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"The applied research indicates that, to improve awareness, park education programs should be targeted specifically to the user groups primarily through outreach programs. Further, the Park's management programs should be highlighted, particularly the beneficial, tangible products and services (benefits) the Park provides to each user group... The closer the tie between reef conditions and business earnings, the greater the users' support for reef conservation." Coral reefs are sometimes referred to as "canaries of the sea" because of their early warning ability to show near-shore oceanic stress. Because of their biological diversity, they are also called "rainforests of the sea." Coral reefs are vital to the well being of millions of people. Coral reef managers and government officials trying to save their valuable national resources have turned to research on coral reefs for help. The research presented in this publication merits a great deal of notice because the output is useful for decision support and training tools in integrated coastal zone management (ICZM). The work on cost-effectiveness analysis has developed integrated economic and ecological models, relying extensively on fuzzy logic procedures to model impacts and effects of interventions within the reef environment. By contrast, the marine system valuation work provides economic valuations of coral reefs, demonstrating the use of different modeling methods and treating key policy issues within this context. This publication will interest coastal zone experts and managers worldwide
Ultimately, this book provides a means to help address and solve the complexity that exists between coastal systems and anthropogenic activities.
All coastal areas are facing a growing range of stresses and shocks, the scale of which now poses threats to the resilience of both human and environmental coastal systems. Responsible agencies are seeking better ways of managing the causes and consequences of the environmental change process in coastal zones. This volume discusses the basic principles underpinning a more integrated approach to coastal management and highlights the obstacles that may be met in practice in both developed and developing countries. Successful strategies will have to encompass all the elements of management, from planning and design through financing and implementation, as highlighted in this book.
This report identifies governmental actions that can lead to effective management of coastal resources and strenghtening the national capacity for effective coastal resources management through Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM). This is a system for controlling development and other human activities that effect the condition of economic resources and the quality of environment in coastal zones. The overall objective of ICZM is to provide for sustainable use of coastal natural resources and for maintenance of biodiversity. Environmentally planned development is reputed to add to economic and social prosperity of a coastal community in the long term. The orientation of the report is toward developing countries, particularly those of the coastal tropics. Fisheries productivity, increased tourism revenus, sustained mangrove forestry, and security from natrual hazard devastation are among the practical benefits of ICZM. ICZM incorporates modern principles of planning and resources management, intensive information bases an interdisciplinary processes. A major objective is to facilitate the interactions of different coastal economic sectors (e.g., shipping, agriculturte, fisheries) toward potimal socio-econopmic outcomes, including resolution of conflicts between sectors. ICZM may be initiated in response to a planning mandate but more often because of a crisis - a use conflict, a severe decline in a resource, or a devasting experience with natural hazards.
Coastal Zone Management Handbook comprises the first complete manual on coastal resource planning and management technology. Written by an international consultant, this handbook reflects a global perspective on the natural resources, sensitivities, economics, development, productivity, and diversity of coastal zones. The emphasis is on tropical and subtropical coastal ecosystems, but the information is widely applicable. In addition to its comprehensive coverage of general concepts related to coastal regions, the book describes the strategic basis for coastal management, provides a set of working tools for management and planning activities, and presents case histories of management projects around the globe. Extensive references are provided for each management analysis, practice, technique, and solution. Coastal Zone Management Handbook is made up of four sections:
Anthropogenic transformation of the coastal zone continues at a steady pace, especially in the developing maritime countries, where coastal resources are often crucial to national economies. However, exploitation of these resources is often indiscriminate, ill planned, or carried out without adequate scientific knowledge. This leads to rapid resource depletion, and often irreversible environmental degradation. The 1992 Rio de Janeiro UN Conference on Environment and Development recognized the expediency of an integrated and sustainable use of all coastal resources, functions and services grounded on sound scientific data. The present volume is based on the 1994 international workshop Integrated Coastal Zone Management, and brings together contributions by leading specialists both on basic concepts and on applications of coastal management. The work is divided into six parts, dealing with the conceptual framework of ICZM; regional and global aspects of coastal management; environmental assessment in ICZM; capacity building and technology transfer; monitoring and environmental analysis; and case studies and status of ICZM plans. The book also incorporates an interactive ICZM planning module, COSMO, which can be of use in designing a management plan for a coast. Attention is also given to long-term environmental effects of present-day actions. It is hoped that COSMO will prove an additional learning tool for ICZM practitioners and enhance the value of the book. This work is intended to give a broad coverage of conceptual and technical aspects of ICZM, and will be of use to operational executives as well as students of ICZM, environmental economists, policy-makers and senior managers in the international development agencies and governmental and non-governmental organizations. It can be recommended as a textbook and as a reference work.
Biliana Cicin-Sain and Robert W. Knecht are co-directors of the Center for the Study of Marine Policy at the University of Delaware in Newark, Delaware and co-authors of The Future of U.S. Ocean Policy (Island Press, 1998).
This text demonstrates new methods for the management of natural resources. The methods are applied to coastal zones - where population and economic pressues often conflict acutely with fragile and diverse ecosystems.