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In 1965 Janis Sternbergs made a few playful lines in some sand on his studio table and was struck by the image he had created. A photograph of this confluence of shadows showed what seemed to be a great earth sculpture of vast depth and breadth. So began an art form which united the talents and skills of engraver, sculptor, painter, and photographer. And when Sternbergs added color effects to his images by use of photo-screen process printing, he employed the skills of still another medium—one in which he is a recognized master. In this book Sternbergs first explains and demonstrates many of the techniques he has developed in producing his dramatic sand "paintings." In a series of illustrations designed to instruct the neophyte sand artist, we see a variety of commonplace tools used to explore the many possibilities of sand as a material for spontaneous work. What one supremely creative mind has done with the medium can be seen in the catalog of Sternbergs's sand images which follows the instructional portion of the book. The 154 black and white photographs not only suggest the range and potential of sand imagery, but attest as well to the imagination and versatility of the artist.
Uncovering seashells... jumping in the waves... It's a perfect beach day! And what better way to spend it than with a new beach friend? Patricia Hubbell's light verse skips merrily along, while Lisa Campbell Ernst's playful scenes picture a sea that is justwaiting to be splashed in!
Longlisted for the National Book Award "Mind-blowing." —Kim Gordon DEADPAN, EPIC, AND SEARINGLY CHARISMATIC, A Sand Book chronicles climate change and climate grief, gun violence and bystanderism, state violence and complicity, mourning and ecstasy, sex and love, and the transcendent shock of prophecy, tracking new dimensions of consciousness for our strange and desperate times.
Beautiful digitized photography and creative artistic images of the beach and sand to use for decorating your house or office. Simply, cut out the prints, frame them and hang them. In addition, some images includes motivational thought to inspire thinking and creativity. Enjoy these beautiful images which are artistically digitized. At times, the horizon is intentionally angled to represent the human experience and as creative license to explore the extraordinary and unusual. Grace Divine is an American artist who uses photography and painting to express herself. To find out more about her art go to:
Employing fantastic micro photographic techniques, Greenberg invites readers into the strange and wonderful world that each grain of sand contains.
From the beach to the moon--explore the incredible hidden world of sand, seen through a microscope. To the naked eye, the tiny particles that make up sand are less than inspiring. Under the microscope, however, it's a completely different story. Looking at sand under extreme magnification, we quickly find ourselves immersed in a new world of brilliant colors, organic shapes, and the stunning patterns of nature. Every grain of sand is a snapshot in time: Each grain originated somewhere and is headed somewhere else. Biogenic sands often contain fragments of the hard tissues from marine organisms such as shells, corals, sponges, sea urchins, forams, and bryozoans. When these organisms die, the hard tissues that are left behind erode into some of the most spectacular grains of sand imaginable. In this book, deep-focus microscope photography, x-ray images, and high-resolution scanning electron microscopy reveal their secrets. The Secrets of Sand is a virtual tour of sands from across North America. It shows their origins, the environmental forces that have acted upon them, and their journey from bedrock or invertebrate shell to the fine particles that, in countless billions, form our familiar beaches and dunes. It then moves on to an exploration of lunar sand, which has been formed under such alien conditions that it has no terrestrial counterpart. The Secrets of Sand is an amazing voyage of discovery in the ancient past--and the dynamic present--of the earth and our nearest neighbor.
"To see a world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wild flower. To hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour." William Blake, "Auguries of Innocence"1805 Here is the world viewed within a grain of sand, thanks to the stunning three-dimensional microphotography of Dr. Gary Greenberg. To some, all sand looks alike--countless grains in a vast expanse of beach. Look closer--much closer--and your view of sand will never be the same. Employing the fantastic microphotographic techniques that he developed, Greenberg invites readers to discover the strange and wonderful world that each grain of sand contains. Here are the sands of Hawaii and Tahiti, the Sahara and the Poles, a volcano, each exquisitely different, and each telling a fascinating geological story. Red sand and yellow, white sand and black, singing sand and quicksand: Greenbergs pictures reveal the subtle differences in their colors, textures, sizes, and shapes. And as this infinitesimal world unfolds so does an intriguing explanation of how each grain of sand begins and forms and finds itself in a particular place, one of a billion and one of a kind.
Fifty-seven outstanding black-and-white photographs from the central California coast and Sierra reflect the author's special relationship with the coastline of California, as well as capture vivid images from the deserts of California and the Southwest. (Travel)
Therapists often encounter people who have suffered severe emotional damage resulting in feelings of psychological fragmentation. Sandplay therapy, which combines the physical actions of play with observation and understanding through the use of symbolism, can be a useful method of treating this kind of damage. This book focuses on the theoretical aspects of sandplay therapy, presenting Dora M. Kalff's ideas and drawing out the significance of Kalffian sandplay for therapists. Building on Kalffian ideas of the integration of Eastern and Western thought in relation to healing through sandplay, the author explores theories in quantum physics and Eastern philosophies. Her theoretical insights are illustrated with clinical examples, and her book will be of great interest to arts therapists and to students of related disciplines.