provides the tools, concepts, and keys for evolving humanity into a new way of being. The journey into our souls is the most important and exciting journey we can ever take. There is nothing more worth discovering.
Have you ever wondered why you were here, on earth, at this specific time? Wondered what your unique purpose was or what you were here to create? Have ever wondered if there was more to Jesus' teachings than might meet the "eye"? Have you ever wanted to understand the deeper mysteries of life? " Sacred scripture] is designed to reveal the process of the unfoldment of spiritual consciousness in the individual...The story of regeneration... The great theme under lying all scripture - and seen by those who have eyes to see " Charles Fillmore: 20th century mystic Exploring Genesis to Revelation, Goldsmith, the Nag Hammadi Library, Fillmore, and more we will unfold the mystery of the spiritual journey into Higher - Cosmic -"Christ"- I Am Consciousness through developing a greater understanding of the Laws underpinning Soul Evolution, the Creative Mind Process, Regeneration, Intentional Creation and Attraction. From Creation to "Christ" we will delve into the mysteries of the interior depths of being, the secrets of spiritual awakening, the renewing of the mind on both a personal and universal level. We will look at the relationship of Jesus and Mary Magdalene and see what mysteries might be contained there. Are you ready?
The belief in soul evolution comes from the commonly held assumption that each person is spiritually incomplete, that we have returned to this earthly school for lessons our souls need to move to the next higher level. The Complete Soul: Exposing the Myth of Soul Evolution challenges this belief. Your soul, like the drop of water taken from the ocean, is complete. The spiritual awakening is not about evolution. It is about recovering your soul from the false sense of self and its evolutionary timeline, a perceived barrier between where you think you are and where you want to be. This book takes the position that no such barrier exists. Within these pages, you will discover that you did not come here to learn something from the people, places, and things of this earth. You came for the experience. You came because you had something you wanted to give. The Complete Soul affirms your spiritual wholeness and suggests creative new ways of thinking about your reason for taking on this physical body. As you consider these ideas, you may discover that the fulfillment you seek is a lot closer than you think.
We are each a part of an expanding, evolving Universe, which experiences itself only through human consciousness. As the Universe evolves, so does our consciousness. Evolutionary currents are now rocking Western consciousness, as the old left-brain, logical, analytical approaches to life are no longer sufficient to create balanced, fulfilling lives. Western minds are opening as never before to expanded spiritual awareness, more typical of Eastern traditions. Without a bridge connecting the two traditions. integration is elusive, practical applications few, and dissatisfaction with life continues. Growing Into Soul: The Next Step In Human Evolution is the book which will bridge the two traditions, taking readers from where they are now in their lives, through concrete, practical guidance, to the next level. This level is the next evolutionary step, beyond 'survival of the fittest', to 'survival of the wisest'. Growing Into Soul: The Next Step In Human Evolution clearly illustrates the path of higher consciousness, then teaches readers how to live that path. This involves a shift from ego-based to soul-based thinking and responding. This easy-to-remember dichotomy allows readers to grasp otherwise difficult or complex concepts and processes. The book demonstrates that life outcomes are the result of how we interpret our experiences, and teaches how we can choose wiser interpretations. The way we think, feel, speak and behave can change dramatically as a result. Soundly based on human psychology, this book 'makes sense' to a very broad reading audience. This is a 'how to' book unlike others: elegant in its simplicity and practicality, yet profound in the depth of consciousness into which it taps, and the change it elicits.
As the clock ticks to each second that is passing, as the snowflakes blow in front of us by the thousands, and as the motion on the planet never stops moving, there is something we can hear not with our ears but with our soul. It is the silent, yet never silent hum of what we are coming to know as the new humanity. This highly vibrating hum is very faint, but it is there; it calls to all souls who are ready to pioneer into the next phase of the human. When we are ready to hear it, it comes to us softly, like a newborn bird breaking free from its egg very humbly, very quietly, simply opening to be born. From there, the great birth of the ready-soul is carried by this pristine Divine hum, vibrating past the clock ticking, past the snowflakes, and past the never ceasing motion to find the center point where the hum itself was originally birthed. Are you one of the soul-ready pioneers that hear the highly exquisite hum? Are you brave enough to enter into the great birth of being led to the center point of that hum? This unique book offers deep insights into the next progressive phase where humanity is attempting to move. It comes equipped with essential keys to evolve into this phase, enabling the soul to become lit as the torch of the Divine Human. My hearts desire is to assist those who are willing to move past fear and illusion into their true core essence. My lifes purpose is to awaken the souls wisdom and help connect you to the Divine Light of All That Is. -- Josie Hopkins