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Athletes have been found to have more negative attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help than non-athletes despite experiencing comparable amounts of mental illness. The purpose of the present study was to examine factors that are associated with athletes help-seeking attitudes, including athletic identity and emotional competence. A sample of 144 college student athletes from a small, private Midwestern college in the United States participated in the study. The athletes competed at the NCAA Division III level. Participants were asked to complete the following measures: Athletic Identity Measurement Scale, Attitudes Toward Seeking Professional Psychological Help Short Form, Toronto Alexithymia Scale, Self-Stigma of Seeking Help Scale, the Problem Orientation Scale of the Social Problem Solving Inventory for Adolescents, and the Rumination subscale of the Inhibition Rumination Scale. Correlational analysis and hierarchical multiple regression analysis were used to examine the extent to which athletic identity and emotional competence, as measured by alexithymia, problem orientation, and rumination, predicted attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help. Results revealed that both athletic identity and the emotional competence variables entered as a block predicted unique variance in the athletes attitudes toward seeking help. Among emotional competence variables, alexithymia had a significant negative bivariate relationship with attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help and emerged as worthy of further study. Problem orientation was identified as a significant predictor in the regression models, however, functioned as a suppressor variable and did not have a significant bivariate correlation with attitudes toward seeking professional psychological help. Findings, implications, and directions for future research are discussed.
The persistence of stigma of mental illness and seeking therapy perpetuates suffering and keeps people from getting the help they need and deserve. This volume, analysing the most up-to-date research on this process and ways to intervene, is designed to give those who are working to overcome stigma a strong, research-based foundation for their work. Chapters address stigma reduction efforts at the individual, community, and national levels, and discuss what works and what doesn't. Others explore how holding different stigmatized identities compounds the burden of stigma and suggest ways to attend to these differences. Throughout, there is a focus on the current state of the research knowledge in the field, its applications, and recommendations for future research. The Handbook provides a compelling case for the benefits reaped from current research and intervention, and shows why continued work is needed.
The negative effects of disclosing a history of mental illness and the need for mental health services are well documented in the professional literature (Corrigan, 2005). Being labeled as "mentally ill" can lead to negative stereotypes placed on the individual that lead to prejudice and discrimination (Corrigan, 2004). These negative effects of disclosing psychological disturbances have led to some individuals being hesitant to seek help, even if the individuals or those close to them feel it is needed (Thornicroft, 2006). College students are a vulnerable population due to the likelihood that they will experience their first psychological disturbance during their college years (Eisenberg, Golberstein, & Gollust, 2007), making access to mental health care crucial. College student-athletes may be even more at-risk for certain psychological disturbances, based on their unique demands and environmental stressors they face (Pinkerton, Hintz, & Barrow, 1989). College student-athletes appear to be underutilizing the mental health services available to them on college campuses (Watson & Kissinger, 2007). Prior studies have shown that college student-athletes are less likely to seek out mental health treatment than other college students (Watson, 2005). The purpose of this study was to see whether or not college student-athletes would exhibit more negative attitudes than student-nonathletes towards mental illness. This study also compared the attitudes toward seeking psychological help between athletes and non-athletes (using a measure developed for use with student-athletes and student-nonathletes by Watson, 2005). Scales that measure social distance, perceived devaluation and discrimination towards mental illness were used to operationalize stigma towards mental illness. The scales this study used to measure social distance (Martin et al., 2000) and perceived discrimination towards mental illness (Link, 1987) had never been used before in a student-athlete population. The potential roles that athletic identity, race, and gender play in treatment-seeking comfort were also examined.
"The present investigation examined the influence of athletic identity, expectation of toughness, and reported attitude toward pain and injury on instrumental and emotional social support help-seeking tendencies for the pains and injuries athletes experience during their participation in sports. This investigation involved the administration of a self-report survey to 222 student-athletes representing 12 athletic teams at two Midwestern NCAA Division III institutions. Targeted teams for participation included men's and women's teams of the three sports of basketball, ice hockey, and swimming. Results indicated that the expectation of toughness aspect of the sport ethic, which involved willingness to play through pain and willingness to make physical sacrifices for the game, along with attitude toward pain as something to be denied and ignored, negatively influenced athletes' help-seeking tendencies for pains and injuries experienced in sport. An athlete who experiences pain and injury and chooses to ignore or deny its occurrence places himself or herself at risk for experiencing more severe and potentially disabling injury. In addition, significant mean gender differences were found for expectation of toughness and instrumental and emotional social support help-seeking tendencies. Significant mean differences based on sport were found for athletic identification and expectation of toughness. It is clear from this investigation that athletes' expectations of toughness in sport, in particular, negatively influenced athletes' willingness to seek help for pains and injuries. Additional research is warranted to address what can be done to buffer the effects of the sport ethic and promote athletes' willingness to seek help for pains and injuries experienced during participation in sport."--Abstract from author supplied metadata.
Student-athletes are thought to be at greater risk for some psychopathologies while underutilizing mental health services. Few studies have explored depression in student-athletes or the reasons behind the resistance to seeking psychological help. The goals of this study were to examine in a nationwide sample of NCAA D-IA and D-IAA student-athletes the (a) manifestation of depressed mood as it relates to gender, injury, injury characteristics (i.e., perceived impact, time in treatment, chronicity), and student-athlete role behaviors (e.g., frequency of skipping events, role strain, self-destructive behaviors) and (b) examine their treatment resistance, perceived barriers to seeking help, and counselor preference should they choose to seek psychological help. Using a web-survey format, student-athletes were presented survey materials and the Personality Assessment Inventory (Morey, 1991) Depression and Treatment Rejection scales. Results indicated student-athletes reported moderately low depression scores. Depression was not impacted by gender or the occurrence of injury; however, for those who were injured, only the perceived impact of their injury accounted for variance in depression scores. Strong relationships between role behaviors and depression indicated possible outward expressions of depression. Additionally, student-athletes reported moderately high treatment rejection scores indicating little desire or perceived need to change and little motivation for entering into counseling. Access to services, privacy issues, stigmatization, and the fear of not being understood acted as barriers to seeking help. Lastly, student-athletes indicated clear preferences for counselor type and practitioner's location, familiarity with sport, gender, racial similarity, and age. Results highlighted a need for education, awareness, promotion of mental health services, and increased accessibility to services for student-athletes. Recommendations were put forth for university counseling centers as well as athletic department staff members.
Introduction: Adolescents and young adults experience a high level of mental health conditions.These disorders appear to be increasing in number and severity. The prevalence rate for 18-25-years-olds is 8.7% in 12 months. Mental health conditions are treatable, yet many people do not seek professional help. Seeking help from a professional source is particularly important for preventing, early detection, treatment, and recovery from mental health conditions. Purpose: The purpose of this mixed-methods study is to demonstrate the prevalence of depression, explore student-athletes attitudes towards seeking mental health help, understand what factors may influence help-seeking behaviors, and explore the athlete's perceptions of the role that athletic trainers play in the assessment and referral process. Methods: An exploratory, concurrent mixed methods design was used. Survey data from the ATSPPH-SF and PHQ-9 were collected from collegiate student-athletes. A phenomenological approach will guide the qualitative research process. Semi-structured interviews will be audiotaped, transcribed, and analyzed using an interpretive thematic analytical approach. Study Participants: National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) student-athletes participating at the Divsion III (DIII) level. Results: The prevalence of depression was almost 42% in the study population. There was no relationship between PHQ-9 scores and sex. Attitudes towards seeking help were generally positive. Females tend to have more favorable attitudes than males, but this finding was not statistically significant. There was no relationhship between PHQ-9 scores and ATSPPH-SF scores. Barriers to help-seeking included perceived seriousness, stigma, lack of time, accessibility, prefer to handle issues on own, and cost. Facilitators to help-seeking included perceived and nee-problems that were serious enough to warrant help and a supportive network. Clinical Importance: As we continue to address the mental health crisis, it is imperative to understand what prevents student-athletes from seeking professional psychological help and develop supportive programs to help them overcome these barriers. Certified athletic trainers, coaches, and other athletic personel need to understand the seriousness of untreated mental health conditions and be educated to recognize when an athlete may be struggling with issues beyond their control. Knowing when to refer a student-athlete to a professional is essential in preventing potential unnecessary and irreversible consequences.
Mental Health in Elite Sport: Applied Perspectives from Across the Globe provides a focused, exhaustive overview of up-to-date mental health research, models, and approaches in elite sport to provide researchers, practitioners, coaches, and students with contemporary knowledge and strategies to address mental health in elite sport across a variety of contexts. Mental Health in Elite Sport is divided into two main parts. The first part focuses globally on mental health service provision structures and cases specific to different world regions and countries. The second part focuses on specific mental health interventions across countries but also illustrates specific case studies and interventions as influenced by the local context and culture. This tour around the world offers readers an understanding of the massive global differences in mental health service provision within different situations and organizations. This is the first book of its kind in which highly experienced scholars and practitioners openly share their programs, methods, reflections, and failures on working with mental health in different contexts. By using a global, multi-contextual analysis to address mental health in elite sport, this book is an essential text for practitioners such as researchers, coaches, athletes, as well as instructors and students across the sport science and mental health fields.