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The International Astronautical Federation is the only professional society in the field of aerospace engineering and Sciences which brings together specialists of all countries interested in the exploration and peaceful exploitation of space. At its annual Congresses a large number of invited and/or carefully selected con tributed papers are presented which cover a wide variety of topics and are distributed over a number of sessions, each one being organized by two leading scientists who later chair the session itself. Each year the selection of specific topics to be dealt with. is dictated either by significant new progress achieved in some sectors or by new developments and trends which are liable to influence substantially the objectives toward which space research and/or application of space technology will be oriented in the immediate future. A second rigorous screening, performed with the help of the Session Chairmen and carried out according to the same criteria identifies finally the papers which are published in the Proceedings. The outcome of all this is reliable and authoritative information as to the actual status and future trends of space activities, both from the research point of view and from the point of view of u~ilization and/or application.
This is an open access book. As the process of social modernization continues to advance, people realize that the key to social modernization is the modernization of people, and the modernization of people is inseparable from the modernization of education. It can be seen that education modernization is the foundation of social modernization. Education modernization is an important reform direction of education development, including modernization of education concept, modernization of education content, modernization of education equipment, modernization of teachers and modernization of education management. And information management is one of the important methods to realize education modernization Information management is the social activity of planning, organizing, leading and controlling information resources by means of modern information technology in order to effectively develop and utilize information resources. Simply put, information management is the management of information resources and information activities by human beings. Information management is a general term for the information that people collect, process and input and output in the whole management process. The process of information management includes information collection, information transmission, information processing and information storage. Using the new generation of information management technology to enhance the digitalization, networking and intelligence of education management, promote the transformation of education decision-making from experience-driven to data-driven, education management from one-way management to collaborative governance, education service from passive response to active service, and support the modernization of education governance system and governance capacity with information technology. Focusing on education and information management with modernization, this conference provides a platform for scholars in related fields to exchange and share information, discuss how the two affect each other, and: Promote the modernization of education by studying certain educational issues that exist. Open up new perspectives, broaden horizons, and examine the issues under discussion by participants. Create a forum for sharing, research and exchange at an international level, where participants will be informed of the latest research directions, results and content in different fields, thus inspiring them to come up with new research ideas. For those who cannot attend the conference, papers in the social sciences and humanities will be accepted and published in the form of conference proceedings.
This is an open access book. The 3rd International Conference on Internet, Education and Information Technology (IEIT 2023) was held on April 28–30, 2023 at the Xiamen, China. With the development of science and technology, information technology and information resources should be actively developed and fully applied in all fields of education and teaching, so as to promote the modernization of education and cultivate talents to meet the needs of society. From the technical point of view, the basic characteristics of educational informatization are digitalization, networking, intelligentization and multi-media. From the perspective of education, the basic characteristics of educational information are openness, sharing, interaction and cooperation. With the advantage of the network, it can provide students with a large amount of information and knowledge by combining different knowledge and information from various aspects in a high frequency. Therefore, we have intensified efforts to reform the traditional teaching methods and set up a new teaching concept, from the interaction between teachers and students in the past to the sharing between students. In short, it forms a sharing learning mode. For all students, strive to achieve students' learning independence, initiative and creativity. To sum up, we will provide a quick exchange platform between education and information technology, so that more scholars in related fields can share and exchange new ideas. The 3rd International Conference on Internet, Education and Information Technology (IEIT 2023) was held on April 28-30, 2023 in Xiamen, China. IEIT 2023 is to bring together innovative academics and industrial experts in the field of Internet, Education and Information Technology to a common forum. The primary goal of the conference is to promote research and developmental activities in Internet, Education and Information Technology and another goal is to promote scientific information interchange between researchers, developers, engineers, students, and practitioners working all around the world. The conference will be held every year to make it an ideal platform for people to share views and experiences in international conference on Internet, Education and Information Technology and related areas.