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How can a child born in the Russian Pale at the end of the 19th century become one of the most celebrated journalists in Latin America and a writer admired by Jorge Luis Borges? In this biography, Mónica Szurmuk, delves into the different aspects of the life of writer, journalist, and politician Alberto Gerchuinoff. Thoroughly researched in four different continents, this book is as much an account of the life of Alberto Gerchunoff, as an investigation into the Jewish world of the first half of the twentieth century, and the different spaces where Jewish and Latin American cultural and political life intersect.
Chip Heath y Dan Heath explican por qué algunas ideas sobreviven y otras mueren.
Fast-paced and action-packed, America Libre is an award-winning novel that explores just how explosive the immigration crisis can be, and provides a wake-up call to the dangers of extremism on all sides. After years of anti-immigrant backlash, anger seethes in the nation's Latino communities. The crowded streets bristle with restless youth, idled by a deep recession. When undercover detectives in San Antonio accidentally kill a young Latina bystander during a botched drug bust, riots erupt across the Southwest. As the inner-city violence escalates, Anglo vigilantes strike back with shooting rampages. Exploiting the turmoil, a congressional demagogue succeeds in passing legislation that transforms the nation's Hispanic enclaves into walled-off Quarantine Zones. Citizens tagged Class H-those who are Hispanic, are married to a Hispanic, or have at least one grandparent of Hispanic origin-are forced into detention centers. Amid the chaos in his L.A. barrio, Manolo Suarez is out of work and struggling to support his growing family. But under the spell of a beautiful Latina radical, the former U.S. Army Ranger and decorated war veteran now finds himself questioning his loyalty to his wife-and to his country.
Students take to the streets -- Coordinates of a cycle of protest -- On violence -- The unions and the movement -- The Lefts and the students -- Paths and paradoxes of revolutionary action -- Militant mystiques -- Youth cultures -- More nuances -- Conclusion : 1968 and the emergence of a "New Left
¡YO NACI PARA TENER UNA VIDA MEJOR! En este libro de auto-ayuda yo quiero mostrarte una enseñanza que data más de 3000 años y te revelare paso a paso en una forma muy sencilla y fácil de de ver la vida en otro nivel. Vivirás tu vida como nunca, no importa si eres feliz, no tienes dinero, quieres tener una mejor relación con tu pareja, quieres lograr un mejor trabajo o negocio. No hay tiempos malos, ni una mala vida la solución está en Tú poder interno. Descubre la magia del amor, experimentaras una vida grata llena de bendiciones. Tú crearas los milagros que siempre has soñado. Descubre la magia de tu poder interno...vive tu vida como te lo mereces.
Todos y cada uno de nosotros poseemos un gran tesoro interior: nuestro liderazgo natural, que nos hace únicos como seres humanos. Aunque muchas veces no somos conscientes de ello o pensamos que dicha cualidad solo la tienen grandes personajes como Gandhi o Mandela. Con el fin de reconectarnos con ese don innato tan valioso para la persona y la sociedad, Ya eres líder aparece como un faro que nos muestra el camino hacia nuestro verdadero ser y nos invita a abrir la mente y el corazón a nuevas formas de observar la vida. Nuria Sáez y Julián Trullén nos guían por un viaje vital y nos dan las claves sobre cómo aplicar el coaching, la inteligencia emocional y la Programación Neurolingu ̈ística al liderazgo del día a día.