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Provides an advanced level of study of industrial hygiene engineering situations with emphasis on the control of exposure to occupational health hazards. Primary attention is given to ventilation, noise and vibration control, heat stress and industrial illumination. Other topics include industrial water quality, solid waste control, handling and storage of hazardous materials, personal protective equipment, and costs of industrial hygiene control.
We know certain chemicals cause problems in the workplace. The issues now are: Where do they occur in the workplace? How can we best evaluate them? What are the procedures for dealing with them safely? Many books simply define the problem and tell you that you need a program. Air Sampling and Industrial Hygiene gives you a guide to air sampling protocols from start to finish. The book presents sampling technology updated with today's tools - such as microcircuitry and remote sensing. The authors emphasize an interdisciplinary approach to understanding how air monitoring can adequately report current environmental conditions associated with outdoor media, indoor remediation efforts, proximal equipment, interior line monitoring, and the interrelationship of ventilation parameters. In addition to providing the how-tos of sampling, this guide covers the basics of chemical risk assessment, biological assessment, engineering evaluation of mechanical system design criteria, and chemical or process engineering hazard assessments. It presents the information using text, text outlines, graphics, and pictures - including cross sections of instrumentation and side bars to elaborate on complex concepts. Faulty readings caused by poor sampling techniques can be very costly. This book provides the how-tos for making design engineering and on-site decisions as to instrumentation selection and scheduled usage. Air Sampling and Industrial Hygiene Engineering will allow you to complete the sampling process systematically and correctly from initial suspicions to the use of obtained results.
Provides an advanced level of study of industrial hygiene engineering situations with emphasis on the control of exposure to occupational health hazards. Primary attention is given to ventilation, noise and vibration control, heat stress and industrial illumination. Other topics include industrial water quality, solid waste control, handling and storage of hazardous materials, personal protective equipment, and costs of industrial hygiene control.
Patty's Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology Volume 3A, 2nd Edition:Theory and Rationale of Industrial Hygiene Practice: The WorkEnvironment Edited by Lewis J. Cralley & Lester V. Cralley Thisaddition to Patty's classic reference series discusses themaintenance of standards to assure a safe and healthful workingenvironment. Twenty-one leading authorities cover a broad range oftopics, including: rationale; health promotion in the workplace;occupational health nursing; detecting disease produced byoccupational exposure; health surveillance programs in industry;and more. 1985 0 471-86137-5 822 pp. Patty's Industrial Hygiene andToxicology Volume 3B, 2nd Edition: Theory and Rationale ofIndustrial Hygiene Practice: Biological Responses Edited by LewisJ. Cralley & Lester V. Cralley Volume 3B discusses thebiological responses of the body to the various chemical andenvironmental hazards and stresses in the industrial workplace.Twenty-one leading authorities cover a broad range of topics,including: rationale; role of animal toxicology and pharmacokineticdata in the safety evaluation of chemicals; and more. 1985 0471-82333-3 753 pp. Industrial Hygiene Aspects of Plant OperationsVolume 1: Process Flows Editors: Lester V. Cralley & Lewis J.Cralley This reference is the first of a three-volume work thatconstitutes the most comprehensive treatise available on therecognition, measurement, and control of potential hazardsassociated with plant operations. Volume 1 fills an especiallyimportant and urgent need with its flow-sheet style of presentationdesigned to help readers graphically compare their own companyprocesses with those of other companies. 1986 0 471-62493-4 630 pp.Industrial Hygiene Aspects of Plant Operations Volume 2: UnitOperations and Product Fabrication Editors: Lester V. Cralley &Lewis J. Cralley In the first section, the contributors discussunit operations as distinct entities along an industry-wideconcept. In the second section, they cover the operations andprocedures for assembling parts and materials into final products.Each step in the unit operation and product fabrication flowincludes a discussion of specific health hazards with suggestionsfor their monitoring and control. 1986 0 471-62492-6 537 pp.Industrial Hygiene Aspects of Plant Operations Volume 3:Engineering Considerations in Equipment Selection, Layout, andBuilding Design Editors: Lester V. Cralley & Lewis J. CralleyStressing cost-effective design and sound engineering practicesthroughout, every chapter of this volume shows professionals how toestablish practical, long-term hazard control programs that willcontinue to meet high standards of industrial hygiene andconstantly changing government regulations. 1986 0 471-62491-8 785pp.
Despite many advances, 20 American workers die each day as a result of occupational injuries. And occupational safety and health (OSH) is becoming even more complex as workers move away from the long-term, fixed-site, employer relationship. This book looks at worker safety in the changing workplace and the challenge of ensuring a supply of top-notch OSH professionals. Recommendations are addressed to federal and state agencies, OSH organizations, educational institutions, employers, unions, and other stakeholders. The committee reviews trends in workforce demographics, the nature of work in the information age, globalization of work, and the revolution in health care deliveryâ€"exploring the implications for OSH education and training in the decade ahead. The core professions of OSH (occupational safety, industrial hygiene, and occupational medicine and nursing) and key related roles (employee assistance professional, ergonomist, and occupational health psychologist) are profiled-how many people are in the field, where they work, and what they do. The book reviews in detail the education, training, and education grants available to OSH professionals from public and private sources.