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Buku ini ditulis berdasarkan pemerhatian semasa dan juga apa yang telah belaku semenjak dahulu lagi. Ianya ditulis bukan bermakna untuk memburukkan atau memuji mana-mana negara, bangsa ataupun individu. Tuhan menjadikan alam jagat ini untuk manusia menjaganya. Manusia yang berbagai-bagai bangsa, kaum dan kulit menduduki seluruh pelusuk dunia. Mereka harus berhubung dan hidup berbaik-baik dengan aman damai. Keadilan harus ditegakkan. Tiada bangsa atau negara-bangsa harus mendominasi negara lain. Namun apa yang dicita-citakan ini tidak mungkin akan berlaku semenjak dalulu kala sehingga sekarang ini. Apa yang telah berlaku di Timur Tengah, di Afghanistan dan lain-lain tempat lagi menunjukkan berlarutannya ketamakkan manusia. Bangsa-negara kecil dan lemah, khususnya dunia Islam, harus berwaspada terhadap kuasa-kuasa hegemonik imperialis, samada dari Barat ataupun Timur. Kuasa besar mengelilingi lautan dalam menjadi polis dunia. Mereka sentiasa bersedia untuk mencampuri hal ehwal orang lain demi untuk kepentingan ekonomi mereka. This book was written based on current observation and also what had happened in the past. It was not meant to discredit or credit any nation, race or individual whatsoever. God created the universe for mankind to take care of it. Human race of various ethnic groups and colours live in different parts of the world. They should communicate and live harmoniously and peacefully. Justice should be uphold. No nation or nation-states should dominate the other nation. However this ideal condition was never prevailed since time immemorial until the present day. What had happened in the Middle East, Afghanistan and elsewhere showed the protracted human greed. The small and weaker nation-states, especially the Muslim world, should beware of this hegemonic imperialist powers, whether it is from the West or the East. The super power is roaming the high seas policing the world. They are always ever ready to interfere in the affairs of others for their economic gain.
The proceedings of the Social and Humanities Research Symposium (SoRes) shares ideas, either research results or literature review, on islam, media and education in the digital era. Some recent issues consists of innovative education in the digital era, new media and journalsm, islamic education, human wellbeing, marketing and fintech in terms of islamic perspective, economic welfare, law and ethics. It is expected that the proceedings will give new insights to the knowledge and practice of social and humanities research. Therefore, such parties involved in social and humanities research as academics, practitioners, business leaders, and others will acquire benefits from the contents of the proceedings.
Globalization, modernity and identity are fundamental issues in contemporary Islam and Islamic Studies. This collection of essays reflects the wide diversity that characterises contemporary Islamic Studies. The case studies cover regions stretching from China and Southeast Asia to diaspora communities in the Caribbean and Tajikistan. There is significant participation of intellectual voices from all areas concerned, providing a real contribution to the academic exchange between the Muslim and the Euro-American worlds.
Globalization, modernity and identity are fundamental issues in contemporary Islam and Islamic Studies. This collection of essays reflects the wide diversity that characterises contemporary Islamic Studies. The case studies cover regions stretching from China and Southeast Asia to diaspora communities in the Caribbean and Tajikistan. There is significant participation of intellectual voices from all areas concerned, providing a real contribution to the academic exchange between the Muslim and the Euro-American worlds.
Employees' social security in Indonesia.