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A bibliography of Black Kemet.
As the direct descendants of the first human beings, African people are the supreme witnesses of Creation itself, and senior authorities regarding the earthly Creations. African people bear supreme witness to humanity, and the most effective methods of being human: the biology and chemistry of life, the physiological and metaphysical aspects of earthly existence, and the science of the cosmic Creations--observing all that is above and what exists there, beyond the sky. By definition humanity is African: the first human beings were African and the first defining innovations of humanity were birthed in Africa. Since history is necessarily a study of the origins of humanity, and the first humans were African, history then must initiate at the emergence of humankind, which took place in Africa. The records left and maintained by the oldest humans on earth--written, memorized, or otherwise--provide amazing clues as to the initial Creation and subsequent development of humankind. As each successive generation works to strengthen the collective memory of their own people's past before conquer, the struggle to remember memories and to keep traditions intact becomes even more evident. As with every epic turn of events, the conquered are forced to decide if they will remain as such or not. This paper explores the ways in which the African worldview provides a critical and otherwise impossible analysis of human history, by exploring the oldest contributions of the first human beings--who were African. I argue that the ancient Kemetic worldview--Mdw Ntr--provides a prototypical blueprint for every African's self-liberation, creating a context through which contemporary freedom struggles can ultimately be assessed and achieved. In particular, this paper examines how the ancient Kemetic worldview has, since its inception, presented a working method of thinking and doing--seeing with Sia--which not only inspired successive African generations, but also the freedom struggles of contemporary African communities. Mdw Ntr is both a theory and a methodology: it encompasses a way of seeing reality, while also providing exact methods for how to go about this process. I propose that the notion of Sia--or "exceptional clarity"--is an actionable blueprint exemplified in the Shabaka Text and The Great Hymn to Aten. Both texts provide a methodology for achieving Sia; both texts speak to the fundamental processes of Mdw Ntr; and both texts exhibit a working model for self-liberation through the ancient Kemetic worldview. In order for human beings to manifest power--to be empowered--they must ultimately think with "exceptional clarity" and speak their intentions into existence. To be effective, one cannot speak without thinking, or do without first thinking and speaking. According to the ancient Kemites, thinking is the first step in speaking and also doing. Thinking initiates all actions: the more exceptional the clarity, the better. Hence, self-liberation emerges and subsequently, the collective liberation of African people.
This book examines the ideas and work of Jacob H. Carruthers, a key architect of the Nile Valley Studies Movement and a major theorist in the development of the African-centered paradigm. It explicates Carruthers's significant contributions and examines the theoretical and practical implications of his work.
"ANCIENT KEMITE ISLAM," follows the premise of noted author and pioneer of Egyptology George G.M James, that it was the Moors (African Moslems) who were the custodians of the ancient Egyptian culture and civilization. This book explores the evidence of the abovementioned premise and reveals the light of Kemet (Egypt) given to the world again by way of the Moabite language of Arabic and Islamic Ritual. The author provides a comparative study of Islamic- Moorish and Kemetic thought. That there be no more talk about some Arab-Zionist religion called Islam. It is hoped that Instead, one may recognize a preserved and updated way of life as the current code of standards given to the world by Allah, Ua Ntr or any of the divine attributes, through our ancient and modern forefathers who follow the succession of Prophets.
African American Consciousness focuses on ideas of culture, race, and class within the interdisciplinary matrix of Africana Studies. Even more important, it uses a methodology that emphasizes interpretation and the necessity of interdisciplinary research and writing in a global society. Worldview, culture, analytic thinking, and historiography can all be used as tools of analysis, and in the process of discovery, use pedagogy, and survey research of Africana history. Advancing the idea of Africana Studies, mixed methodology, and triangulation, the contributors provide alternative approaches toward examining this phenomena, with regard to place, space, and time. The essays in this volume include Reynaldo Anderson, “Black History”; Greg Carr, “Black Consciousness, Pan-Africanism and the African World History Project”; Karanja Carroll, “A Genealogical Review of the Worldview Concept and Framework in Africana Studies”; Denise Martin, “Reflections on African Celestial Culture”; Serie McDougal “Teaching Black Males”; Demetrius Pearson, “Cowboys of Color”; Pamela Reed, “Heirs to Disparity”; and Andrew Smallwood, “Malcolm X’s Leadership and Legacy.” The researchers in this volume investigate, explore, and review patterns of functional, normative, and expressive behavior. The past and present of Africana culture is represented, showing how reflexivity can be an adjustable concept to organize, process, and interpret data. Moreover, humanism and social science demonstrate how researchers establish, extract, and identify the limitations and alternative approaches to research of the historic conditions of black Americans.