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The care of the mind involves development, education, and training. The terms are by no means synonymous. A highly developed mind, for example, is not always a well-balanced one. If not, it offers proof that too many years and too much energy have been devoted to mental develop ment at the expense of proper training in correct introspective judgment. That the number of badly balanced persons is increasing is shown by hospital records. It is an open secret that insanity is steadily making head way - increasing at a rate out of proportion to the growth of our population. And this at a time when Education is the watchword of every com munity, and when illiteracy is steadily decreasing in all portions of the civilized world.
If there is any virtue in advertisements — and a journalist should be the last person to say that there is not — the American nation is rapidly reaching a state of physical efficiency of which the world has probably not seen the like since Sparta. In all the American newspapers and all the American monthlies are innumerable illustrated announcements of “physical-culture specialists,” who guarantee to make all the organs of the body perform their duties with the mighty precision of a 60 h.p. motor-car that never breaks down...FROM THE BOOK
Sorry, you can’t actually “train your brain.” But you can force it to adapt, grow, and perform to it’s full potential. The brain is the seat of our consciousness, identity, and higher thoughts. But it is also a flesh and blood machine that can wear down, grow tired, and malfunction. Learn how to prevent this and be your best. Become quicker, sharper, smarter, more observant. THE BRAIN MECHANIC is a guide to how to revitalize, polish, and fix-up your brain. The truth is, you’re probably underperforming mentally. It’s not personal, it’s just how you’re wired. This book provides a series of steps and plans for you to get on track to your best thinking days. Drawing from the most recent, up-to-date research on brain health. Peter Hollins has studied psychology and peak human performance for over a dozen years and is a bestselling author. He has worked with a multitude of individuals to unlock their potential and path towards success. His writing draws on his academic, coaching, and research experience. Understand the everyday forces that fundamentally change your brain. •The deep connection (and surprising) between the body and the mind. •Everyday actions and habits to increase focus, discipline, and critical thinking. •The emotional power of social bonds and ties, and how they empower us. •Why we need breaks, and what we should actually do for a mental rest. •Neuroplasticity - the real brain training - and how to do it daily. •The vagus nerve and how it makes or breaks your sense of calm. Fine-tune your thinking. Be your brain’s mechanic.
Why does not some mental efficiency specialist come forward and show us how to make our minds do the work which our minds are certainly capable of doing? I do not mean a quack. All the physical efficiency specialists who advertise largely are not quacks. Some of them achieve very genuine results. If a course of treatment can be devised for the body, a course of treatment can be devised for the mind. Thus we might realize some of the ambitions which all of us cherish in regard to the utilization in our spare time of that magnificent machine which we allow to rust within our craniums. We have the desire to perfect ourselves, to round off our careers with the graces of knowledge and taste. How many people would not gladly undertake some branch of serious study, so that they might not die under the reproach of having lived and died without ever really having known anything about anything! It is not the absence of desire that prevents them. It is, first, the absence of will-power-not the will to begin, but the will to continue; and, second, a mental apparatus which is out of condition, "puffy," "weedy," through sheer neglect. The remedy, then, divides itself into two parts, the cultivation of will-power, and the getting into condition of the mental apparatus. And these two branches of the cure must be worked concurrently.
When many people think of mental performance they simply focus on the level of intelligence that an individual can have. Little or no focus is placed on how the brain can be kept working at optimum capacity. "Improve Mental Performance: 7 Top Tips & Tools To Stop Overworking Your Brain Now" can help to explain all of this. The main point that is expounded upon is the fact that many individuals tend to spend a lot of time stressing on the amount of work that they have to get through and on finding the solution to do so. By the time they get through all of that the brain is, overworked, tired and will simply shut down and they find that they can do no more. Through the use of this text quite a number of viable solutions can be found and implemented to make the process that much simpler.
Mental Efficiency and Other Hints to Men and Women by Arnold Bennett utilizes an interestingly direct approach to the topic of mental efficiency. Excerpt: "Page I. Mental Efficiency 7 The Appeal 7 The Replies 13 The Cure 19 Mental Calisthenics 24 II. Expressing One's Individuality 32 III. Breaking with the Past 39 IV. Settling Down in Life 45 V. Marriage 53 The Duty of It 53 The Adventure of It 59 The Two Ways of It 65 VI. Books."