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There are a few narrations from the Prophet ﷺ that encourage Muslims to recite Sūrah al-Kahf on a weekly basis. That is why it is a common practice across the world to recite Sūrah al-Kahf on Fridays. This is a beautiful practice that helps strengthen one's relationship with the Quran and builds a culture of recitation. However, more important than simply reciting the Sūrah as a ritual is connecting with it emotionally, intellectually, spiritually, and trying our best to understand its message and apply its guidance into our daily lives. This work explores the meanings, lessons, reminders, benefits, morals, and guidance of Sūrah al-Kahf based on classical and contemporary sources.
This study is one of them and contains only the commentary of Surah al Kahf. All commentaries of old-new, narration (tafsir bi-al-riwaya) - rational (tafsir bi-al-diraya) commentaries have been employed as much as possible. Thus, it has been aimed to penetrate the visible and deep meanings of the verses as much as possible. Efforts have been made not to exclude any of the statements about that verse, which have been popular with the Islamic Ummah from past to present.
The importance of aḥādīth and the Sunnah within the framework of Islam cannot be overemphasized; they are foundational aspects of our belief and practice. There are two primary sources of Islam: The Quran and Sunnah. Broadly speaking, the Quran provides us with general rules, principles, morals, values, ethics, and ideas while the Sunnah provides the details. In other words, the Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ is a detailed explanation of what is mentioned by Allah ﷻ in the Quran. It is impossible to act upon the Quran, to follow its guidance, teachings, commands, and prohibitions without the Sunnah of the Prophet ﷺ.
As the war on Islam intensifies, and as the day approaches when the imposter Euro-Jewish State of Israel wouldmake its bid to become the ruling State in the world, and the false Messiah (i.e., Dājjal) would rule the world from Jerusalem and declare that he is the true Messiah, I fear that there would be many, particularly governments whichdeclare their friendship for USA and hence for Israel, who would want to ban books on the Qur'ān.I therefore pray most humbly, and ask my gentle readers to also kindly join in the prayer, that Allah Most Highmight protect books (such as this humble quartet of books on Sūrah al-Kahf) that use the blessed Qur'ān to explain, toexpose and to challenge those in the godless modern age who are waging wicked war on Islam. Āmīn.This first volume of four, containing 'Text Translation and Modern Commentary of Sūrah al-Kahf', makes itsappearance just before our main work on the subject entitled 'Sūrah al-Kahf and the Modern Age' is to be published,and is meant to function as a companion volume to that main work.We propose, Insha Allah, to publish a third and fourth volume on this subject in which we would like to offer to thereading public a comprehensive and credible modern interpretation of the Ahadīth and Qur'anic verses dealing (directlyand indirectly) with the critically important topics of Dajjāl the false Messiah or Anti-Christ, and of Gog and Magog. Ifany such books have already been written and published, they must be very few indeed.
The Qur'an is the greatest miracle of God (Allah) and the Qur'an is the proof of the truthfulness of Islam. It is the standing and everlasting miracle, but very rarely, have we heard how is it a miracle? The Qur'an is the ultimate miracle of our Prophet Muhammad (Sallahualaihi wassalam - S.A.W). It is such a miracle that all the other miracles are considered trivial and inconsequential compared to the Qur'an. This is because the Qur'an is so powerful, so bright and blinding that no matter how bright the other miracles are; when you have the sun, the stars become useless. In this book, Dr. Yasir Qadhi discussed on the miracles of the Qur'an that we either have never acknowledge or we often overlooked. The miracles of the Qur'an are endless and the points are abundance to be mentioned.
Based on valuable material from authentic tafasir in Arabic and Urdu, the book provides a thematic study of Surah al-Kahf. A commendable work, meeting the mindset and intellectual needs of the English-speaking young generation of Muslims in the West.
This short book will provide a brief history of the development and codification of Uṣūl al-Fiqh. It will examine the primary and secondary sources of Islamic Law, legal rulings, how they are derived and function, as well as a brief overview of the rules of interpretation. The main objective of this booklet is to introduce readers to the study of Uṣūl as well as create a deeper sense of appreciation for fiqh.