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Alhamdulillah akhirnya Allah memberikan kemudahan untuk dapat menyelesaikan buku “INDONESIAN HEROES ENCYCLOPEDIA” dengan baik dan tepat pada waktunya. Buku dibuat sebagai salah satu cara untuk mengembangkan profesi, juga berfungsi sebagai salah satu wadah menyampaikan pesan moral, ide, gagasan, kritikan, ajakan, kekaguman, ungkapan, harapan, khayalan dan rasa terimakasih penulis terhadap orang lain. Buku ini sengaja penulis buat dengan bahasa yang sederhana agar pembaca mudah memahami isi (pesan yang disampaikan). Harapan penulis, buku ini dapat memotivasi diri untuk menghasilkan karya-karya berikutnya dan membentuk kepribadian yang lebih baik. Harapan secara umum semoga buku ini dapat menginspirasi orang lain, bahwa hidup adalah sebuah pembelajaran, untuk menjadi bisa kita harus mau berdoa, belajar, dan berusaha. Sebuah kesuksesan hanya dapat diraih dengan kerja keras. Hidup harus dijalani dengan penuh semangat dan senantiasa bersyukur kepada Tuhan yang Maha Esa. Tak lupa kami ucapkan terimakasih kepada semua pihak yang membantu terselesaikannya penyusunan buku ini. Karya ini jauh dari sempurna, semoga memberi manfaat bagi para pembacanya. Saran dan masukan sangat penulis harapkan untuk menyempurnakan karya penulis di masa yang akan datang.
This comprehensive compilation of entries documents the origins, transmissions, and transformations of Asian American folklore and folklife. Equally instructive and intriguing, the Encyclopedia of Asian American Folklore and Folklife provides an illuminating overview of Asian American folklore as a way of life. Surveying the histories, peoples, and cultures of numerous Asian American ethnic and cultural groups, the work covers everything from ancient Asian folklore, folktales, and folk practices that have been transmitted and transformed in America to new expressions of Asian American folklore and folktales unique to the Asian American historical and contemporary experiences. The encyclopedia's three comprehensive volumes cover an extraordinarily wide range of Asian American cultural and ethnic groups, as well as mixed-race and mixed-heritage Asian Americans. Each group section is introduced by a historical overview essay followed by short entries on topics such as ghosts and spirits, clothes and jewelry, arts and crafts, home decorations, family and community, religious practices, rituals, holidays, music, foodways, literature, traditional healing and medicine, and much, much more. Topics and theories are examined from crosscultural and interdisciplinary perspectives to add to the value of the work.
This newly designed edition includes a full-colour section at the front of the guide featuring the authors'' selected highlights of the country. Throughout there is in-depth coverage of all the sights from Bali''s stunning white beaches and temples tothe enigmatic ruins of Java and the jungles of Sumatra. There are first-hand recommendations of the best places to surf, dive and trek and comprehensive listings of the best-value accommodation and eateries for all budgets. A detailed contexts section provides the reader with informed background on Indonesia''s history, religions and music.
This book focuses on two projects based in the city of Jakarta by artist/architect Stani Michiels and artist Arjan van Helmond. From their different lines of approach they try to get a handle on Jakarta's housing culture, the experience of private as opposed to public space and the consequences of city migration, as well as the city's infrastructure, its increasing density and the coherence of the city as a whole. Many megalopolises in developing countries undergo explosive growth, with the cultural, social, political and economic complexity developing at an unprecedented rate. This phenomenon is being given more and more attention within the world of architecture and art.
Addressing questions such as, how should historians treat the earlier pasts of each country and the nationalism that guided the nation-building tasks, this book tries to put them not only in the perspective of Southeast Asian developments of the past five decades, but also the larger areas of historiography.
Hamengku Buwono IX, the late Sultan of Yogyakarta Special Province, is revered by Indonesians as one of the great founders of the modern Indonesian state. He leaves a positive but in some ways ambiguous legacy in political terms. His most conspicuous achievement was the survival of hereditary Yogyakartan kingship, and he provided rare stability and continuity in Indonesia's highly fractured modern history. Under the New Order, Hamengku Buwono also helped to launch the Indonesian economy on a much stronger growth path. Although remembered as the epitome of "e;political decency"e;, he faded from power and influence as Vice President in the 1970s, and the repressive and anti-democratic features of Suharto's New Order seemed to contradict much of what Hamengku Buwono originally stood for.This biography seeks to explain his political standpoint, motivations, and achievements, and set his career in the context of his times.