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"Victims of Violence: Support, Challenges and Outcomes critically exposes some of the factors used in the risk determination of intimate partner violence, alongside an analysis on the definition and management of the risk of recidivism. Traditional beliefs and gender stereotypes underlying police attitudes associated with domestic violence are explored. The authors provide considerations for domestic violence prevention and intervention programs, highlighting the importance of adopting proactive and supportive attitudes in response to victims. Researchers have measured intimate partner violence and survivors' help-seeking through a variety of different instruments, making it difficult to paint a consistent picture of intimate partner violence. As such, this collection includes the results of a study comparing three measures so as to examine whether a certain measure produces a discernible pattern of results. A subsequent study analyzes the relationship between psychopathological symptomatology and intimate partner violence in a sample of 122 Portuguese women participants, 61 with a judiciary victim status and 61 without this status. To avoid discrepancies between medical reporting and the reconstruction of sex crimes, it is crucial to use strategies which focus not only on technical aspects of evidence collection, but also on the way the victim's story will be recorded. Women most commonly experience violence victimisation by someone close to them. Therapeutic work with victims/survivors of intimate partner violence may range from immediate crisis intervention to long-term support. The award winning PAWS FOR EMPOWERMENT program in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is discussed, as well as the successes and challenges the program has faced in rescuing and training shelter dogs to serve as canine advocates. A qualitative study is presented which aims to further our understanding of how domestic violence between intimate partners can affect maternal parenting. The sample used comprised 15 mothers and victims of domestic violence, focusing on understanding how they conceive of their role as a parent. The authors go on to explore the extent to which domestic violence is regulated in Indonesia, and the extent to which such regulation is implemented. This compilation also examines how the practice of forced marriage arrangements creates vulnerabilities for girls and young women. Accordingly, a discussion is provided concerning differences and similarities between the concepts of arranged and forced marriage, and its relationship to sexual trafficking. The authors summarize findings on the association between cyber dating abuse and offline dating violence in a sample of 145 Portuguese adolescents and young adults. Additionally, a review of the literature on the phenomenon of multiple child and youth victimization is carried out, addressing the main risk factors, the implications for the development of children and young people, and guidelines for intervention. The impact that community violence exposure has on youth is assessed, accompanied with practical proposals for prevention. The concept of community violence and the different types of violence and crimes that could be involved are examined, mapping the prevalence of youth affected by this type of violence. Accordingly, to develop appropriate helpful responses to victims of violence and crime, it is particularly relevant to assess people's perceptions, to be aware of their victimization experiences and to identify their needs. In closing, using Saint Lucia as an example, some of the challenges of supporting victims of intimate violence on an island are illustrated, discussing innovative policies and practices to best support victims in this context"--
This book is devoted to illustrating the significance of perpetrator-victim relationship, including its status and state, in understanding intimate partner homicide (IPH) in the context of China today after comparing with the findings in the previous studies. By analyzing the correlation between intimate relationships as a focal variable and other variables such as IPH characteristics and risk factors, a deeper understanding of IPH in China today has emerged. Finally, this book shows that many perpetrators and victims had intimate relationships with people outside their marriages as the main reason for the rapid increase in the number of instances of IPH, which seems to be in tandem with China’s rapid modernization and urbanization. Presenting the sole academic research that closely investigates the characteristics of intimate partner homicide in modern China, the book is a valuable resource for not only for the Chinese government but also for Chinese and international researchers.
An introduction to male and homosexual victims of intimate partner violence. Data is presented along with discussions on topics including female aggression, typologies of intimate partner violence, motivations, effects on victims, and specific issues faced by gay and lesbian victims.
The Department of Defense is unequivocal in its commitment to ensure that victims of sexual assault be protected, treated with dignity and respect, provided proper medical and psychological care, and that the perpetrators of such assaults be held accountable. Task Force Charter On February 5, 2004, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld directed the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness, Dr. David S.C. Chu, to undertake a 90-day review of all sexual assault policies and programs among the Services and DoD, and recommend changes necessary to increase prevention, promote reporting, enhance the quality and support provided to victims, especially within combat theaters, and improve accountability for offender actions. Review Methodology On February 13, 2004, the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness established an eight member Department of Defense Care for Victims of Sexual Assaults Task Force. The Task Force formulated a review plan, which included the following: Request and analyze sexual assault incidence and demographic data from the Services. Request and assess current DoD-wide, Service-wide and Combatant Command-wide sexual assault policies and programs. Perform literature review on sexual assault, including review of prior studies and reports on DoD sexual assault and related programs. Discuss sexual assault prevention, reporting, response, and disposition issues with commanders, non-commissioned officers, junior enlisted personnel, service providers (medical, mental health, victim advocate, victim witness advocate, chaplains, law enforcement, investigative agencies, and legal personnel), and victims. Consult with subject matter experts within the Department of Defense, other federal agencies, civilian experts, and sexual assault support organizations about matters that should inform our review with respect to prevention, reporting, response, and disposition of sexual assault cases.
A team of educators, counselors, and scholars examine the widespread problem of sexual assault and abuse in the United States from a legal, criminal justice, psychological, clinical, and legislative perspective. The statistics on sexual abuse in the United States suggest that such crimes are perceived as socially acceptable, despite laws to the contrary. Thirty percent of women are battered at least once in their adult lives, while four million girls and women are trafficked annually. Seventy-five percent of employed battered women are harassed at their jobs by abusive husbands or lovers and half of them are murdered by these mates. At least twenty percent of women have been victimized by incest. Victims of Sexual Assault and Abuse serves as a reference guide for professionals working with victims and perpetrators. Topics addressed include assault within marriage, courtship violence, abducted and runaway youth, violence against pregnant women, cyberspace violence, and sexual harassment of students and employees. This multivolume set promotes legislation to break the cycles of violence and dispels myths about victims and perpetrators. Preventative programs, policies, and educational programs are emphasized.
This solidly biblical and sensitive guide from two medical and counseling professionals is full of helpful information for Christian communities ministering to children and families recovering from sexual abuse.
Drawing on extensive research from Australia, this book examines the experiences of sexual offence victims who submit a victim impact statement. Victim impact statements are used in sentencing to outline the harm caused to victims. There has been little research on the impact statement experiences of sexual offence victims. This book fills this gap, examining the perspectives of six adult female victims and 15 justice professionals in Australia. This is supplemented by analysis of 100 sentencing remarks, revealing how courts use such statements in practice. This book examines victims’ experiences of preparing and submitting statements, justice professionals’ experiences of working with victims to submit statements, and the judicial use of impact statements in sentencing. It identifies an overarching lack of clarity around the purpose of impact statements, which affects the information that can be included and the way they can be used by the court. It consequently explore issues associated with balancing the expressive and instrumental purposes of such statements, and the challenges in communication between professionals and victims of crime. The findings highlight several issues with the operation of impact statement regimes. Based on these findings, the book makes recommendations to clarify such regimes, to improve communication between justice professionals and victims of crime, and to enhance the therapeutic goals of such statements. An accessible and compelling read, this book is essential reading for all those engaged with victimology, sentencing, and sexual violence.
A health-care provider is likely to be the first professional contact for survivors of intimate partner violence or sexual assault. Evidence suggests that women who have been subjected to violence seek health care more often than non-abused women, even if they do not disclose the associated violence. They also identify health-care providers as the professionals they would most trust with disclosure of abuse. These guidelines are an unprecedented effort to equip healthcare providers with evidence-based guidance as to how to respond to intimate partner violence and sexual violence against women. They also provide advice for policy makers, encouraging better coordination and funding of services, and greater attention to responding to sexual violence and partner violence within training programmes for health care providers. The guidelines are based on systematic reviews of the evidence, and cover: 1. identification and clinical care for intimate partner violence 2. clinical care for sexual assault 3. training relating to intimate partner violence and sexual assault against women 4. policy and programmatic approaches to delivering services 5. mandatory reporting of intimate partner violence. The guidelines aim to raise awareness of violence against women among health-care providers and policy-makers, so that they better understand the need for an appropriate health-sector response. They provide standards that can form the basis for national guidelines, and for integrating these issues into health-care provider education.