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We provide a novel set of stylized facts on firms engaging in international trade in services, using unique data on firm-level exports and imports from the world's second largest services exporter, the United Kingdom (UK). We show that only a fraction of UK firms engage in international trade in services, that trade participation varies widely across industries and that services traders are different from non-traders in terms of size, productivity and other firm characteristics. We also provide detailed evidence on the trading patterns of services exporters and importers, such as the number of markets served, the value of exports and imports per market and the share of individual markets in overall sales. We interpret these facts in the light of existing theories of international trade in services and goods. Our results demonstrate that firm-level heterogeneity is a key feature of services trade. Also, we find many similarities between services and goods trade at the firm level and conclude that existing heterogeneous firm models for goods trade will be a good starting point for explaining trade in services as well.
The services sector is key to economic growth, competitiveness, and poverty alleviation. Comprising more than two-thirds of the world economy, services are now commonly traded across borders, helped by technological progress and the increased mobility of persons. In recent years, a number of developing countries have looked at trade in services as a means to both respond to domestic supply shortages and to diversify and boost exports. Any country can tap into the trade potential of services, but not every country can become a services hub across sectors. The opening of the services sector potentially comes with large benefits, but also fears and costs that should not be overlooked. This book provides useful guidelines for the assessment of a country s trade potential, and a roadmap for successful opening and export promotion in select services sectors. It looks at both the effects of increased imports and exports, and provides concrete examples of developing country approaches that have either succeeded or failed to maximize the benefits and minimize the risks of opening. It focuses on sectors that have been rarely analyzed through the trade lens, and/or have a fast growing trade potential for developing countries. These sectors are: accounting, construction, distribution, engineering, environmental, health, information technology, and legal services. This book is designed for non-trade specialists to understand how trade can help improve access to key services in developing countries, and for trade specialists to understand the specific characteristics of each individual sector. It will be a useful tool for governments to design successful trade opening or promotion strategies, and for the private sector and consumers to advocate sound domestic policy reforms accompanying an offensive trade agenda.
International economic law, with its traditional focus on large multinational enterprises, is only slowly waking up to the new reality of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), entering the global marketplace. In the wake of the digital revolution, smaller companies now play an important role in the global economic landscape. In 2015 the UN expressly called for SMEs to have greater access to international trade and investment, and it is increasingly recognized that the integration of SMEs provides one of the keys to creating a more sustainable and inclusive global economy. As SMEs increasingly permeate transnational supply chains, so interactions between these companies and international economic law and policy proliferate. Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in International Economic Law offers the first comprehensive analysis of the interaction between SMEs and international economic law. This book presents a broad international perspective, gathering together contributions by leading experts from academia, legal practice, and international organizations. It opens up a field of enquiry into this so far unexplored dynamic and provide a touchstone for future debate. The analysis covers a broad spectrum of international trade and investment law focusing on issues of particular interest to SMEs, such as trade in services, government procurement, and trade facilitation. Diverse perspectives illuminate regional developments (in particular within the EU) and the implications of mega-regional free trade agreements. The essays also examine questions of legitimacy of global economic governance; in particular, concerns surrounding the threat posed to the interests of domestic SMEs by the growing liberalization of international trade and investment. These essays constitute essential reading for practitioners and academics seeking to navigate a previously neglected trend in international economic law.
This volume brings together two comprehensive survey studies of the literature on the microeconometrics of international trade. The chapters apply new empirical methods to the analysis of the links between international trade and various dimensions of firm performance such as productivity, profitability, wages, and survival. The studies also include report results for Germany, one of the leading actors on the world markets for goods and services.
Through country case studies as well as econometric analysis, this book attempts to identify the factors that have helped developing countries succeed in exporting services. It examines strategies that have been successful as well as those that have not delivered expected results..
"In 2012, U.S. and European firms accounted for the highest share of revenue generated by the top international architecture and engineering firms in Africa, at 27 and 31 percent, respectively," according to a U.S. International Trade Commission trade brief. These findings show that the growth of company revenues in an overseas market does not just have to depend on the sale of manufactured products or agricultural commodities. Opportunities also exist for service providers. International Trade in Services: Effective Practice and Policy addresses a reality that receives minimal attention in the current debate about international trade—how the export and import of services drive a significant portion of international trade. The United States has a US$269 billion surplus in trade in services with the world. On other hand, U.S. trade in goods with the world continues to experience a wide trade deficit of US$946 billion. Nevertheless, U.S. policy response focuses mainly on the manufacturing and agricultural sectors. In addition, as an international trade educator in business schools at different universities, many of the textbooks emphasize the various aspects of importing and exporting goods. Workshops aimed to educate and inform the business community also focus on the trade in goods. Consequently, business students and practitioners miss another important component of international trade that presents opportunities—trade in services. The book provides a simple, yet thorough, introduction on how to export a service to an overseas market. The book will guide its audience with a step-by-step process on exporting a service from research to strategy to implementation. Furthermore, the book will highlight the opportunities presented by the international-level General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) and bilateral and regional-level reciprocal trade agreements. Service providers will be able to use the book as a guide to start the export process successfully with the first step. Essentially, the book will provide results in the following areas: Time saving—The step-by-step process, which highlights various programs, and the list of key resources will save future exporters of a service the time that they would spend trying to just understand another market. Frustration reduction—The book’s outline of the formal mechanisms available to service exporters will save them from the frustration that may arise from encountering trade practices, some of which can also be very costly, in different markets that make it difficult to compete against local service providers. Money saving—Having substantive knowledge of formal mechanisms and key resources that help to reduce the risks associated with exporting to another market, such as not receiving payment, will help the services-based exporter to use its financial resources more efficiently while reducing its risk of nonpayment.
Manufacturing-led development has provided the traditional model for creating jobs and prosperity. But in the past three decades the conventional pattern of structural transformation has changed, with the services sector growing faster than the manufacturing sector. This raises critical questions about the ability of developing economies to close productivity gaps with advanced economies and to create good jobs for more people. At Your Service? The Promise of Services-Led Development ( assesses the scope of a services-driven development model and policy directions that can maximize the model’s potential.
This Toolkit provides a framework, guidelines, and set of practical tools to conduct an analysis and diagnostic of trade competitiveness in the services sector and to identify both the main constraints to improved competitiveness and the appropriate policy responses.
Recognizing that services affect the ability of countries and their firms to compete on international markets, the World Bank’s Trade and Regional Integration Unit has developed an extensive work program to promote the performance of countries’ domestic services sectors, including services trade. Services for Trade Competitiveness presents selected applications of new methodologies that were developed to assess the competitiveness of countries’ services sectors, discern the types of barriers to services that exist in the regulatory environment, and identify the resulting policy implications. Its assessments are designed for a wide audience, including policy makers in developing countries and development practitioners in international organizations, policy-making institutions, and academia. The purpose of this book is to help policy makers in developing countries make informed policy choices to increase their chances of benefiting from the increasing prominence of services in international trade.