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El presente libro pretende mapear el planeta de las juventudes iberoamericanas, a modo de pequeña enciclopedia capaz de condensar los pequeños saberes y grandes interrogantes sobre las identidades juveniles actuales, ya sean ocultas, sumergidas, emergentes y visibles, es decir, como una Juvenopedia en construcción. Responde a un trabajo de investigación individual de naturaleza interdisciplinaria, pero parte de un esfuerzo colectivo de distintos investigadores iberoamericanos de las últimas generaciones, que de alguna manera han tenido relación como colegas, discípulos o colaboradores de Carles Feixa y Patricia Oliart (coordinadores). Tras una introducción en la que los coordinadores establecen un marco general sobre los estudios de las juventudes iberoamericanas, el libro se articula en capítulos que responden a intereses teóricos y marcos disciplinarios distintos, aunque todos comparten la misma estructura: una primera sección en base a marcos teóricos y conceptuales, una segunda a partir de esbozos etnográficos, y una tercera en base a un caso de estudio como ilustración de las teorías. En ellos se retratan una diversidad de jóvenes contemporáneos en América Latina y la Península Ibérica: jóvenes indígenas, trendsetters, rurales, urbanos, estudiantes, trabajador@s, en masculino, en femenino, digitales, deportistas, ciudadan@s, transnacionales, altermundialistas e indignad@s.
Drawing from discussions that pulled together child researchers working near the borders of Mexico, the United States and Canada, this book explores how material and metaphoric borders give way to young people's experimentations with cultural, social and political change. The contributors highlight the capacities of children to revolutionize thought and practice through creative re-imagining of the boundaries, borders, events, circumstances and familial relations that affect their everyday lives. The first section, in different ways, highlights borders and movements through them as a bricolage of images, symbols, tensions and joys. In the second section, the idea of a portable border is explored in three chapters that consider a migrants' lifecourse, citizenship and political activism respectively. The last section of the book brings together three chapters that uncover how youth resist, confront and transform the borders that envelop their lives. By weaving narratives pertaining to young people's creative stories, transnational migrations, personal identities, pen-pal programs, masculinites, inter-generational change, border crossings, political activism and addictions, the contributors in toto raise the idea of young people taking bounded and embodied events, places and institutions and moving them towards something emancipatory sin fronteras - without borders. This book was published as a special issue of Children's Geographies.
Listening to Sicarios presents new insights into the lives of paid assassins of Mexico’s drug trafficking syndicates from the perspectives of the assassins themselves. Based on an extraordinary series of ethnographic interviews carried out in the wake of the record levels of narcoviolence experienced in Ciudad Juárez between 2008 and 2012, this study analyzes the ways in which these young men interpret their actions across four key thematic axes: border infrastructures, youth and responsibility, masculinity and sentiment, and ethics: good vs. evil. It argues that sicarios follow a career path within a criminal corporate infrastructure that is especially robust in Mexican border cities. It also explores how sicarios understand youthful innocence in relation to adult accountability in the realm of violence that is frequently meted out by young men on other young men. It then analyzes sicarios’ expressions of feelings of power that may boost their sense of virility, as well as feelings of fear and regret that imply weakness. Finally, it examines how sicarios defend their personal integrity in the face of a public discourse that views their acts as savage.
Primer libro dedicado al análisis de las manifestaciones culturales de la inmigración mexicana en Estados Unidos: arte, literatura, cine, canciones, humor. Muestra cómo los inmigrantes mexicanos han sido y son pintados, y cómo los artistas, escritores e intelectuales, chicanos y otros han utilizado los medios artísticos para protestar contra el injusto tratamiento que reciben por parte de las autoridades de Estados Unidos.
Sin fronteras: Inclusive Spanish Grammar Guidebook is the first ever Spanish language text to teach non-binary and gender-neutral language. It is an invaluable resource for intermediate and advanced learners that offers concise explanations and exercises for the major clausal structures, tenses, and moods. Along with including non-binary and gender-neutral language, the volume also incorporates the voseo, or the use of vos as a second-person singular pronoun that is common in many Latin American countries. This book expands the scope of traditional grammar instruction by including tasks such as reading, writing, discussions, and independent research in order to support the development of the competencies necessary to thrive in the increasingly interconnected and diverse world. Sin fronteras is suitable for independent study or for supplemental use in conversation classes, classes for heritage speakers, classes with focus on the professions (e.g., medical Spanish, Spanish for business), and literature classes.