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Personality and Roles: Sources of Regularities in Social Behavior For behavioral scientists, whether they identify primarily with the science of psychology or with that of sociology, there may be no challenge greater than that of discovering regularities and consistencies in social behavior. After all, it is such regularities and consistencies that lend predictability to the behavior of individuals in social contexts-in particular, to those events that constitute dyadic interactions and group processes. In the search for behavioral consistencies, two theoretical constructs have emerged as guiding principles: personality and roles. The theoretical construct of personality seeks to understand regularities and consistencies in social behavior in terms of relatively stable traits, enduring dispositions, and other propensities (for example, needs, motives, and attitudes) that are thought to reside within individuals. Because it focuses primarily on the features of individuals, the construct of personality is fundamentally psychological in nature. By contrast, the theoretical construct of roles seeks to understand regularities and consistencies in social behavior in terms of the directive influence of coherent sets of rules and prescriptions that are provided by the interpersonal, occupational, and societal categories of which individuals are continuing members. Because it focuses primarily on features of social structures, the construct of roles is fundamentally sociological in nature.
Investigation of organized interaction among human beings.
The various social roles we occupy, such as teacher, parent, or friend, shape our ethical lives and colour our perceptions of each other and ourselves. Social roles have long been a central topic in sociology, and specific social roles frequently feature within applied moral philosophy and professional ethics. In striking contrast, the normative significance of social roles per se--the 'ethics of social roles' as a distinct field of philosophical enquiry--has been relatively neglected. Indeed, the view that social roles have genuine ethical bite is often tacitly dismissed as socially regressive, as if the pull of a social role must always be towards 'knowing one's place'. The present collection aims to change this by putting social roles back where they belong: at the centre of normative ethics. After an editors' introduction aimed at readers new to the topic, fourteen original chapters by an international line-up of new and established authors show how the topic of social roles is a kind of missing link between several better-established topics, including collective agency, special obligations, wellbeing, and social and political justice. These contributions are organized into four parts. The first looks at the topic through a historical lens, since philosophers have not always neglected social roles. The second addresses the source of the apparent normative force of social roles. The third examines the relation of a social role's normativity to its wider institutional context. The fourth looks at implications for self and wellbeing.
The considerable interest currently being expressed in women and religion has thrown down an important challenge; the need to see women not merely as the passive victims of an oppressive ideology but also perhaps primarily as the active agents of their own positive constructs. This book therefore aims to fill a notable gap in the literature. Twelve contributors study the role of women in Hindu religion by examining textual studies of the part played by women in a variety of religion rituals, both past and present, by exploring the socio-religious context of their various communites; and by using specialist material to draw on cross-cultural conclusions.
Belbin’s renowned Team Role theory is a familiar concept for managers and management trainers across the world. Following on from the best-selling Management Teams: Why they succeed or fail, this second edition of Team Roles at Work provides useful insights into how to apply the theory in everyday work situations. This book explores the impact of Team Roles from interpersonal chemistry and managing difficult relationships, to cultivating effective leaders and shaping organizations. Now fully updated, this second edition has new practical examples and summaries bringing this book up to date 17 years after its original publication. Drawing from Belbin’s own practical experience it answers the queries that have arisen during those years. Further information accompanies the book on the Belbin website, including a free, downloadable, full-page summary of Team Roles with their icons, descriptions, strengths and allowable weaknesses. Team Roles at Work is the best-selling, second book written by Meredith Belbin, designed for any manager who wants to understand the practical application of Team Role theory. R. Meredith Belbin was formerly Chairman of the Industrial Training Research Unit. A founder Member of Belbin Associates, he is also Visiting Professor and Honorary Fellow of Henley Management College. RELATED TITLES Belbin, Management Teams: Why they succeed or fail, 3e, ISBN: 978-1-85617-8075
This book will be an essential read for all new teachers or trainers in medicine and the healthcare professions, while encouraging the more experienced teacher to review their educational responsibilities. It looks at teaching from the perspective of the functions or roles of a teacher. While aiming to maintain both brevity and clarity it adopts a personal style and approach in order to provide a flavour of what it means to be a teacher. The authors describe the eight key roles for the teacher or trainer. For maximum effectiveness and job satisfaction it is important for every teacher to establish their roles in an education programme and to know how to contribute most effectively. This book is written to assist with these goals. All teachers should have an understanding of the eight roles but cannot be expected to be an expert in all of them. A consideration of these roles illuminates what is expected of a teacher and illustrates how to maximise potential. All the chapters contain brief overviews, key take-home messages, a summary of the role responsibilities of all teachers, ‘expert’ teachers and ‘master’ teachers, and suggestions for consideration by the teacher as to their personal role. At the end of each chapter is a list of references of the topics addressed in the chapter. The text includes short narratives from 38 teachers around the world as well as personal anecdotes to provide an additional insight into the roles a teacher fulfils. The first chapter highlights the importance of the teacher in an educational programme and how the teacher is critical to the success of the learner. The second chapter provides an overview of the eight roles and how they are interconnected. The subsequent chapters describe in turn each of the roles, highlighting what is expected of a teacher, what is required of an expert teacher, and what is anticipated of a master teacher who is an innovator in the field relating to a particular role. The final chapter reviews the eight roles in the context of the day-to-day work of the teacher and how these roles are changing.
In this book, senior scholars and a new generation of analysts present different applications of recent advances linking beliefs and decision-making, in the area of foreign policy analysis with strategic interactions in world politics. Divided into five parts, Part 1 identifies how the beliefs in the cognitive operational codes of individual leaders explain the political decisions of states. In Part 2, five chapters illustrate progress in comparing the operational codes of individual leaders, including Vladimir Putin of Russia, three US presidents, Bolivian president Evo Morales, Sri Lanka’s President Chandrika Kumaratunga, and various leaders of terrorist organizations operating in the Middle East and North Africa. Part 3 introduces a new Psychological Characteristics of Leaders (PsyCL) data set containing the operational codes of US presidents from the early 1800s to the present. In Part 4, the focus is on strategic interactions among dyads and evolutionary patterns among states in different regional and world systems. Part 5 revisits whether the contents of the preceding chapters support the claims about the links between beliefs and foreign policy roles in world politics. Richly illustrated and with comprehensive analysis Operational Code Analysis and Foreign Policy Roles will be of interest to specialists in foreign policy analysis, international relations theorists, graduate students, and national security analysts in the policy-making and intelligence communities.
The aim of the CEEMAS conference series is to provide a biennial forum for the presentation of multi-agent research and development results. With its p- ticular geographicalorientation towards Central and Eastern Europe, CEEMAS has become an internationally recognised event with participants from all over the world. After the successful CEEMAS conferences in St. Petersburg (1999), Cracow (2001) and Prague (2003), the 2005 CEEMAS conference takes place in Budapest. The programme committee of the conference series consists of est- lished researchers from the region and renowned international colleagues, sh- ing the prominent rank of CEEMAS among the leading events in multi-agent systems. In the very competitive ?eld of agent oriented conferences and workshops nowadays(suchasAAMAS,WI/IAT,EUMAS,CIA,MATES)thespecialpro?le of CEEMAS is that it is trying to bridge the gap between applied research achievements and theoretical research activities. Our ambition is to provide a forum for presenting theoretical research with an evident application potential, implemented application prototypes and their properties, as well as industrial case studies of successful (but also unsuccessful) agent technology deployments. This is why the CEEMAS proceedings volume provides a collection of research and application papers. The technical research paper section of the proceedings (see pages 11–499) contains pure research papers as well as research results in application settings while the application papers section (see pages 500–530) contains papers focused on application aspects. The goal is to demonstrate the real life value and commercial reality of multi-agent systems as well as to foster communication between academia and industry in this ?eld.