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Why would the Almighty God need a Son and a Holy Spirit? Is He lacking in Himself? Why would such a good and perfect God make such a bad devil? How could Jesus Christ be God and Man at the same time? In his simple, yet compelling style author, Austin de Bourg answers these questions and more as he sheds light on the perplexing and often misunderstood biblical truths regarding the Trinity, Jesus Christ, and Christianity. This book not only informs, but inspires and equips Christians to understand their part in advancing the Kingdom of God to which they are called. It gives the biblical basis for their Christian faith, laying the necessary foundation to help believers to solidify their faith which is desperately needed in this hour. In Insights into the Mystery of the Trinity, author, Austin de Bourg, one who has spent his entire life developing a deep, intimate relationship with the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, encourages the reader to do the same. He, not only explains the importance and necessity of intimacy with the Trinity, but gives the practical steps to achieve and maintain it. Through the pages of this book, the author takes you on an insightful journey that ventures into the spiritual dimension where God exists. Its profound contents span from eternity to Pentecost and beyond, unfolding the saga of the Trinity's successful quest to restore man from his fallen state back into relationship, fellowship, and dialogue with God. As you read, you will discover other priceless treasures hidden in the heart and mind of God which were kept secret by God...until now.
Starting with the doctrine of the Trinity, Vern Poythress addresses six significant challenges concerning God's attributes, helping us to appreciate more deeply the mystery that lies in each of them.
The Trinity is the central mystery of the Christian faith. What can we say about the divine nature, and what does it mean to say that God is Father, Son, Holy Spirit, three persons who are one in being? In this book, best selling author Thomas Joseph White, OP, examines the development of early Christian reflection on the Trinity, arguing that essential contributions of Patristic theology are preserved and expanded in the thought of Thomas Aquinas. By focusing on Aquinas’ theology of the divine nature as well as his treatment of divine personhood, White explores in depth the mystery of Trinitarian monotheism. The Trinity: On the Nature and Mystery of the One God also engages with influential proposals of modern theologians on major topics such as Trinitarian creation, Incarnation and crucifixion, and presents creative engagements with these topics. Ultimately any theology of the cross is also a theology of the Trinity, and this book seeks to illustrate how the human life, death, and resurrection of Jesus reveal the inner life of God as Trinity.
Though trinitarian theology has enjoyed a resurgence of interest in the last few years, there is a lamentable lacuna in much of this study, a gap between intellectual rigor and concrete experience. While the contributions of Augustine of Hippo and Thomas Aquinas are important to any foundational study of the Trinity, a strictly philosophical and scholastic approach has proved to be both contentious and problematic. As a result, many are left wanting for more meaningful expressions of this profound mystery. Anne Hunt fills this lacuna and offers a fresh avenue of reflection. She explores the distinctly trinitarian insights of a number of Christian mystics 'Hildegard of Bingen and Meister Eckhart, Bonaventure and Elizabeth of the Trinity, Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross, William of St. Thierry and Julian of Norwich. Readers will find that the mystery of the divine life and love that was so tangibly given and so palpably experienced by these mystics is now offered to us through them. Anne Hunt is faculty dean of theology and philosophy at Australian Catholic University. She is currently vice president of the Australian Catholic Theological Association. She is author of Trinity: Nexus of the Mysteries of Christian Faith, What Are They Saying About the Trinity? and The Trinity and the Paschal Mystery.
Is the doctrine of the Trinity really meant to be understood? Can it be applied to our everyday lives? Sam Allberry shows us that the Trinity really matters, and that this insight God gives us into himself has enormous implications for how we understand him and how we understand ourselves as beings made in his image. The Trinity shows us that God in his oneness is both unique and perfectly integrated. The relational qualities of his triune nature are eternal and foundational to our understanding of the unity and diversity of the church and the equality of and differences between men and women.
Once we know from the Bible that God is Trinitarian, we can begin to notice reflections of his Trinitarian character in both general and special revelation. Vern Poythress demonstrates that a number of triads of perspectives (coherent groups of three viewpoints) show analogies to the Trinity. Understanding these analogies helps readers to perceive both the Bible and the world as creations of our Trinitarian God.
This poetic book on the Trinity offers reflections on the inter-personal dimensions of God and spells out the implications for spiritual life. While recent studies on the Trinity converge on the profoundly relational character of the mystery, less attention has been given to the way in which language of the Trinity speaks to the deepest desires of the human heart, the region of wound and wisdom wherein we long for loving communion with God and others. Michael Downey shows us that the doctrine of the Trinity is a grammar by which Christians speak of the ineffable mystery of God's constant, eternal giving as gift. By accepting this gift we participate in the divine life.
Christianity was meant by Jesus to be a living experience of being in the Trinitarian community--of being loved infinitely by the Father, in His Son Jesus Christ, through his Holy Spirit. In the earliest centuries of Christianity, theologians--especially in the East--thought, taught, and believed mystically about the Indwelling Trinity that lived with and transformed Christians into divinized children of God. The East still offers a rich model of participating in God's presence and experiencing the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit. Fr. Maloney approaches this mystery of the Trinity as a dynamic movement of God toward us through His two hands, in the words of St. Irenaeus, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. By drawing insights from Holy Scriptures, the Eastern Fathers, and mystics of all ages, Abiding in the Indwelling Trinity offers an intriguing vision of God as invading Love. +
Roderick Leupp explores the terrain of contemporary trinitarian theology. While his approach is thematic, he introduces readers to the essential elements of the important trinitarian theologians of the past half-century.
Unique for its breadth in studying theologians not only from Europe and North America but also from Latin America, Asia, and Africa, this landmark volume introduces the doctrine of the Trinity, examining the work and thought of contemporary theologians throughout the world. Veli-Matti Karkkainen provides an overview of the biblical roots of the doctrine, discussing both the idea of plurality in God in the Old Testament and the rise of Trinitarian understandings in the New Testament. He details the historical growth of Trinitarian traditions and delves into specific theologies, both Western and non-Western. Also including both an introductory consideration of the doctrine's significance and a concluding assessment and agenda for future thought, Karkkainen'sThe Trinityis the broadest and most comprehensive contemporary study on the Trinity available.