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This is the new, fresh and updated [Second Edition] of the popular easy-to-comprehend Christian non-fiction book titled: ""Jesus HIS story, Unexplainable yet Undeniable,"" which was first written in 2002. This book is unique and powerful because of the personal life testimonies of Evangelist Daniele, and the new revelations of the love of God through Jesus Christ that was shown during all the storms in his life, to testify that truly Jesus Christ's love for everyone of us is 'Unexplainable yet Undeniable' even when we sometimes deny Him!
This is the new volume of the "best of the very best" writings by Evangelist & Author Daniele Luciano Moskal - affectionately known as the 'PEN OF A READY WRITER'. "The fresh inspirational revelation nuggets of wisdom contained in this book are unquestionably golden apples of soundbites in heavenly pictures of silver!" "Author par excellence Evangelist Daniele Moskal 'best of the best' of his unique inspirational writings all in one big volume is a must read!" "One of the most gifted prolific writers of the 21st Century Church, this awesome book of quality Christian literature will change your life!" "A must read for all lovers of good quality books!" "La tua vita e una storia!"
The very first mention of prayer or men praying can be found in the Holy Bible, in the Old Testament book of ""First Beginnings"" - the book of Genesis chapter 4, verse 26, which reads: ""And as for Seth, to him also a son was born; and he named him Enosh. Then men began to call on the name of the LORD."" Jesus Christ of Nazareth - the founder of Christianity spoke one thing about prayer in the book of Luke's Gospel, chapter 18, verse 1, that ""men should pray and not give up"" when he explained a parable to His beloved disciples concerning prayer. And when the people of Israel asked Jesus Christ how they should pray, He recited a prayer to His Father in Heaven that would be used to pray by billions of people all around the world.
God is a holy God who feels very strongly about SEX before marriage and has listed it in the Holy Bible as one of His most serious offenses we can commit. He has made a strong moral statement on how He feels about unmarried people and sex relations which is found in the Book of 1 Corinthians, chapter 6, verses 9-10. ""Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God."" Many people know that in marriage adultery is wrong, but don't realize that God considers pre-marital sex (fornication) just as serious. God definitely says ""NO"" to any sex before marriage. In this book the author tackles this everyday question using the very Word of God to teach the reader in an easy-to-comprehend style the reasons why, 'Sex before Marriage is very harmful!!'
In this unique book the author uses his special teaching and writing gifts to bring to the readers attention the uncanny yet remarkable striking similarity of one of Europe's smallest Garden Birds - the diminutive "Wren," and how many people in this world today have come to love, honour, respect, and reverence this 'little hedge king' bird, and why he believes it somehow can be related to Jesus Christ's crucifixion.
When’s the last time you were captivated by Jesus? Crowds clamored, women wept in awe, disciples dared to do the impossible—all because of Jesus. Somewhere in the overly familiar we’ve lost our fascination. Whether you’re worn thin, filled with questions, or desperate for more of God, come encounter Unexplainable Jesus. Experience the culture and customs of His day and follow Him into a life unimaginable. This study features: in-depth study of Luke (40 lessons over 8 weeks) historical and cultural insights soul-searching questions access to extensive online resources Step into the streets of Jerusalem and encounter the Jewish Rabbi who turned the world upside down. After rediscovering Jesus on the pages of the book of Luke—or maybe discovering Him for the very first time—you’ll see there is no other plan, goal, ambition, or Person worth following but Jesus. Plus, check out the Unexplainable Jesus DVD, which contains hours of all-new video teaching content from Erica Wiggenhorn.
Everything has a starting point—your life, your relationships, your education, your career. Sometimes we forget that faith has a starting point as well. For some of us, our faith journeys began in childhood as a set of beliefs handed to us by a parent, teacher, or pastor. Maybe you developed a framework of faith based on personal experience. Or maybe you had no faith at all. Too often, a faith formed in childhood isn’t strong enough to withstand the pressures of adult life. But what if you could find a new starting point for faith? Welcome to Starting Point – an 8-session small group conversation about faith (DVD/digital video sold separately). Whether you’re new to faith, curious about God, or coming back to church after some time away, it’s a place where your opinions and beliefs are valued, and no question is off limits. During the eight sessions, you will: Use this Starting Point Conversation Guide to reflect on central questions of faith and life. Watch the video component each week in preparation or as part of the discussion. Explore and share what you’re learning with other people in a conversational environment. Come as you are and build relationships with others as you discover your starting point. SESSIONS INCLUDE: Start Problem Trust Rules Jesus Grace Faith Invitation Designed for use with the Starting Point Video Study (sold separately). Andy Stanley is the founder of North Point Ministries, Inc. (NPM). Each Sunday, more than 36,000 people attend one of NPM’s six Atlanta-area churches. To learn more and to access free online resources, visit
God is for Real, a new book from author of the best-seller Heaven is for Real, addresses soul-searching questions about God, likeWhat is God like? Why are things the way they are in spite of who God is? If Todd's first book, Heaven Is for Real, was about the then and there of heaven, God is for Real is about the here and now on earth: Why are there are so many hypocritical church people? Why do Christians make such a big deal about the cross? Why doesn't God seem to answer our biggest prayers? People are tired of pat answers offered up in churchy language explaining away their questions; we want the down-and-dirty truth. What bothers us about life and faith is real and gritty. We need a plain-spoken voice to offer God's answers to difficult struggles and painful doubts. Todd charges into these subjects with a fireman's courage, a small-town friend's vulnerability, and a local pastor's compassion. He helps articulate the questions people have, then gives them relevant biblical wisdom for taking their next steps in faith. God is ready to meet you! Are you ready to meet Him?
I'm not famous. I'm not a theologian. I'm not a Bible scholar. I'm not a pastor. I'm just a regular guy who tries his best to make sense out of the world he's living in, including my spiritual world. To most people, I'm just a nobody. But I'm a nobody who questions what people tell me until I can come to peace with it. I don't take anything at face value. That's the way God wired me. The first time I read the Bible, cover to cover, I had questions, a lot of them, forty typewritten pages worth. For instance, why does God get so angry? Does God ever change his mind? Is there only one way to get to heaven? Is it possible to please God? Did even Judas get saved? What about reincarnation? Will heaven disappear? Do you talk to dead people? Can you trust the Bible? Is Jesus really the son of God? And I had questions about things you hear many Christians say, like "God is in control," but is he? I had hundreds of these questions, and I wanted answers. That's what this book is about. It has been seventeen years in the making. I wanted answers, so I searched for them. I met with my pastor. I read books he recommended. I researched various theological views from trusted online resources. There were times I speculated my own answers because I couldn't find anything else to hang my hat on. Sometimes there simply were no answers. But I found out that it's not about getting the answers that's most important anyway. It's the search for the answers. Join me in that search. You might just find answers to some of your own questions.
The significance of religion for the development of modern racist antisemitism is a much debated topic in the study of Jewish-Christian relations. This book, the first study on antisemitism in nineteenth-century Sweden, provides new insights into the debate from the specific case of a country in which religious homogeneity was the considered ideal long into the modern era. Between 1800 and 1900, approximately 150 books and pamphlets were printed in Sweden on the subject of Judaism and Jews. About one third comprised of translations mostly from German, but to a lesser extent also from French and English. Two thirds were Swedish originals, covering all genres and topics, but with a majority on religious topics: conversion, supersessionism, and accusations of deicide and bloodlust. The latter stem from the vastly popular medieval legends of Ahasverus, Pilate, and Judas which were printed in only slightly adapted forms and accompanied by medieval texts connecting these apocryphal figures to contemporary Jews, ascribing them a physical, essential, and biological coherence and continuity – a specific Jewish temporality shaped in medieval passion piety, which remained functional and intelligible in the modern period. Relying on medieval models and their combination of religious and racist imagery, nineteenth-century debates were informed by a comprehensive and mostly negative "knowledge" about Jews.