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Cette biographie retrace la vie et l'oeuvre de Johannes Sinapius, helléniste en Allemagne, devenu médecin en Italie, ami intime d'Erasme, de Melanchton, de Bucer, de Camerarius, de Calvin et de nombreux autres personnages importants. En appendice, on trouve le texte intégral de sa correspondance, ainsi que celui de sa production littéraire.
In two dozen short, readable biographies of John Calvin s friends including some who turned into enemies Machiel A. van den Berg paints an intimate portrait of the great Reformer s life and circle that most of us have never seen. / Here we accompany Calvin from his early boyhood in Noyon to his student days in Paris and Orleans, to his pastorate in and exile from Geneva, all the way to his deathbed. We meet his famous Reformer friends William Farel, Martin Bucer, Philip Melanchthon, Heinrich Bullinger, John Knox, Theodore Beza and friends whose names are more obscure: his cousin Pierre Robert Olivtan, the first translator of the Bible into French; Rene de France of French royalty; Laurent de Normandie, the mayor of Noyon who later escaped to Geneva; Pierre Viret, his best friend of all ; and Idelette van Buren, his beloved wife during their brief but happy marriage. / Calvin may be known as a scholar who preferred his study to imperial and ecclesiastical politics, but he was also a rebel of faith against the papacy, which controlled most of the empires of Europe and had a price on the heads of all reform-minded citizens, especially their leaders. Peppered with quotations from Calvin s voluminous letters, Friends of Calvin abounds with secret court relationships, love affairs, death threats, poisonings, and narrow midnight escapes from the pursuing authorities showing a full-blooded and dangerous side of the bookish Reformer s life. Readers of these colorful narratives will come to see how much Calvin s friends influenced his life and thought. / This work provides fresh and accessible insights into John Calvin s inner circle. The highly readable translation offers vignettes that show the Reformer s capacity for deep and enduring relationships with friends and family members. Karin Maag / H. Henry Meeter Center for Calvin Studies, Calvin College and Seminary
This book considers the life and legacy of Renée de France (1510–75), the youngest daughter of King Louis XII and Anne de Bretagne, exploring her cultural, spiritual, and political influence and her evolving roles and actions as fille de France, Duchess of Ferrara, and Dowager Duchess at Montargis. Drawing on a variety of often overlooked sources – poetry, theater, fine arts, landscape architecture, letters, and ambassadorial reports – contributions highlight Renée’s wide-ranging influence in sixteenth-century Europe, from the Italian Wars to the French Wars of Religion. These essays consider her cultural patronage and politico-religious advocacy, demonstrating that she expanded upon intellectual and moral values shared with her sister, Claude de France; her cousins, Marguerite de Navarre and Jeanne d’Albret; and her godmother and mother, Anne de France and Anne de Bretagne, thereby solidifying her place in a long line of powerful French royal women.
Volume 46
Der Band bietet 94 Briefe aus der Korrespondenz Bucers von Januar bis Juli 1534. Hier setzt sich die internationale Perspektive fort, die seit Mitte 1533 zu beobachten ist. Die evangelischen Korrespondenten betrachten die europapolitische Bündnispolitik skeptisch: Bucer rechnet im Januar 1534 damit, dass Papst Clemens VI. den englischen König Heinrich VIII. an sich binden wird, während die evangelischen Fürsten im Reich noch versuchen, mit Heinrich ein Bündnis zu schließen. Anfang Februar schätzt Bucer den französischen König milder ein, mit Sorge sieht er jedoch die Bemühungen Philipps von Hessen um Franz I. Im Blick auf die Schweiz versucht Bucer in Schaffhausen auch 1534 im Abendmahlsstreit der Ortsprediger zu vermitteln. Die Korrespondenz mit den Züricher Kollegen kreist um die innerevangelische Auseinandersetzung um die Sakramentstheologie und in diesem Zusammenhang die Person Luthers. Seit dem achttägigen Besuch Bucers bei den Blarers in Konstanz im April 1533 gewinnt der Plan Gestalt, eine Ausbildungsstätte für den theologischen Nachwuchs in Straßburg zu errichten. Hinsichtlich der Einführung der Reformation in Württemberg skizziert Bucer in einem Schreiben an Philipp von Hessen und Ulrich von Württemberg sein Konzept, in dessen Zentrum die friedliche Koexistenz der evangelischen Positionen steht. Seltene Einblicke gewährt die Korrespondenz in Bucers Familienleben.
The aim of the volume is to engage in an interdisciplinary discussion about the establishment and debates on anthropological concepts and their changes in the age of Reformation: How do anthropological concepts touch theological questions such as the freedom of will or the human likeness to God? In which ways is there a reflection on emotions? How is scientific knowledge received by theologians? How is contemporary thought on the conditio humana presented in literature and poetry? The volume combines selected papers of relevant experts with the research work of young graduate or postgraduate scholars. It tries to encourage a transdisciplinary, international discussion focused on exemplary case studies as well as systematic points of view. Thanks to the outstanding commitment of all participants of the conference we are able to present the results of this discussion, a rich and comprehensive spectrum of research work, which will encourage further research.
Etude de l'écriture de l'exil à la Renaissance, avec une typologie basée sur les écrits de Pétrarque, de Marot et Joannes Sambucus ; un examen de la tradition allégorique du voyage de la vie ; et enfin, une lecture des écrits d'exil de Petrus Alcyonius, de deux marranes portugais, D. Pires et Amatus Lusitanus, et de Joachim Du Bellay.
This work is a revealing combination of biographies and topical essays that describe the outstanding and often-overlooked contributions of women to the science, politics, and culture of the Renaissance. Encyclopedia of Women in the Renaissance: Italy, France, and England is the first first comprehensive reference devoted exclusively to the contributions of women to European culture in the period between 1350 and 1700. Focusing principally on early modern women in England, France, and Italy, it offers over 135 biographies of the extraordinary women of those times. Encyclopedia of Women in the Renaissance provides vivid portraits of well known women such as Catherine of Siena, Joan of Arc, Mary Queen of Scots, and Christine de Pizan. Also included are less familiar but equally important women like Elena Lucrezia Cornaro, the first woman in Europe to earn a doctorate; the renowned Renaissance painter Artemisia Gentileschi; and the acclaimed author of medical textbooks and midwife to a French queen, Louise Boursier. Based on the latest research and enhanced with thematic essays, this groundbreaking work casts our understanding of women's lives and roles in Renaissance history and culture in a provocative new light.
This book is part of a 3-volume anthology of women's writing in Latin from antiquity to the early modern era. Each volume provides texts, contexts, and translations of a wide variety of works produced by women, including dramatic, poetic, and devotional writing. Volume Three covers women's writing in Latin during the early modern period (1400-1700).